What now??? Please help!!!

Ive looked at a lot of threads before posting this one and cant really determine what is going wrong here.
From what Ive read it could be any number of things, over watering, too much light, nute burn...
They have been growing since mid August and in flower since December 1st. I put up a post asking about them being root bound and was told I was over watering, (at the time I was doing it every other day) now Im watering every 4 to 5 days. As far as my cheap PH meter goes the PH is reading at 7. I think I read that PH was supposed to be 6 - 6.5.
Its my first grow. I have a 150 watt HPS bulb, one 6 inch intake fan and two 6 inch exhaust fans. Cabinet is 6' tall,2' deep, and 4' wide and wrapped in panda plastic. Light is set to 12/12 time schedule. Im using miracle grow flowing nutes.
Its really sad because I can see the buds coming in, but I know that I probably wont get a good crop if any crop until I figure this crap out!!

Please help me out if you can. Thanks for your time.



Well-Known Member
It looks like mold might be getting ready to attack. Some of my plants did that last year during its last 2 months of flowering. It was because of the excessive cold and wet weather (they were outdoors and i would bring them in at night-into a damp basement).

Your best bet is to increase temperature, and get rid of the humidity as best as you can. Check for mold sites deep in the buds. If you see any, cut it out and wash the wound with diluted hydrogen peroxide. A fan on the plants might not hurt at this point either.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I think the nutrients you are using is starving the plants. They also still look over watered to me. When I was growing in soil I would water / feed once a week as needed. I would lift the pots. That is a good indicator of the actual moisture retention in the soil. When they are very light they need water / food. Perhaps your soil is not draining properly in between waterings. Those pots look plenty big enough so probably not root bound.
Thanks for the info guys.
What exactly am I looking for if there is mold? The humidity is at 43%. Im in the south hear the coast which is why the humidity is so high. Its usually around 95% during the summer. I put a heater on medium about 4 feet from the plants. Is this ok?
Also, I read that the plants should double in size during flowering. Mine have been flowering for a month and havent grown at all that I can tell.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info guys.
What exactly am I looking for if there is mold? The humidity is at 43%. Im in the south hear the coast which is why the humidity is so high. Its usually around 95% during the summer. I put a heater on medium about 4 feet from the plants. Is this ok?
Also, I read that the plants should double in size during flowering. Mine have been flowering for a month and havent grown at all that I can tell.

hey bro, get rid of the heaters.

Also, the mold thing shouldn't be a problem in your case, imo.

What you've got going on is something that has taken me over a year to overcome. As you mentioned earlier, the problem could be many things, and that's because it IS many things.

Its a ripple effect, your ph gets all out of wack because your nutes make the water acidic and then the plant starves because it can't soak it all up anymore.

Keep in mind, some strains are way more hardy and forgiving to ph swings.

I'd say 75% of the newer growers who have these problems get it from not preparing the water.

Test your water before and after applying nutes. Heat up your water a bit 80 85 degrees is nice for it.

As I said about the strains being touchy, some just prefer to not get anything at all. My white widows, I give them 1/4 dose ONCE during veg and ONCE during mid flowering, just to carry it to the finish line. Anything more than that, and they end up looking like yours.

Pretty much all soil has the minerals and nutes you need, already in it. Mother plants that you've had for 2+ years, ya they need fertilizer, but Fox Farm and all the other nute companies would like us all to believe that we're suppose to feed this shit to 'em every other time we water...pfff, ya right.


Well-Known Member
Looks like they are a little nitro deficient. try a small amount of veg juice next water. They look dang close to being ready so don't overfeed them or you'll never get em flushed before they're ready imo. good luck, again they really do look nice and fat!!!


Well-Known Member
It looks like mold might be getting ready to attack. Some of my plants did that last year during its last 2 months of flowering. It was because of the excessive cold and wet weather (they were outdoors and i would bring them in at night-into a damp basement).

Your best bet is to increase temperature, and get rid of the humidity as best as you can. Check for mold sites deep in the buds. If you see any, cut it out and wash the wound with diluted hydrogen peroxide. A fan on the plants might not hurt at this point either.

WOW LAST 2 months???? how many months u flower????
Ok, so, I got rid of the heater. I watered yesterday with a half dose of nutes so I wont nute them again.
I actually started flowering them on December 1st, so its not been 2 months of flowering. I had them vegging for about three and a half months.
I looked with my glass today to see if the flowers were turning red and Ive got 0% red.
I guess the only thing to do is to watch the PH better and go easy on the watering cycle until they are ready to harvest. They dont look like much to me, but I will hopefully be surprised. These are Snow Whites.
Thanks for the help so far,