wow. buds ready for cure after 24 hours of drying?????


Well-Known Member
wuts up,

i made a post yesterday afternoon asking on some opinions whether i should chop or not.

everyone said chop, so i did.

i hung the buds up 24 hours ago, and they seem to have dried up quite a bit since yesterday.. i know dense buds take up to a week maybe to dry out enough to cure, but this bud is extremely loose. it doesnt flare up instantly when i took a bong rip, but it lit prety damn easily, and cherried up until i killed the hit, it sucked, and barely made me feel anything, but i am afraid if i wait over night, that it might over dry and prevent me from being able to cure...

what to do what to do?? +rep..


Active Member
24 Hours sounds a bit quick to dry,if the stem snaps cleanly when u bend it,its dry.if it doesn't i would let it dry another bit:bigjoint:smok'n.


Well-Known Member
if the stems dry enough to snap, wouldnt that mean its already lost all its moisture, therefor curing not being possible?


Well-Known Member
and if i were to cut em down, and put them in the jar now, would that effect the quality? or is the only reason not to do that, because it can mold?


Well-Known Member
I really doubt they are that dry yet...unless it is extremely hot where you have them drying..???


Well-Known Member
no not really, maybe im crazy, maybe they arent dry yet... they feel to the touch like bud that i would like to smoke, but if u guys are that sure, then i guess i'll wait it out a bit longer with a careful eye


Active Member
i dont think the stem needs to be bone dry to snap,if you squeeze the bud gently between your finger and thumb you'll be able to feel how moist it is inside the bud.the outside will dry quicker.just trim round the edge for a smoke.:bigjoint:YA MON!


Well-Known Member
i dont think the stem needs to be bone dry to snap,if you squeeze the bud gently between your finger and thumb you'll be able to feel how moist it is inside the bud.the outside will dry quicker.just trim round the edge for a smoke.:bigjoint:YA MON!
yea im def feeling thats its moist on the inside, and crispy on the outside. thats when i thought i was supposed to cure, but i should wait another day or so i guess...
ive def. jarred buds after 24 hrs, depending on density of the buds. burp em and let them breathe if they are still too wet then bag em for a day then jar em back up. its been more of a trial and error process for me, i want these buds to stay as dense as possible without of course have the recourse of any mold.
more or less, you be the judge. feel the buds out, if they are still wet keep em hanging. some people like to go by the stems being dry to the point of snapping, i personally like them to still be kind of bendy, im too OCD about the buds drying completely out.


Active Member
i jar when they break and crack but dont fully snap. especially with looser buds. my buds about as foxtailed and fluffy as it gets and thats what i do. never had a mold problem ^_^


Active Member
what do u guys mean by curing

"the process of becoming hard or solid by cooling or drying or crystallization"

is that the meaning? if so im still confused, so anyway u can link it w/ the plants

thank you


Well-Known Member
ive def. jarred buds after 24 hrs, depending on density of the buds. burp em and let them breathe if they are still too wet then bag em for a day then jar em back up. its been more of a trial and error process for me, i want these buds to stay as dense as possible without of course have the recourse of any mold.
If your curing after 24 hours......then you doing something wrong...not trying to be negative or talk shit but speaking realistically ........if they are that dry that soon it must be too hot in the drying room, 30-40 % humidity 65-75 degrees with some type of air circulation(not direct)....should be about 5-10 ten days depending on density of your nugs of course.....a good dry and cure is vital for quality smoke......Patience is a virtue


Active Member
If your curing after 24 hours......then you doing something wrong...not trying to be negative or talk shit but speaking realistically ........if they are that dry that soon it must be too hot in the drying room, 30-40 % humidity 65-75 degrees with some type of air circulation(not direct)....should be about 5-10 ten days depending on density of your nugs of course.....a good dry and cure is vital for quality smoke......Patience is a virtue
I agree,you could grow the best buds possible but if u get the drying and curing wrong it could ruin the taste,potency and all that goodness you've been trying to get.patience is a virtue.:bigjoint:

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
In the winter the humidity tends to get really low, which causes the outside of the buds to get crispy and feel dry, even though the inside is still moist. You can stick the buds in a jar and seal the lid for 8-12 hours, then check back and they should have softened up more uniformly. Then leave the lid off for another 8-12 hours to let them dry and put the lid back on for another 8-12. This is the easiest way I've found to deal with the extreme low humidity.

You have to be careful though, as the reason you don't put wet buds into jars to cure is they will mold very fast. I mean VERY fast.


Well-Known Member
my quote made it into yer sig? LOL!

yup. thought that was pretty damn funny actually.

and thanks to everybody who helped, i get it, curing is basically teatering on the edge of mold, without molding. trying to keep the bud as moist as possible, without molding, until the bud is at its best..


i prefer to dry for a day or so then shove them in a plastic bag and let the moisture equalize and, repeat until they are nice and to your liking.