Calif. Judge Orders Police To Return 60 Pounds Of Marijuana

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
California. authorities told to return 60 lbs. of pot.

'Los Angeles judge has ordered that 60 pounds of pot confiscated by the California Highway Patrol during an arrest be returned to the defendant.Superior Court Judge William Sterling on Friday ordered the marijuana returned to Saguro Doven. The 33-year-old's attorneys successfully argued that he had the legal right to transport it under medical marijuana guidelines issued by state Attorney General Jerry Brown. Doven's attorney says his client was a member of a Venice-based medical marijuana collective.
According to court records, a California Highway Patrol officer arrested Doven after discovering the marijuana during a traffic stop. Doven initially was charged with possession of marijuana for sale and transportation of the drug. The charges have been dropped.'

Times are changing .... not soon enough ...




Well-Known Member
Dude.., Why Doesnt This Shit Make Headlines???? :( too busy talking about kids getting raped and killed.. sick fuckers i hate the news


Well-Known Member
60 pound bust? Holy crap, and they gave it back that's amazing! Dude would have almost gotten life in prison just a couple years earlier.


Active Member
California. authorities told to return 60 lbs. of pot.

'Los Angeles judge has ordered that 60 pounds of pot confiscated by the California Highway Patrol during an arrest be returned to the defendant.Superior Court Judge William Sterling on Friday ordered the marijuana returned to Saguro Doven. The 33-year-old's attorneys successfully argued that he had the legal right to transport it under medical marijuana guidelines issued by state Attorney General Jerry Brown. Doven's attorney says his client was a member of a Venice-based medical marijuana collective.
According to court records, a California Highway Patrol officer arrested Doven after discovering the marijuana during a traffic stop. Doven initially was charged with possession of marijuana for sale and transportation of the drug. The charges have been dropped.'

Times are changing .... not soon enough ...


Dosen't suprise me one bit..........


Well-Known Member
This story just put the biggest smile on my face. Im glad times are finally changing cause its takin wayyy to long to get the ball rolling. I agree i bet the cop who busted him was pretty pissed off, But serves him right cause the guy probably told that asshole that he was perfectly legal to possess it and he didnt wanna listen.

I wish it could have been me that this happend too, Just for that one single moment where i would be telling the police where i want them to load my 60 pounds of weed. "that corner over there is fine officer thanks" haha.

ello moto

thats flipin awsome wish stuff was like that here in the south east the busted a friend of mine with seeds and stems that weighed out to be less than a gram and suspended his lisence for it


Active Member
That's just awesome. Like the other guy said though, too bad this didn't hit the news. It would really raise some eyebrows, lol.