500watt hps grow Lil Ganja Princess

mr west

Well-Known Member
I think they will be semi monstrouse lol. Cant see them being much over a meter wen they finish stretch but i could be way off the alaskan ice could go 6 foot but the others will keep fairly short, thats my guess anyway lol. Im smashed and need to joing the proncess in the world of nod after i finish thish psycho joint lol puffpuff pass>>>>>>>>:joint:


Well-Known Member
lol I havent actualy had a good look at the real plant im going on the fotos lgp took but next time im down that way ill make sure i have a good look for signs of psychosis and jack flash and report back wen ive done this lol.
sounds shimmy :)

well it doesnt smell yet, so it hasnt got the ealier smelly signs of the Phyco. but i love them all, ill take some cuttings tomorrow, as they will b going into 12/12 tomorrow
have you tried rubbing the stem for signs of smell yet. dn et te scent get to you in al cases sure the majority of my best plants smeelt potenet but there have been a few surprises over my time ;)

Lil ganja princess

Well-Known Member
sounds shimmy :)

have you tried rubbing the stem for signs of smell yet. dn et te scent get to you in al cases sure the majority of my best plants smeelt potenet but there have been a few surprises over my time ;)
ye i ruffle the leave and stuff to see if there is any smell. i also do this coz i aint got a oscolating fan, so they are getting stronger coz i keep mucking about with them


Well-Known Member
yaay finalys some more porn hehe. been a bit dismal lately, i get busted then i cant even look at some nice bud and dream.

which might i add i actually did the other day... no shit.
as i dosed off and started dreaming i was having a chop with some mates and as the bong got to me i was woken up lmfao. that was some bullll shit


Well-Known Member
It's all gonna start getting funky now, LGP. I switched to 12/12 the day before you.

Happy growing.



Well-Known Member
meh not bad not good.

lots of stupid shit happening in my neck of the woods lately.

how are the babies tday??


Well-Known Member
Man flu seems to be going around, and Man size tissues do nadda for it. I gave my wife the lurgy as well, hohoho, Merry Xmas...

So the race is on, LGP, MR West, DST, and McPurple from the 600 Clubb.....gonna be a nice March me thinks, yah!!!

Of to the post orroffice.



Lil ganja princess

Well-Known Member
heya people, i got 2 brand new 250 watt HPS bulbs today, so when i go over later, i change the bulbs. so finally it will b finally a 500 watt HPS grow. true to ma word