Cheese,white rhino,lemon skunk,trainwreck and great white shark..400w grow!questions!


Well-Known Member
ok.. i have a noobie question for yas, jus want to double check reely.. With my veg and bloom ferts do i want to feed the plants with fertilized water every time i water? which is probz evry 2-3 days.. i jus cant reember if i fed them every time i watered last time or if i jus fed them plain water then fertilized water every couple of waterings...

I also got bio bizz root juice, would it matter if i used both vegging ferts and those ferts at the same time? jus ask if you dont understand me properly thanks!


Well-Known Member
Any suggestions to speed up my great white sharks growth? the little retard.. :D
i think its in the genes mate look at my sharksbreath its a great white shark x jamaican lambsbread in that pic they are all 5 weeks in veg n she is small the 2 lil ones on the right are cheese cuttins only veged for 2 weeks
there is kandy kush in there wich is a trainwreck x O.G kush aswell

all in there is
kandy kush
cream caramel
blz bud
exodus cheese
psychosis cheese

happy growin:leaf::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
i think its in the genes mate look at my sharksbreath its a great white shark x jamaican lambsbread in that pic they are all 5 weeks in veg n she is small the 2 lil ones on the right are cheese cuttins only veged for 2 weeks
there is kandy kush in there wich is a trainwreck x O.G kush aswell

all in there is
kandy kush
cream caramel
blz bud
exodus cheese
psychosis cheese

happy growin:leaf::bigjoint:
I see, very nice plants u have there and pictures are much appreciated +rep for you sir.. Could u tell me what nutes you use and how often u feed them with fertilized water? Would really help me out thanks!


Well-Known Member
I see, very nice plants u have there and pictures are much appreciated +rep for you sir.. Could u tell me what nutes you use and how often u feed them with fertilized water? Would really help me out thanks!
im growin in canna coco plus n im using canna A+B through out the whole grow n using canna boost for flowering with canna pk13/14 3 weeks before harvest for 1 week

wot medium are they in???:leaf:


Well-Known Member
i feed my plants once a week, my watering program was the same as yours. feed every other watering. little and often is the way to go.


Well-Known Member
im growin in canna coco plus n im using canna A+B through out the whole grow n using canna boost for flowering with canna pk13/14 3 weeks before harvest for 1 week

wot medium are they in???:leaf:
There in soil with a light mix of perlite, you use those ferts every time u water? how often do you water? ill be using canna ferts as well this grow..

i feed my plants once a week, my watering program was the same as yours. feed every other watering. little and often is the way to go.
May i ask what dosage you use for vegging ferts? im guessing like 5ml a litre? thats what i think im going to do, every time i water..


Well-Known Member
i water mine wen the pots feel light n canna a +b is fed to coco coz coco has nothin in it its neutral so u have to substitute the nutes with a+b:leaf::bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I see, i will be changing my lights to 400 hps tommorow and veg with that for about a month and half then go into flowering.. ill takes piks once its in, be back soon!


Well-Known Member
There in soil with a light mix of perlite, you use those ferts every time u water? how often do you water? ill be using canna ferts as well this grow..

May i ask what dosage you use for vegging ferts? im guessing like 5ml a litre? thats what i think im going to do, every time i water..
it kinda depends on how developed and what the plant can handle, example- 6 week old veging skunk 2 mill per litre, 2 month old skunk 5-6 mill per litre. thats on a fert with a npk of 826.


Well-Known Member
Kool, i think i know what to do now ima just start of 2mil per litre water with ph'd water twice nd on the 3rd time with fertilized water, continue like that by fertlizing every 3rd watering (probz like once a week) and slowly strengthen the ferts til i reach a maximum of 5mil a litre..

So today im setup my grow ready for moving the hps in tommorow, I put a timer on my floros and scheduled it to turn off for 6 hours at 7 in da morning.. so when the light turns on tommorow im going to switch the lights to hps and leave it on a 18/6 schdule with the heater on a 6/18 schedule on a seperate timer. Also i left my heater on to stay at 74 degrees throughout the night schedule aswell co i cant get in there to change the temp setting... i guess it wont bother them for only 1 night schedule, after all they have been sitting in 75 degrees for 2 weeks now non stop lol.. Cant wait ta see how they react tommorow, il take piks tommorow of the new setup and post them. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Kool, i think i know what to do now ima just start of 2mil per litre water with ph'd water twice nd on the 3rd time with fertilized water, continue like that by fertlizing every 3rd watering (probz like once a week) and slowly strengthen the ferts til i reach a maximum of 5mil a litre..

So today im setup my grow ready for moving the hps in tommorow, I put a timer on my floros and scheduled it to turn off for 6 hours at 7 in da morning.. so when the light turns on tommorow im going to switch the lights to hps and leave it on a 18/6 schdule with the heater on a 6/18 schedule on a seperate timer. Also i left my heater on to stay at 74 degrees throughout the night schedule aswell co i cant get in there to change the temp setting... i guess it wont bother them for only 1 night schedule, after all they have been sitting in 75 degrees for 2 weeks now non stop lol.. Cant wait ta see how they react tommorow, il take piks tommorow of the new setup and post them. Thanks!
It sounds to me like you know what you are doing, keep it up bro;-)


Well-Known Member
Rightyo, Lights wen off as scheduled for 6 hours, i woke up, waited until 1 oclock for the lights to turn on and i switched to hps.. Temps have risen to 79 degrees and RH is 48 at the moment, i have my fan bowing against the inside of the grow tent and its bouncing off to the plants.. for some reason the room stays cooler that way other than having it blowing on top of the plants, im going to get hold of a small computer fan also to blow onto the lamp.
Havnt watered for 2 days so i think im going to water in a bit later. I got some pictures here of the new setup :), for some reason the white rhinos and great white sharks leaves are drooping..(cant be overwatering) and the great white shark is still a lil retard, i got some close ups of her to see if any of you know whats wrong with her...
sooo let me know what you think people! ;-);-)



Well-Known Member
Rightyo, Lights wen off as scheduled for 6 hours, i woke up, waited until 1 oclock for the lights to turn on and i switched to hps.. Temps have risen to 79 degrees and RH is 48 at the moment, i have my fan bowing against the inside of the grow tent and its bouncing off to the plants.. for some reason the room stays cooler that way other than having it blowing on top of the plants, im going to get hold of a small computer fan also to blow onto the lamp.
Havnt watered for 2 days so i think im going to water in a bit later. I got some pictures here of the new setup :), for some reason the white rhinos and great white sharks leaves are drooping..(cant be overwatering) and the great white shark is still a lil retard, i got some close ups of her to see if any of you know whats wrong with her...
sooo let me know what you think people! ;-);-)
They look fine to me, sometimes seedlings curl like that when cool air is blown on em.


Well-Known Member
their lookin fine mate i wouldn worry bout it just let them do their thing wel get u a nice harvest mate:bigjoint::leaf:


Well-Known Member
Thanks people, i guess it isnt that serious really.. its gotta come around sometime! Ill keep my eye on them.
So they've had there first night schedule today when the heater turns on wid a seprate timer and turns off when the light comes on.. Night temps were a perfect 65 :D Cant wait to see how they are in a week or 2.. i also lowered the light to about 16 inches so i have to check the temps later.. but last time i saw it was steady at 75.5 and had maxed at 77 with the RH at 50.. what is ideal humidity for my plants at their stage?


Well-Known Member
If i remember correctly its like 60 RH for vegging is ideal and as low as ya can get it for flowering.. is that correct?
And i hope that the people viewing this thread are looking at my latest posts and questions and not just looking at the front page lol... I will be having alot of questions this grow (even pointless ones to double check), soo Ill take a picture of the plants in a little while when the lamp turns on Lets see if we can notice much growth over the 2 days that theve been under that hps... Check back later thanks


Well-Known Member
Hello, So i got some piks for todays update, first off teps maxed at 80 and was sat at 66 for the night schedule, i have placed an additional computer fan right next ta my lamp bt i dont think its doing much so i might remove it. I have also planted 6 more bagseeds that appear to be sprouting already jus to see if i can get any extra bud :D.

Now, my great white shark is stil a retard but coming along very slowly..the leaves ar curling down slightly and have no idea why, the only other plant thats doing it is the white rhino which is growing but the leaves are looking too healthy..any body know why? See the 3rd, 4th nd 5th pik for this.

Other than that they are all looking fine, i just began LST'ing My unknown strain that is larger than the rest because its older.. (i think this seed may of came from either blueberry or mohan ram) This is my first shot at LST'ing so hopefully it will give me a better yield :D
I watered for the second time with bio bizz root juice 2ml per litre and i do this every 3rd time i water.. So lets see if i can get some comments and answers to my questions out there! thanks


