looks like 2 seeds on my lady (need opinions)


New Member
Hi all, take a look at this, sorry for the very shitty pics,but do those look like 2 big seeds in between those nodes??
Theres no bananas, just 2 seeds that havnt opened yet, or at least thats what I think....
Ineed a few opinions asap so i can cut them off if thats what they are....ive grown before but never had this hermie prob and have never seen just single seeds growing between nodes, Ive only seen clusters of balls.....
so please let me no what you think.....shes 1 week and 6 days in flower....thanks:wall:


Well-Known Member
prob isn't a seed that early into flowering, it could be a hermi however. They will have nuts at one node, then pistils at another. If it starts to look like a ball on stick, then kill it. Otherwise wait to see if a hair comes out.


New Member
What kind of genetics/strain is it and have you grown it before? Also those look like deformed pods not def having seeds in them.
not sure what strain, just bagseed......I had 4 all females but had to throw 3 out because a light fell on them, my stupidity......they grow rapid and nice and full.....this one was always about 4 or 5 inches taller though....thanks for the input guys......


New Member
prob isn't a seed that early into flowering, it could be a hermi however. They will have nuts at one node, then pistils at another. If it starts to look like a ball on stick, then kill it. Otherwise wait to see if a hair comes out.
Thanks man, yeah ive seen nuts on past grows but never anything like this, they look like seed pods, but their not on a stick, their growing right out of the stem.....


Well-Known Member
looks like a hermie...i dont think seeds grow from internodes and they dont look like seed sacs...cut off the pollen sacs ...im pretty sure more will grow till eventually u stop trying and if it is turning hermie you wont get htat much bud because the plant is taking most of its energy to make pollen. sorry dude this plant is a loss


Well-Known Member
Is it a loss? You have feminized seeds if you wish. I was packing a bowl last night from my last grow, which was all sin semilla, and a big ass mature seed falls out. When i was harvesting last fall, i found a couple very immature seeds. I figured that i might have a hermie because i let the ladies bud for so long and thought nothing of it.

This seed however represents the start of my own strain. And since more than likely it was pollenated by a hermie, it will more than likely be female. This is a good thing.

Granted there is a good chance that the plant that it grows, if it turns out to be female, will hermie. But i wont know for sure, until i plant it and find out.

You could let the hermie go to total seed, then use those seeds to plant in city parks and high ways and all that.


New Member
looks like a hermie...i dont think seeds grow from internodes and they dont look like seed sacs...cut off the pollen sacs ...im pretty sure more will grow till eventually u stop trying and if it is turning hermie you wont get htat much bud because the plant is taking most of its energy to make pollen. sorry dude this plant is a loss
im such a dumbass....lol......thats what they are......I dont know why i was saying seeds...... thanks man for the bad news but news i needed to know....lol....

Jack in the Bud

Active Member

It's really hard to tell from the quality of that picture but judging from all the pistils I see around the area you're talking about that plant sure looks female. Look close at the two pods your talking about (a 15x magnifier helps) and see if you can't spot a white hair coming out of it's tip. You could also get a pair of tweezers and pull one of them off and disect it to see how it comes apart. Look for the beginnings of the parting lines where the male flower splits open to form individual petals Female pods don't split open until way late in the game when there's a fully formed seed in them and it's way to early for that to have occured.

While I can't be 100% certain from that picture I wouldn't be in too much of a rush to destroy that plant just yet because it's really looking like a nice female. I've got quite a bit of experience with bag seed plants going hermie on me in the past but what you've got just doesn't look like how I remember it happening.

If it gets to the point where you see any light yellow dust on the leaves below those pods you've definetly got a hermie. But don't worry that's not the end of the world. As long as you get rid of it as soon as you see that you'll still get lots of good bud off the rest of the plants with only a few random seeds in them.

Can you get some better pics?

I advise patience. This kind of thing is just part of the learning curve. Some times you've got to make some mistakes so you know what to do the next go 'round.



New Member
Is it a loss? You have feminized seeds if you wish. I was packing a bowl last night from my last grow, which was all sin semilla, and a big ass mature seed falls out. When i was harvesting last fall, i found a couple very immature seeds. I figured that i might have a hermie because i let the ladies bud for so long and thought nothing of it.

This seed however represents the start of my own strain. And since more than likely it was pollenated by a hermie, it will more than likely be female. This is a good thing.

Granted there is a good chance that the plant that it grows, if it turns out to be female, will hermie. But i wont know for sure, until i plant it and find out.

You could let the hermie go to total seed, then use those seeds to plant in city parks and high ways and all that.

good point greensister......Ill keep that in mind......for now I think im just gonna cut them off and see what happens......Its forming really nice buds for not even 2 weeks in.....damn shame....

Jack in the Bud

Active Member
im such a dumbass....lol......thats what they are......I dont know why i was saying seeds...... thanks man for the bad news but news i needed to know....lol....

Hold up dude. I hate to be the dissenting opinion here but I don't think it's in any way clear that you've for sure got a hermie here. If your really worried it is put it off in a seperate place for a couple of days and see if releases pollen. Then you'll know for sure.

I'm betting you've got a nice female so far.



New Member

It's really hard to tell from the quality of that picture but judging from all the pistils I see around the area you're talking about that plant sure looks female. Look close at the two pods your talking about (a 15x magnifier helps) and see if you can't spot a white hair coming out of it's tip. You could also get a pair of tweezers and pull one of them off and disect it to see how it comes apart. Look for the beginnings of the parting lines where the male flower splits open to form individual petals Female pods don't split open until way late in the game when there's a fully formed seed in them and it's way to early for that to have occured.

While I can't be 100% certain from that picture I wouldn't be in too much of a rush to destroy that plant just yet because it's really looking like a nice female. I've got quite a bit of experience with bag seed plants going hermie on me in the past but what you've got just doesn't look like how I remember it happening.

If it gets to the point where you see any light yellow dust on the leaves below those pods you've definetly got a hermie. But don't worry that's not the end of the world. As long as you get rid of it as soon as you see that you'll still get lots of good bud off the rest of the plants with only a few random seeds in them.

Can you get some better pics?

I advise patience. This kind of thing is just part of the learning curve. Some times you've got to make some mistakes so you know what to do the next go 'round.

Hey Jack, thank you for your insight, it gives me some hope.....maybe ill hold off a couple of days.....and try to inspect them a little more....Ill try to get some better pics too....again thanks .....

Jack in the Bud

Active Member
Hey Jack, thank you for your insight, it gives me some hope.....maybe ill hold off a couple of days.....and try to inspect them a little more....Ill try to get some better pics too....again thanks .....

Go get yourself a cheap 10x, 15x or 20x magnifying glass. A cheap plastic one works fine. It's a really handy thing to have around and will really help you out here.



Well-Known Member
I had the same thing happen to me about 2 weeks ago when i was 2 weeks in flower. Same little balls your discribing. Ihad two diffrent plants showing these. I just cut the balls off one and let the other one go. to my suprise it was a female pistil just hadnt bursted yet and it was pretty big like the size of a seed. So you can cut them off though wit no worries.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Those are swollen calyxes, part of a female plant. They are not male pods and she is not a hermie. Calyxes are where the pistols grow from. Do not pick them off.

Jack in the Bud

Active Member
Those are swollen calyxes, part of a female plant. They are not male pods and she is not a hermie. Calyxes are where the pistols grow from. Do not pick them off.

All though I wasn't 100% sure from that picture that's exactly what I was thinking. They were probably some of the very first female pods to form (what every one seems to call the pre-flowers) and they've just had enough time to swell up. And they don't necessarily have to have a seed forming in them to do that.

I just got finished tending my girls for the day and I noticed I've got lot's of those individual female pods all over the plant (from top to bottom) in that exact same location as the ones the Captain was worried about. And interestingly a lot of them seem to be sporting a twin set of pistils.

While there's nothing to say that the Captain's plant still can't go hermie here in a couple of weeks (especially since he's growing from bag seed) I really don't think he's got one right now.

I'd certainly like to know what your opinion would be on any seeds that got formed from the pollen from a plant that went hermie. Personally I'd throw them the hell away because of the increased chance they would carry that recessive gene that causes that trait.

I think there's just way too much voodoo science (and hype) out there concerning this whole "feminized" seed thing. If I wanted to end up with 4 females to grow to completion I'd just start 10 (or maybe 12) beans to make sure I got them.
