Extended Dark Peroid To Help Finish Flowering


Active Member
You are right water your plant[straight water] an turn the lights off for two to three days an then pick it will up the resin content BOG Bushy Old Grower In treating yourself mag. has a article about this an he says it will up the resin production in order to survive an make it more potent PEACE AN POT


Well-Known Member
The main hormone responsible for photosynthesis is cytokinin. This is what processes the light and turns it into sugars for use by the plant in growth and maturity.

Below a certain low amount of light, cannabis will not grow as big nor mature as fast in veg'. as the cytokinin hormone (which responds to light) is less active.

A study was done, I haven't got the link, where a seed was germinated in the dark and allowed to veg for a short time after being heavily dosed with cytokinin. It grew in complete darkness, and it was noted that it's cotelydons were of a much shorter, or more abrupt stature than normal when in the presence of light. So this suggests to me that light also contributes in the build-up of this hormone, and that the more of it there is, the more of this hormone will be available. The experiment went no further, maybe they ran out of hormones, i dunno.

I hope I have that right, maybe someone could check... don't take my word for it please. We need to learn together, and it is easy to get tiny points mixed up. Science is still learning too.
So then, Cytokinin is the hormone that triggers flowering, and it responds to the light NOT the dark period? If that is correct, and the hormones do not respond to the dark period, only the light. then my hypothesis is that putting your plant in a 24-36 hour dark period bofore flowering will not help it START producing flowers, if anything it will slow down the growth of the plant.


New Member
Yes, they must be completely separate hormones. Why would the hormone responsible for growth and development (photosynthesis) also be the same one that triggers a plant into flowering?

The plant has been using cytokinins throughout the veg period for growth and development... then it reaches a certain maturity. Another hormone is then released (once the plant is mature enough) that changes the plants growth patterns. Now the cytokinins are ready for the important part... which is providing the plant with enough growth and development to be successfully pollenated. This includes bud development and potent trichome production. To do this in the best way they can they need light. So long as they have access to light from either spectrum they will use what they can.

Light is the most important aspect to the survival of cannabis, not just cannabis but the whole of life on this planet. Why give them less?


New Member
You are right water your plant[straight water] an turn the lights off for two to three days an then pick it will up the resin content BOG Bushy Old Grower In treating yourself mag. has a article about this an he says it will up the resin production in order to survive an make it more potent PEACE AN POT
Thankyou for joining in... but this isn't nearly enough. You need to explain the reasons why this happens. This doesn't just happen when the lights are off, any stress will cause an increase in trich' production. Why not just slap it about a bit for the same effect? Were BOG's trich's measured for potency alongside a similar plant that had been flowered with lights on? Yes, the plant may have produced more trich's but were they potent?

If you could rewrite in your own words what BOG had to say you would help this thread move along much more swiftly. Pot n Peace:mrgreen:


New Member
ive heard you can give them as much as 23 hours of light at a time during the last month of flowering as long as those are followed by 12 hours of dark. forgot where i seen this but someone should try it out. supposed to increase yield by 40% or something ridiculous.
Now this is very interesting... could there be a point of no return? Once cannabis reaches a certain flowering point, could it become impossible to reverse?


Active Member
I will write it down per baitum I hope that is the right word. Tip#2 48 hours in the Dark
This tip will help you get the most out of your plants just before havesting. Any strain produces the most resins at the end of its' flowering cycle. My advice{BOG's} is that when you think your plant is done and you are ready to harvest you try this. Place the plant far away from the lights or in total darkness for 48 or even 72 hours. Water one last time when you do this, then leave the plant alone. This period of darkness is a time when the will continue to pile on the resins i an effort to survive. Many have found this to well worth the time considering the fact that the plant is no longer taking up space in your garden. I [BOG] believe it is worth your time. I personaly think BOG is talking in general not getting into the scientific end is just from years an years of growing realy good weed an plus he has his own line of well respected seeds an knows alot of seasoned growers to back his claim up IMO


Active Member
Now this is very interesting... could there be a point of no return? Once cannabis reaches a certain flowering point, could it become impossible to reverse?
That is true bud manufacturing needs 12 hours of darkness not 12 hours of light you can buy inteligent climate control unit that will alow you to gvie 6 on an 12 off using less elctricity for the same amount of bud an it throws the electrical company right off. Ther is a unit called the harvest master that will let you grow like this it is an amazing unit but pricey. I know what you are thinking but research it first I will copy off this article I have an try to download it to this forum I am not to computer savvy like this so any help on how to get the article I want to post would be helpful. PEACE AN POT. DO I need a lazer printer to do it ?


New Member
I will write it down per baitum I hope that is the right word. Tip#2 48 hours in the Dark
This tip will help you get the most out of your plants just before havesting. Any strain produces the most resins at the end of its' flowering cycle. My advice{BOG's} is that when you think your plant is done and you are ready to harvest you try this. Place the plant far away from the lights or in total darkness for 48 or even 72 hours. Water one last time when you do this, then leave the plant alone. This period of darkness is a time when the will continue to pile on the resins i an effort to survive. Many have found this to well worth the time considering the fact that the plant is no longer taking up space in your garden. I [BOG] believe it is worth your time. I personaly think BOG is talking in general not getting into the scientific end is just from years an years of growing realy good weed an plus he has his own line of well respected seeds an knows alot of seasoned growers to back his claim up IMO

Although i believe BOGs reasoning was wrong. The plant doesn't respond by producing trichomes in an effort to survive, but to catch male pollen in an effort to ensure the survival of the species.

It stands to reason that trich's were first and foremost evolved for this purpose.

The secondary purpose is animal intervention, which is where the plants potency comes in. As to attract animals/insects is the primary goal of many plants. We provide sustenance, and what better way to get pollenated than have a helping hand from the rest of nature. Many animals like to get high too, not just us.

If this is true, then cannabis would only want to attract animal/insect intervention for a certain amount of time. The longer it goes without attraction, the more potent the trich's become.

So why would the dark play any part in potent trich' production? Trich' production by all means... but potent trich's are another story.


Active Member
well iam starting a grow after Xmas an will do research on it. I have friend who is a farmer an 74 years old who says that the alkaline in certain plants goes way up in grey cloudy weather to the point of being toxic to animals right now iam not sure what plants but I will get back to you on that but he ascertains from this that leaving weed in the dark for a set amount of time would raise the alkine levels in weed to thus raisng the potency I dont know if this makes any sence but will ask him again and write it down . Short pencil beats a long memory any day of the week. Ps i am never into arguing just getting the facts right an learn in the process.


New Member
well iam starting a grow after Xmas an will do research on it. I have friend who is a farmer an 74 years old who says that the alkaline in certain plants goes way up in grey cloudy weather to the point of being toxic to animals right now iam not sure what plants but I will get back to you on that but he ascertains from this that leaving weed in the dark for a set amount of time would raise the alkine levels in weed to thus raisng the potency I dont know if this makes any sence but will ask him again and write it down . Short pencil beats a long memory any day of the week. Ps i am never into arguing just getting the facts right an learn in the process.

Me too, there is too much misinformation on the web. People saying one thing, and someone else saying another. I have never looked into the alkalinity factor before... and there is much more scientific evidence on other plants to make connections with cannabis.

For me, things have to make sense. Thanks for your input.:peace:

peter parker

Well-Known Member
i am getting to the end of my first harvest ever, and i have read posts about it and was wondering if i should do this or not. 1 says yes 1 says no lol what to do


Active Member
Experiment bro try one in dark for two days an one do it completely under light and use a magnify glass an check out the resin production.


New Member
Experiment bro try one in dark for two days an one do it completely under light and use a magnify glass an check out the resin production.
Here you have me wrong... I'm not denying the excessive trichome production... I'm saying that the trich's are not potent ones.

Trich's are developed by the plant to magnify the light of the sun. As the sun dwindles trich development escalates, as old trich's age and become cannabinised new trich's are needed to magnify or direct the sunlight into the plant. During flower the plant grows much faster, and needs to process more light.

Therefore giving a dark period may increase trich' production but they will not be of sufficient age to be potent.

This is where I'm at now.:peace:


Well-Known Member
What, trichs magnify the light, id say this makes no sence. All this would do is concentrate light that would already shine onto the leaf and focus is on little spots. Its not getten more light that way. If anything i would say trichs reflect light.


Well-Known Member
Indeed this is true 24 -36 hours on dark is enough to stimulate the girls and speed up bud production. Can reduce flower period upto a week + 1/2.

tricky bit is timing, work out the lights to run through the night.:joint:
It's bullshit... as I've said, a certain amount of dark is all they need. So if the strain only needs 9 hours, by giving it 12 you aren't speeding anything up. The plant still needs to photsynthesise to grow and mature. Light is the most important thing, give as little dark as possible.

How does it reduce the flower period by up to a week? When my seed plants go into flower they are already budding. All putting a seed plant too early into flower does is add more time to the maturity of the plant. Much better to keep it under 24/0 until it preflowers, you'll just wait longer when it's in flower and only getting 12 hours light, or in your case none at all for the for the first 36 hours.

To age, a plant needs to photosynthesise... period, or should that be photo-period. :hump:[/quote]


I ran accross this thread today. I guess you have done it both ways then? How long do you have to veg a plant to get it to start flowering without the seasons changing? I was under the impresion that most strains change from veg to flower with the saesons/light cycle.

Also, do you notice a dramatic difference in your yield since you've made the changes, and is that the only thing you changed(light cycle), or did you change nutes too?


Active Member
Oh man this is great, I just read the whole shit. Better than an episode of Seinfeld. I like when fdd dipped out because he has so much weed to smoke. On the other hand I searched this same issue on here before I chopped my girl down. The last 24 she sat in the dark. Made sense to me at the time.


Active Member
For clarification, here are the logical things I've gathered from reading through this thread (please tell me if I got something wrong):

1) Trichs serve primarily to aid the flowering process (do they increase light to leaves or help attract pollen? this doesn't matter, but i'd like to know.)

2) When the plant is subject to stress (in this case lack of light), it will put out a large number of trich's to give it a better chance of survival (see #1).

3) This massive trich production, although it may look nice on the plant, will not be worth anything because to create the chemicals/sugars/whatever for the potent trichs that we want, the plant needs light.

So light deprivation at the end of flowering would cause an attractive but meaningless trich output. By that reasoning, a steady, strain-based light/dark cycle would be the best idea for all of flowering.