The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
this is what i'm watching atm :) hope it's as good as the trailer was alst night :P[/QUOTE]

Heard bout this film might give it a watch actually


Well-Known Member
i bought the book but havent got round to reading it yet, jonathan ross said the film was ok but the book was fantastic, i'll read the book first and then go and see the film.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i'm 2/3 through and am waiting for the plot to actually start. not quite sure what the plot is other than thery're there and shit is happening :P


Well-Known Member
i'm 2/3 through and am waiting for the plot to actually start. not quite sure what the plot is other than thery're there and shit is happening :P
lol keep us updated,
just checked in on my babies and we have lift off on the royal kushs just waiting for the rest. would like to be able to put them all in together :bigjoint:
Am isafe to plant as soon as i see the crack or should i let the tail grow a little first?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
"nobnody knows exactly what happened, the official story is that they crashed, maybe because of an RPG or maybe that's what happens when you fly a helicopter tripping on acid"

so yeah, everyone took acid, got fucked up, and now it's the end... not the most amazing film. fantastic mr fox is next

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
yeah, i've found very very few good films of late
2012 was wank, goats was kinda wank, i don't think i'd really be able to tell you much abotu what it was about, while avata is meant to look great, i've been told repeatedly that the story is shite, universal soldier is just far cry take 2, farcry being a bit crap as well

i'm stuck in on tv series atm as there are plenty of good things to watch in comparisson to films


Well-Known Member
yeah, i've found very very few good films of late
2012 was wank, goats was kinda wank, i don't think i'd really be able to tell you much abotu what it was about, while avata is meant to look great, i've been told repeatedly that the story is shite, universal soldier is just far cry take 2, farcry being a bit crap as well

i'm stuck in on tv series atm as there are plenty of good things to watch in comparisson to films
deffo nevermind the buzzcocks!!
is actually a bollocks show but they just make it hilarious ecpesially wen frankie boyle hosted it i fucking love that guy!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
awwww :(

at present i'm watching entourage which is a god laugh, lots of booze weed sex and all that lot :P also gonna re-watch the eureka show, i found that was a really good uplifting kinda show, made me happy insde :P being a given-up-on-life depressant, it's always good for me to wtch stuff like this :)


Well-Known Member
awwww :(

at present i'm watching entourage which is a god laugh, lots of booze weed sex and all that lot :P also gonna re-watch the eureka show, i found that was a really good uplifting kinda show, made me happy insde :P being a given-up-on-life depressant, it's always good for me to wtch stuff like this :)
Ah comon shag dont down urself like that

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
no no, it's an established way of life for me. i've suffered mass depression since around 10 years old, around 18 i started shredding my limbs, a year later i was trying to overdose on whatever i could get hold of, i'd started cutting my wrists, had my doors kicked in by the polce because of phone calls from concerend friends. and i still suffer it bad, but i try and control it, so happy go lucky shows like eureka really help a lot of the time :) it's a good thing, i'm in total accceptance of where i am, and it does let me help myself :)


Well-Known Member
Stay sharp man,
checked out ur journal looking fantastic bet u canny wait!!
I'l be starting mine tomoro if u wanna come by man.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
cheer man. as you say, i can't fucking wait, end of febuary and if plans go as plans dictate, i'm set for life, no more withdrawing £20 a night :D

i will most certainily drop in on your journal, just throw us a link :)


Well-Known Member
cheer man. as you say, i can't fucking wait, end of febuary and if plans go as plans dictate, i'm set for life, no more withdrawing £20 a night :D

i will most certainily drop in on your journal, just throw us a link :)
Sweet, its about time i made one!
Can i get an opinion bruce?
Im fucked for moola at the min so i wanna get by this grow still using decent products but not spending an arm and a leg ova it.
You might have seen me posting about this stuff baby bio
would u call this a suitable vegging fert? or are the npk values too low, scroll down on the page to read more on it if u will.
I will be getting something for flowering nearer when the time comes i wass thinking maybe hammerhead or something. u rekon i could do ok with just them 2?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
i have to admit, i know shit all. i bought biobizz as it was a well known brand. same with coco. i've only had one sucsessful harvest, other than that it keeps going wrong :D

and that aside, i don't spend money well. DWC hydro is meant to be the $20 setup optiom. i'd spent £150 before i'd realised i was already failing :P


Well-Known Member
i have to admit, i know shit all. i bought biobizz as it was a well known brand. same with coco. i've only had one sucsessful harvest, other than that it keeps going wrong :D

and that aside, i don't spend money well. DWC hydro is meant to be the $20 setup optiom. i'd spent £150 before i'd realised i was already failing :P
Shitma, well i spose its all learning at the end of the day. have made a thread on it in the nutes section but no1 seems to have a clue on it. Wish i just ad the cash to buy whatever i wanted for them.