i guess this bitch didnt like her present?

Big P

Well-Known Member
lol sorry man that was horrible but funny :bigjoint:

but damn were they playing a joke on her?

thats one bout it ass bitch:bigjoint:

poor hamsters


Well-Known Member
OH MY GOD. that BITCH FLIPPED out!!!!! damn that was goood. ha:lol:hahha:lol:haha:lol:aaaa:lol:aa

but yea pour fuckin hampsters!! bad day.

Big P

Well-Known Member
yea but those gurls were seriously trying to be nice with that present?

i didnt watch the whole thing but i thought it was more of a practical joke

and as with all practical jokes there may be blowback:shock:

poor hamsters were just collateral dammage

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
to be quite honest, if someone gave me a sp[arkly bag, with rodents in it, i'd freak, doubt i'd squash them, as said, looks like a practical joke of sorts gone wrong.

i mean who on earth gives a teacher a pair of mice/hampsters for a birthday present :lol:


Well-Known Member
That stupid fucking bitch.. I can see if she dropped the bag w/ the hamsters, but damn.

Did she really have to make an effort to stomp on the bag2/3 times and Pick it back up just to throw it in the trash?!?!?!!!!!!..

Next time they should put rats in her desk.

Big P

Well-Known Member
That stupid fucking bitch.. I can see if she dropped the bag w/ the hamsters, but damn.

Did she really have to make an effort to stomp on the bag2/3 times and Pick it back up just to throw it in the trash?!?!?!!!!!!..

Next time they should put rats in her desk.

shit id be afraid what she would to the rats

That bitch is not to be fucked with:shock:


That stupid fucking bitch.. I can see if she dropped the bag w/ the hamsters, but damn.

Did she really have to make an effort to stomp on the bag2/3 times and Pick it back up just to throw it in the trash?!?!?!!!!!!..

Next time they should put rats in her desk.

I wonder if she got in any trouble for doing that..? Thats animal cruelty and to top it off she did it in front of her students.


Well-Known Member
Maybe put some thumb tacks on her chairs? lol drop a hit of acid in her drink or liquefy some dmt in her drink. That'll teach that bitch a lesson

Hell, she might see new meaning to life.

Big P

Well-Known Member
i used to work at a pet store and was showing this little kid one of the hamsters but the hamster jumped outa my hand as I lifted him over the high wall of the cage, little guy dropped from about 4ft up and he wasnt ok:shock:

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
its a staged prank they sang happy birthday in english knowing this was going on you tube, all they had to do is switch bags when they stepped out of camera site

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
random, but what's with the english singing of the birthday song? :lol: although if they're german, can't really make it out, then no wonder they didn't want to sing in german :P


New Member
While becoming a herpetologist, a professor friend who was allergic to rats yet studied circadian rhythms with hamsters that became useless after light treatments and went to sleep in our sleeping chamber.

Except for one that came to in a freezer that we didn't discover until we tried to figure out where the chewed carcasses came from.

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