Cops kill my friend

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Cops don't just pull people over to check for warrants - I drive all the time, and have not been pulled over without cause in the last 25 years..
Police pull over folks who they believe to have broken the law - sure they make mistakes, but I do not believe for a minute that they chased your friend just to have someone to shoot.
Walk down the street in Utah and you WILL be pulled over. They profile like no other, I can't even tell you how many times I've been stopped, and SEARCHED! They make lies to defend their illegal search and siezure, with that 'ol, "I smell marijuana" bullshit, whether I've got it on me or not! Usually not, hence I have 1 possesion charge and have been searched at least 10 times. Different cops too, they don't know me. I don't have long hair or any other 'criminal' attributes. It's not just me either.


Officer Peter Kelly shot King after chasing him into a stairwell of a Cabrini high-rise at 660 W. Division St. King "turned around with a box cutter and cut Officer Kelly multiple times," according to the police account provided to the medical examiner.

Investigators found six used shell cartridges from Kelly’s gun near the stairwell. Willis, representing King’s family, said the box cutter explanation was "fabricated" and that a witness heard King begging for his life.


i want pictures of the officers injuries taken at the hospital

if there are none, its completely false


dude crooked shit like this happends everyday and not just round here. you got alot of trigger happy police fresh from the war in iraq and afghanistan with itchy trigger fingers, and the old school chicago cops that kill people for nothing and put guns and drugs on them.......... this aint nothing new esp not here.


Well-Known Member
Chitown, we know your position and we hope for the speediest meeting with God in your near future, the less of your kind around, the better.

Now, on with MUCH more important things...

I love all the Monday morning quarterbacking going on here, the story is shite in terms of details, obviously he struggled with police...

Perhaps he went for one of their weapons? In that case, he deserved to be shot... was he drunk perhaps?

All in all, a bad situation... the cops now have to deal with the emotional aspect of shooting someone, and the family mourns the loss of a loved one.

But the police bashing needs to stop, it's immature and proves only your own stupidity.

Edit: Just reread the article, it appears officers had to be treated at a hospital for wounds, so apparently your friend was quite the rude one that night... Darwin wins again, better luck next time.

That is totally sig worthy! I love yo!

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
I wonder why these cops continue to live sometimes. I picture myself in the situation where i lose my brother to murder, and the so called justice system provides none. I would see nothing immoral about killing someone who kicked down my door and shot my family, EVEN IF HE HAS A BADGE.

disclaimer to any LEOs reading: dont get your panties in a bunch just yet, remember, this is all THEORY from an ANONYMOUS internet dude. I think taking human life is deplorable, unless its in defense of your self or your family. Law enforcement officers need to realize that their actions can have deep consequences. I support police who arent corrupt murderers.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
I happen to like most police...
Who you callin when your house gets brokin into or your car gets jacked?
Hating police will get you no where


I happen to like most police...
Who you callin when your house gets brokin into or your car gets jacked?
Hating police will get you no where

funny you say that because i can honestly say i have never called the police for anything ever!!!


Well-Known Member

I started reading through this thread and if we`re going to have debates does it have to be like high school debates

This is hilarious every post is just `Fuck the police




I started reading through this thread and if we`re going to have debates does it have to be like high school debates

This is hilarious every post is just `Fuck the police


fuck the rest of government to:bigjoint:

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
That's crazy man I'm sorry bout ur boy and for the family as well.. Loss is the worst thing ever....damn... Fuk the police.

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
I happen to like most police...
Who you callin when your house gets brokin into or your car gets jacked?
Hating police will get you no where
Quick to help and quick to fuck over.... Even a friends dad pulled me over awhile bak and searched my car.... he let me off back when I was younger for shit n now.. Man.... they can help wit sum shit but fuk em
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