The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese


Well-Known Member
Hello Mr West,
I think the tent set up looks good.

Was wondering about Don and Gin's comment about No flushing?
I too am using coco, perlite and hydron,,,,, we don't have to flush
Now thats great news. Does anyone know the reason we don't have too.
and what percent of coco do you use in your mix?
Just wondering
Organic compounds break down naturally....I believe.

mr west

Well-Known Member
I use 100% canna coco and nothing else. I normaly stop feeding in the last week and only give em water and thats my flushing lol. I think they say u should flush coco but im a lazt stoner. Check out the coco growers unite thread and ask there, they will tell ya for sure.


Well-Known Member
I wanna put 4 more in but Im holding off cuz of this pm shit lol. Im used to having up to 11 in my tent lol
defo wait bro do a big clean up its the right thing and you know it ;)

Hello Mr West,
I think the tent set up looks good.

Was wondering about Don and Gin's comment about No flushing?
I too am using coco, perlite and hydron,,,,, we don't have to flush
Now thats great news. Does anyone know the reason we don't have too.
and what percent of coco do you use in your mix?
Just wondering
if your using the correct products at thee propper doses there would be no beed to flush but in most cases you still have to even in coco.

as mentioned before the plants ferts are all based on grades and these grades relate to chelation or how readily available the nutrients are for th plant t uptake and use. ie. agricultural, commercial, pharmaceutical etc...if your in coco its best to use coco ferts as these are made not to bond with the medium as other ferts woult leaving salt buildups and an abundance of bonded Ca to the coco( i think it is dont quote me on that one lmfao).

what im trying to say is when good ferts and the right ferts for the job in the right dosages you will always be able to get away with not flushing as the plant uses it at the correct rate and doesnt waste time converting and using as it would sheaper ferts.

this is still to hard to figure out which is why a flush is always recommended... even if its only for a few days in coco that will be plenty as long as your not an over feeder. id still flush for like a week myself.

mr west

Well-Known Member

cheese and psychosis.

cheese bud at 4weeks in 12 on the 8th jan.

cheese top.

Psychosis at 3 weeks 12/12 on the 8th jan.
can we get back to the cheese now?
bloody kids jacking me thread haha, no respect these days :bigjoint: I blame the parents myself lol.:fire::fire::fire:


Well-Known Member
can we get back to the cheese now?
bloody kids jacking me thread haha, no respect these days :bigjoint: I blame the parents myself lol.:fire::fire::fire:
umm nah i had a shower today sorry bro. ill try harder to not clean as well next time if ya want :lol:

sorry about that bro :(... ill try stay on topic fom now on.. also hemlock isnt a kid is he?? (im hoping not)


Well-Known Member
Looking gud m8 ;)

You sticking with the cheese forever ? :) ? I wish someone would sell clones, dont wana start a seed grow :( sold all my stuff for veg.... oh well...

just keep looking here to see what the results are and imagin it :)


Well-Known Member
there's some really good crosses about DWR ive just ordered cherry cheese

yeah, i cant be bothrd with all the work thats involvd with seeds anymore... :) alltho i got a White Widow Afghani Cross growing at a girls place.. all cool... might be taking some clones from it, but def. not gona grow it yields are to low..

need high yielding bomb strains, like b52... :) or maple leaf.... just excellent... :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
umm nah i had a shower today sorry bro. ill try harder to not clean as well next time if ya want :lol:

sorry about that bro :(... ill try stay on topic fom now on.. also hemlock isnt a kid is he?? (im hoping not)

Thats my unit on the cover of time on my sig.
that was 1991 and I was kid then. Running around Kuwait Killing anything that move.
AHHH those were the days..OLD SCHOOL

Sorry, back to the cheese....

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
can't really find anything about potassiun bicarb dises but if you use baking soda it's 1 tsp per gallon then use as a spray on the leaves.


Well-Known Member
id probably stick to what these guys are saying.

perhaps get a sample plant (non cannabis) spray the leaves and see if it leaves a little bit of shit behind once dry. if a little is left not a lot id apply the mixture.

i should als note i think it cn get rid of it but its more for keeping the mildew in check untill the plant builds a tolerance or the environment no longer suits the disease ie: too hot, i think even to wet can inhibit it too though it can also allow for more stuff to move in lol.

the best bet would be use some potassuim mixed with an antifungicide but as your later into flowering i think your shit outa luck hough it wont kill you, probably just taste like shit.

you should just make it to the end of this run then give the tent a good clean with bleach and possibly some hydrogen peroxide too :). at least then you should have a perfectly sterile environment to start working with again. then your cheese and tent would be back to there origional glory and easily maintained.

otherwise burn some sulfur perhaps.

sorry i couldnt be more help bro. i normally just get rid of weak genetics or sick plants.

we all know i like to be healthy as i possibly can but a lot of the shit i recommend you guys seem to think of as brutal. ie: kill-a-mite (best product ever). though its some deadly shit and i highly recommend using during flower thouh ive had to at times and im fine ;)

mr west

Well-Known Member
I took all the plants out and bleached the tent last week. Didnt work, I dunt wanna spry the plants with this stuff but jus was thew affected areas, as u may of read that potasium bicarbonate is a great fire retardent which got me thinking bout that weed that dunt burn maybe the buds got covered in thius stuff.