How am I doing?


Ok so my plant is about a week or so old now. I keep the plant about an inch under the light. Right now I'm using a 26w CFL bulb. It's growing in some random potting soil I got from Lowes. Here are some pics.



It looks good for now... Look into getting some 6500k CFL's... The plant will grow a lot faster with a few of the 6500's.... Good luck


It looks good for now... Look into getting some 6500k CFL's... The plant will grow a lot faster with a few of the 6500's.... Good luck
What watt would that be? I've read about people using 6500k but how can you tell if your light is that? Like I've looked on the box my lights came in and i can't find anything that would tell me what that is.

Nvm I found it, lol.


Hi, as you can see from my post count I am not really in a position to offer advice........... but
Could it be over watering? what soil is it in and how many drainage holes in that cup? or heat from the lamp?

Try looking through the plant problems thread for a plant that looks similar.

Nice start so far though



Hi, as you can see from my post count I am not really in a position to offer advice........... but
Could it be over watering? what soil is it in and how many drainage holes in that cup? or heat from the lamp?

Try looking through the plant problems thread for a plant that looks similar.

Nice start so far though

I definitely haven't been watering it to much. It's just some random gardening soil I got at lowes, and there is one big drain hole in the bottom of the cup. As for the light idk, its a 3500k, for now and doesn't feel that hot, and from what I've read i should keep the plant close to an inch to the light.


Well-Known Member
keep that light that close. the plant looks fine.

and you should really start designing a box or closet or grow area of some sort. because that plant needs 18 hrs light, 6 hrs darkness. you'll need 12hrs of light and 12 hrs of dark when flowering. you have anything in mind??


keep that light that close. the plant looks fine.

and you should really start designing a box or closet or grow area of some sort. because that plant needs 18 hrs light, 6 hrs darkness. you'll need 12hrs of light and 12 hrs of dark when flowering. you have anything in mind??
I have been giving it 24 hours of constant light because its a seedling. Thats ok right? I've really just been using my bathroom which I don't go into much, I usually just use the downstairs bathroom. And I am thinking about upping the light to a 6500k is that ok? And what watt should I use 26 - 30w?


Well-Known Member
6500k only refers to the color spectrum.

it's not any brighter, it's just 'bluer'....

you can, to tell you the long story short:

photosynthesis is how plants make food. the highest levels of this activity happens when plants are exposed to spectrums of light close to 2700k and 6500k, not in-between.

2700k refers to soft white bulbs, 6500k refers to daylight bulbs. Softwhite bulbs are redder in color, Daylight bulbs have a blue-ish color to them. You want as much of these two color spectrums to hit the plant as possible. It is commonly stated here that 6500k is better for veg, 2700k is better for flower, i don't know how accurate that is, but it is true that these two colors give the plant the most photosynthetic activity.

you can use a mixed spectrum, just add all the bright white lights you have, add 2 26 watt daylights, 2 26 watt softwhites. that will be enough light to last you the whole grow.

and you need a place that's pitch black when in the dark, a light leak might cause a female to hermie....


Well-Known Member
Cool just can't see it/em in the pic

invite to my class still stands, teaching folks the secrets and breaking the myths, come join us
hahahaha who do u think u are Jorge Cervantes? and whats this cum join us talk what r u in a rollitup cult? what r u teaching folks? i keep seeing u say shit like this in threads and when i see ur plants i laugh :lol:grow bigger stronger healthier plants..then maybe u can be a teacher


Well-Known Member
There is a drain hole.
when i grow in a cup i poke hella holes in that bitch.. it just helps ur roots breath and grow faster so if u only got one drain hole make 4 fuk for growing from seed i usually grow clones but everything looks cool make sure ur watering enough and the temps are good...thats the most importants things water, temp, rh, light and fresh air