white hairs on my hoe turning orange?


Active Member
yo yo yo wuzzzzupppp okay listen everyone i have a female and she is about two weeks into flowering but her white hairs are already turning orange only on top and some on the sides what do u think is going on:leaf:


Active Member
What is it? Many strains produce colored pistils. Are they shriveling and retracting into the calyx or are they just orange?


Active Member
yes, there are lots of different strains. take a look around, you'll find a rainbow of colors amongst the strains


Active Member
okay not only are those white hairs tuning orange but the lower set of leaves are wilting and i cant figure out why!?!?!?!?!


Well-Known Member
pre flowers turn orange and wilt when the real flowers start forming. but yes some straings have different colored pistils, but orange dry crunchy pistils can b a sign of underwatering or to much heat. and lower leaves wilting is probly because the lights isnt penatrating that deep into the foliage. got any pics?? its pretty hard to say without seeing wut ur talking about


Well-Known Member
hey man, i tripped out when my pre flowers turned orange, then i found out is natural. but heres a pic of the pre flowers turning orange. is this wuts happenin to ur girl?



Active Member
okay my pictures suck ass but yes thats what it looks like but in clusters but the further down the stalk there are more flowers developing and they are still all white


Active Member
i maybe just paranoid cuz its my first grow n i want everything to go well im also still in process of getting rid of fungus flies


Active Member
worst come to worst ill just finish this grow and take better care of her clones but every ones input is appreciated


Active Member
She looks like a hybrid, the long fingers say at least some sativa. Indica and sativa grow with different characteristics. It's all weed.

newbie grow420

Active Member
thanks man and i feel u on that weed is weed
If your asking is sativa regular weed. You should read some things on here there is a wealth of knowlege on here some bullshit but not to bad. If your asking if its "regular weed" are you talkong about brick shit mexican weed or what cause some sativa's are some of the most powerful strains around


Well-Known Member
TAKE THAT FOIL DOWN RIGHT NOW YOUNG MAN!!!! Seriously your better off using NOTHING foil is BAD! White trash bags or emergency blankets would be better on a budget if you cant just paint it flat white but for real get that foil out of there!