Pollen Viability Question


we had a male open a pollen sac in our last series of plants and gave us alot of seeds, we were looking for more bud , we grow in an indoor tent and and took the whole thing apart hosed it down, scrubbed and wiped down all assoc. equip. but we were unable to clean the inside of our hvac unit that cools the inside of the tent when we are running our 1000w for flowering, my question is weather or not viable pollen could have survived inside the hvac unit after 4 weeks of the unit being in storage? We do not want males at this time, just a little nervous after our first try went a bit haywire and need some professional advice. Thanks Yall


Well-Known Member
we had a male open a pollen sac in our last series of plants and gave us alot of seeds, we were looking for more bud , we grow in an indoor tent and and took the whole thing apart hosed it down, scrubbed and wiped down all assoc. equip. but we were unable to clean the inside of our hvac unit that cools the inside of the tent when we are running our 1000w for flowering, my question is weather or not viable pollen could have survived inside the hvac unit after 4 weeks of the unit being in storage? We do not want males at this time, just a little nervous after our first try went a bit haywire and need some professional advice. Thanks Yall
i dont belive so. from wat i read pollen is only viable up to 14 days or so