something happened over the weekend


Well-Known Member
they have a sale on soap boxes? all the sudden everybody's a cocky expert. this place was the coolest site on the net 3 days ago. someone mind explaining to me what's going on. i think i've even got up on a perch here or there. sorry everyone. but sheeeesh the bickering. i answer my own questions all the time. i just like to bounce them off other people. there is a lot of new growers out there. how can somebody put someone down for taken on this interest? we need more pot growers. i personally try to avoid discouraging people from trying new things. i thought that was why we were here. not to tell everyone else what they can or can't do. all MY LIFE i've been told there are no stupid questions. to be mocked for being uneducated, for shame. they came here to learn. there are some here that are with me. please PM, exchange email, somethin' you guys are cool. the rest well i'll chill for a day or two and see where you take this site. for now I"M STONED!!!

Nelson Mutz

Well-Known Member
Maybe it's the weather; it's been a pretty crazy winter in the continental US. I know when it turns cold in my neck-o-the-woods, I get irritable and cranky. I'm w/you, fdd...I like reading about new ideas and experiments; they are things that help advance the hobby, and make it more interesting.

On the other hand, maybe, just maybe, some people's underware are just too tight...:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
sprayed a plant with cola last night so far it's just sticky. but it does catch that random fly pretty good.


Well-Known Member
hmmm maybe its because im only here during the week or sumthing??

so 3 or 4 dumb questions and every runs away?? wtf. was i to rude or is it just my cologne???


Well-Known Member
bittersweetkimberly asked a question about soda. she was called an idiot repeatedly after that. in that thread and every other she posted in. NOT the way to treat someone (they know who they are) especially a lady. just really offended me. the good guys are back so i'm comin' down. thanks. bad trip!

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
they have a sale on soap boxes? all the sudden everybody's a cocky expert. this place was the coolest site on the net 3 days ago.
LOL - thanks for the smile.. Keep yor head up.. people appreciate your help and level HEAD.... :) I am glad to have you around..

I was just playing with KIM. I did not mean to be harsh... sorry if i bummed you out..

I dont think there are ANY stupid questions!!!


this site is GREAT!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey I agree with you. I get on this site to ask you guys questions b/c you guys are obviously more experineced than me. and the last thing I want is some dick head putting me down b/c im not doing something right.


Well-Known Member
I love this sight, im on here every single weekday.
me too it gives me somthing i really enjoy discussing/learning/sharing to do at the office when i am not out on inpections and other beuracratic crap. (state gig)

so what is all the wierd shit that happens on the weekends about?? (newbie deathmatches or just lots of transients??)

not to shyanyone away but we are here to smile and grow pot not have disputes.

i am not just trying to help my plants grow; more impotantly we are all here to help ourselves and each other grow.

if it was a matter of what makes a plant grow then geez who the hell put all these trees outside right?? its nature guys we expanding on it not starting out with the proverbial prime-mortal ooze of life.


Well-Known Member
Well, i'm glad there are some stalwarts on here - i joined about 2 weeks ago and have only had one person thread-bash me. Really appreciate the help I get, and please, don't leave the community just cos of a few bad seeds. Keep up the good work