Is my plant too stringy?


Well-Known Member
Wow, that baby has been stretching it's whole life it appears. Probably too late for the lower budsites, but keeping the light(s) closer from here out will help to fatten up the tops at least. Get a fan or two on that to strengthen up those spindly branches, otherwise if she does put on some weight, they'll topple right over. Next grow, lights closer and fans.


Active Member
It looks a little bit stringy to me but who cares? Did you have your lights far away? What setup are you using? How old is she?


Wow, that baby has been stretching it's whole life it appears. Probably too late for the lower budsites, but keeping the light(s) closer from here out will help to fatten up the tops at least. Get a fan or two on that to strengthen up those spindly branches, otherwise if she does put on some weight, they'll topple right over. Next grow, lights closer and fans.

Yeah we bought it "pre-vegged" from a club in Santa Barabara, Ca. Anything I did she wouldn't unstring her self :'(


you talkin about the plant or the chick in the background?? lol

haha the girl is almost twenty. Plants hides that she is 7 1/2 months pregnant...hahaha

But when we bought the plants from the club in Santa Barbara, the girl who sold me the clones couldn't tell me how long they been vegged by the cloner/breeder.

I personally have had them since November 21...



i have a 400 w hps and i keep my light 8-14 inches away and they stay nice,short, and bushy.;-)
See I think I screwed myself when I bought her...

she was kinda stringy when I first bought her, but I thought the Oc Bubba strain was already stringy...

Here is a picture of them when i first bought them...

