F@#k off - is this real ????????


Well-Known Member
LOL, that is hard to pick, but if he missed thats will break every bone adn certain death.

I dont know if there would be anyone stupid and ballzy enough ! Especially with the uncertain approach with no guidance !

Sr. Verde

there is a little cut right before the end

another forum of mine discussed this like 5 months ago

Right around :11 you see the camera goes to the base of the slide, and then pans a little left/right. I believe this was done so it could look real when they cut it up


Well-Known Member
I don't doubt the slide. I just don't think he landed in that little pool...

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
the only problem that i have that makes me want to say its fake is the landing
with that speed and that angel there sould be way mor water displacement then what we saw- the pool is made of rubber its sholud have bended when he hit
i know fat kids that jump in the pool that make more of a splash then then- at that speed and height a 100lb mans should weight 1500lbs just like if you where to jump up and down on a scale

Secret Jardin

Well-Known Member
Its fake, Elen Degenres had the people that made the video call in to her show, Because in an earlier episode she aired the tape and thought it was real, Then she got a bunch of letters from people saying it was fake. So one day she had them call in and they admitted it was just a staged video.
but its still pretty cool.


Well-Known Member
FAKE. no cuts in the "film" (seeing as how its digital and any decent editor wouldnt make changes noticable) doesnt really matter.