Club 600


Well-Known Member
Well you knows your eggs tat2ue, and thanks for sharing yer grow. So you got your 600 lights running now, was it an easy transition? What is it you're growing?, I looked back in the thread but couldn't see, looks sweet anyway.

Peace, bru, DST
Thanks for the kudos....

I received 3 of the 6 units I ordered. The other 3 are back ordered. I plan on putting the 3 I did receive up tonight when I get home from work.

Right now I am growing mostly Blue Berry and Bubble Gum . Also I am in the process of sexing some clones from a new batch of beans I received from Vancouver Island Seed Co. The new addition will be Black Berry, Sin and Eve.

I mostly grow with the lollypop technique and lately I have doing some topping experiments with lollypops with some surprising results...Lollypops with 2,3 and 4 main colas instead in the usual one main cola...started trying it after I read uncle Bens topping technique..



Well-Known Member
Lookin nice bru^^^got a while to wait on my grow, just got my first hairs though and that was 2 days into 12/12, the og kush was just dying to burst...

Heres the view from the top, misses out all the girls on the lower shelves though..but I thought it was a nice shot anyway

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Welcome tat2ue, a stones fan? Very nice set-up you got going there. Fdd, you too, beautiful garden. I got to tell y'all, I'm really impressed with this thread, thanks dst. I'm feelin' real good today. Seeing what it happening in Haiti just reinforces in me to always take time to smell the roses and appreciate what you have. I'm feeling downright blessed today and I'm not even a religious person. This thread, unlike so many others on here, feels like a club. I'm almost starting to feel like I know you guys, which is rather remarkable considering so many of us are stoned when we're on here, it's amazing we remember anything. So the reason I'm feeling so good, well I'm at the club, I've smoked a bag of another of my girls, Jessica to be precise and she is almost overwhelmingly sweet. Just opening the jar and taking a whiff, I could almost feel the thc crawling down my throat, I could certainly taste it. My other girls are awaiting their destiny and I have five sativas doing nicely in their party cups. My partner in stupid tells me his plants are doing real good. Five weeks old and two foot tall. The autoflowering roadrunner should be done in about a month and I owe less than two grand on my house. Life is good and I am thankful.


Well-Known Member
i agree with heads up this thread is awsome, and dam only 2 grand right on i want to own my own house somday, how long u been payin on it


Well-Known Member
Good to see things on the up and up bru. Just finished watching the news and another Haiti report, so yeh, gotta appreciate what you have in life, no one else will do it for you. Have you ever looked at those pics when you log into RIU, there's a row of them on the screen, some from years ago, some from a few months ago. Some of the comments on those beggar belief, really, i don't know why people bother posting if all they want to do is aggrivate and annoy people....just unreal. There are so many cool threads on here, I just avoid any that seem to have people bickering on them, lol.

Lovin this thread and the vibe here as well. Enjoy the buzz Heads Up,

Peace, DST

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
This has turned into a great thread. I love that it's not filled with a bunch of screaming loud mouths filled with nothing but negativity and rigidity. If you have a closed mind, this thread is not for you. I'm still very new to this hobby of ours, I just happen to like to read and have an inquiring mind that is always on this quest of its own to learn. I enjoy passing on what I know and gaining from those who know so much more than me.

So my first three girls are now in their urns awaiting the release of their spirits in my vaporizer. My runt mutant turned in thirty grams, before I could keep the other two straight, all the smaller buds were mixed together so I can't really tell y'all how much each plant weighed, only the mutant. All tolled dry, 115 grams from three plants. They are all jarred and starting their curing. The smoke is by far the best I have grown so far, which again is not that much experience. I did not flush them at all, just cut and trimmed them and hung them up to dry. For florida it's been really dry, thirty percent humidity, so they dried in five days. All I can say is, sweet, sweet, sweet. I am seriously looking forward to see how it is in a couple of weeks. Again I apologize about my horrible picture taking. I'll practice and see if I can't get some better shots. These girls are gleaming.


Heads Up

Well-Known Member
i have my temperature probe hanging in the top of my canopy. i lower my lights as low as i can without getting my temps too high. :leaf:
i agree with heads up this thread is awsome, and dam only 2 grand right on i want to own my own house somday, how long u been payin on it

It seems like forever. I used to own it until I got divorced. I didn't want to take the money I had in the stock market out to pay her off so I took out a home equity loan about seven years ago or so. Eight more months, maybe seven if I send them a bit more each month. I should have taken the money out of the markets. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.

Edit....I don't know what happened there, sorry.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
I just saw in newbie central, a thread for slang terms for growing. If I knew how to post the link I would but you can find the thread there.

Thought you might like to know.


Well-Known Member
I just saw in newbie central, a thread for slang terms for growing. If I knew how to post the link I would but you can find the thread there.

Thought you might like to know.
Anytime you see a link you want to show someone... just right click your mouse over it... one of the options is "copy shortcut". Select that. Then come on over to where you want to share it... right click in the area where you enter text and select "paste". If all goes well the link should be there.

I also really am loving this thread... or rather this club. It's the place to be. After a long days work, I love heading over to my favorite club. :bigjoint:

And Heads up... the pics look great to me. And so does that bud. I would love to have a taste of that for sure.


curious old fart

Well-Known Member
Heads Up

Remember the slogan...this bud's for you...beautiful job and can send us some samples and we can give you a smoke report...we'll promise to be positive.
I agree, this is a good thread.


Healthy looking long do they take to mature?


Your octopus' garden is developing nicely.



Well-Known Member
I'm finally legal!!!! Got my CO mmj card today.

Plants are still tiny and lame. Seeds are still taking their sweet time. Tomorrow will be two weeks. Seems like every attitude order is taking longer and longer to get to me. The first was like 4 business days, the second was 8 business days and now this order is going on 10 business days. wtf?


Well-Known Member
I just saw in newbie central, a thread for slang terms for growing. If I knew how to post the link I would but you can find the thread there.

Thought you might like to know.
Thanks for that. Yeh, I done a bit of searching and discovered someone else had started a similar thing so that's cool. I had to laugh though (or not) when I read the second or third post on that particular thread - it was a more experienced member basically saying,
"wtf, why are you starting this thread, just search on other threads if you don't know what the term is, typical lazy newbie" (sic)
or words to that effect...I just thought, what a dick that person is...Even if you do search on a particular phrase, it is often used so randomly that you would still struggle to understand what it meant. Anyhoo, we got a nice sanctuary here boys and girls.

Anytime you see a link you want to show someone... just right click your mouse over it... one of the options is "copy shortcut". Select that. Then come on over to where you want to share it... right click in the area where you enter text and select "paste". If all goes well the link should be there.

I also really am loving this thread... or rather this club. It's the place to be. After a long days work, I love heading over to my favorite club. :bigjoint:

And Heads up... the pics look great to me. And so does that bud. I would love to have a taste of that for sure.

Thanks for the kind words, this is def the best thread (well, except for my grow journal -hahahaha.:lol:)

Heads Up

Remember the slogan...this bud's for you...beautiful job and can send us some samples and we can give you a smoke report...we'll promise to be positive.
I agree, this is a good thread.


Healthy looking long do they take to mature?


Your octopus' garden is developing nicely.

Always happy to receive samples for testing:bigjoint:

I'm finally legal!!!! Got my CO mmj card today.

Plants are still tiny and lame. Seeds are still taking their sweet time. Tomorrow will be two weeks. Seems like every attitude order is taking longer and longer to get to me. The first was like 4 business days, the second was 8 business days and now this order is going on 10 business days. wtf?
Time to celebrate SSLW!!! Keeping my fingers crossed for your seeds....I waited over a week once to get seeds from about 100 miles away...and the robbers charged me 12 euro for the pleasure. I could have got a train down and picked them up for that cost....patience is hard bru. At least you are legal. Happy dayz.

Hey guys, Friday is here, hope you all have a good weekend.

A week on Monday is the Bards, Birthday, we will be celebrating that for sure (hainvg a get together to toast Mr Burns....

Fair fa' your honest, sonsie face,
The Great Chieftain o' the Puddin-race!

Peace, DST

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
great gardens peeps real pro growing tat2.

nice nugs too heads up!

nice little club we got here forward thinking growers lookin to constantly improve!


Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Good morning all. Yes dst it's friday. One day left until chopping time for five more of my girls. I'll have two left that still will need some more time. Lights should be on in a few minutes. No watering for the girls being chopped tomorrow. My sativa seedlings are doing good. The malawi 99 is growing strong, already starting its third set of true leaves but my sour cream is lagging a bit. I gave them a watering yesterday for the first time, I had been just spraying the soil. As usual I'm tinkering. My water for my seedling is distilled water with mycorrhizae mixed in for the roots. I also had about a quarter of a gallon of water left from watering the big girls which has molasses and h2o2 (hydrogen peroxide) in it. I added that to my root water mix and that's what I fed the seedlings which are under my four tube t-5. In the fixture I'm running two 6500k tubes and two 4100k tubes. It appears our cold streak in florida has finally ended, so has the dry air. It's currently forty six degrees with one hundred percent humidity at six in the morning. Well that's it for now, it's off to work I go....again.


Well-Known Member
Welcome tat2ue, a stones fan? Very nice set-up you got going there. Fdd, you too, beautiful garden. I got to tell y'all, I'm really impressed with this thread, thanks dst. I'm feelin' real good today. Seeing what it happening in Haiti just reinforces in me to always take time to smell the roses and appreciate what you have. I'm feeling downright blessed today and I'm not even a religious person. This thread, unlike so many others on here, feels like a club. I'm almost starting to feel like I know you guys, which is rather remarkable considering so many of us are stoned when we're on here, it's amazing we remember anything. So the reason I'm feeling so good, well I'm at the club, I've smoked a bag of another of my girls, Jessica to be precise and she is almost overwhelmingly sweet. Just opening the jar and taking a whiff, I could almost feel the thc crawling down my throat, I could certainly taste it. My other girls are awaiting their destiny and I have five sativas doing nicely in their party cups. My partner in stupid tells me his plants are doing real good. Five weeks old and two foot tall. The autoflowering roadrunner should be done in about a month and I owe less than two grand on my house. Life is good and I am thankful.
Stones fan...Oh yeah!! But I like all music though except cRAP. Thanks for the kudos on my set up...It's still a work in progress. FDD has a nice one going in what looks like his spare bedroom.

And you are right about your smelling the roses comment!! I pity those poor souls in Haiti because I went thru a similar situation a few years back but on a smaller scale as compared to the recent earthquake. I was one of the idiots who elected to ride out Hurricane Katrina in my house which at the time was only 8 miles as the crow flies from downtown New Orleans....Well anyway, this is a great club and I am glad to be a part of it:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
great gardens peeps real pro growing tat2.

nice nugs too heads up!


Thanks Don....I am always trying to improve and find my nitch. Right now it seems to be perpetual SOG with topped Lollipops. Chopped out a small section a few days ago (1/2 of one of my 3x8 tables) and after trimming, the wet bud weighed in at 4,811 grams wet. Just under 10.75 lbs. Not bad considering it came from 12 sq feet of an ebb and flo table. I am hoping it will cure out to at least 2 bo's

After I switch out my 4 x 1000w HPS to the 6 x 600w Quantum digitals, I am hoping for more dense buds.


Well-Known Member
great gardens peeps real pro growing tat2.

nice nugs too heads up!

nice little club we got here forward thinking growers lookin to constantly improve!

Props for the post Don, Rappin 4Tay, I am also listening to Bay Area stuff, love the music from San Fran.

RIP Mac Dre

Good morning all. Yes dst it's friday. One day left until chopping time for five more of my girls. I'll have two left that still will need some more time. Lights should be on in a few minutes. No watering for the girls being chopped tomorrow. My sativa seedlings are doing good. The malawi 99 is growing strong, already starting its third set of true leaves but my sour cream is lagging a bit. I gave them a watering yesterday for the first time, I had been just spraying the soil. As usual I'm tinkering. My water for my seedling is distilled water with mycorrhizae mixed in for the roots. I also had about a quarter of a gallon of water left from watering the big girls which has molasses and h2o2 (hydrogen peroxide) in it. I added that to my root water mix and that's what I fed the seedlings which are under my four tube t-5. In the fixture I'm running two 6500k tubes and two 4100k tubes. It appears our cold streak in florida has finally ended, so has the dry air. It's currently forty six degrees with one hundred percent humidity at six in the morning. Well that's it for now, it's off to work I go....again.
Bloody 'ell, 100%, thats worse than me and I do live under the sea...

Stones fan...Oh yeah!! But I like all music though except cRAP. Thanks for the kudos on my set up...It's still a work in progress. FDD has a nice one going in what looks like his spare bedroom.

And you are right about your smelling the roses comment!! I pity those poor souls in Haiti because I went thru a similar situation a few years back but on a smaller scale as compared to the recent earthquake. I was one of the idiots who elected to ride out Hurricane Katrina in my house which at the time was only 8 miles as the crow flies from downtown New Orleans....Well anyway, this is a great club and I am glad to be a part of it:bigjoint:
hehe, cRAP, we'll let that one slide Tat2ue because it made me giggle:lol:.

I know what you mean though, RAP has a bad press and I am sure you guys in the US have enough of it at times, but it's music, and to me you gotta respect that (since it's music taken from all different types of music) I prefer the word, Hip-Hop, which is more of a movement and takes in, Dancing, Graffiti (Real ART) Music, and Clothing/culture. I don't listen to Marlyn Manson, or Thrash Metal, or some other types of music (mainsteam Pop is the worse) but they all have their places. But yeh, I am at the point where hearing Bitch in every second sentence isn't really that cool anymore, but I was young(er) once, hahahaha.

So everyone, lets here your music?

Club 600 does not discriminate, if you don't like it, it's like the jukebox, don't click on it.:bigjoint:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
im sort of doing perpetual BOG haha bush of green over lollipopped single colas. i fear having too many plants at any one time. tho im probably over what would be accepted as personal anyway.

you should see 2 elbows out of that no probs, man thats gonna a be a bitch of a trim or have you got help?

6 6's should be sweet man id love to have that kind of space.

happy growing man!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i'm a musical tart man i love allsorts of types from the 60's 70's( hate 80's with a passion) stones are my favourite song of all time. paint it black. now thats a tune with energy hip hop some rap soul you name it.

im playing the new paloma faith album and the paulo nutini one shuffled presently. both are great albums if you get chance