Colorado Med Growers, Unite

I've heard the state has a 2 month backlog. It took me 5 weeks to get mine and that was back in June. As long as you have a copy of your Dr recommendation, you are all good.
I've heard the state has a 2 month backlog. It took me 5 weeks to get mine and that was back in June. As long as you have a copy of your Dr recommendation, you are all good.

Really? That is good news. I mailed everything certified nov 30th. I made copies of the documents for file. I paid with a check.

When I called a dispensery & asked how people can use before receiving the card, he stated I need to wait till the State cashes my check. Then that is my paid reciept which is what I need to use.

He said the document copies were useless, and people who pay cash, or money order get an instant receipt, so they can use.

I figure another 1 1/2 mos.
Really? That is good news. I mailed everything certified nov 30th. I made copies of the documents for file. I paid with a check.

When I called a dispensery & asked how people can use before receiving the card, he stated I need to wait till the State cashes my check. Then that is my paid reciept which is what I need to use.

He said the document copies were useless, and people who pay cash, or money order get an instant receipt, so they can use.

I figure another 1 1/2 mos.

Call another dispensary or get a hold of someone on craigslist. Thats crap. A state card is OPTIONAL. The dr rec is all you need to be legal.
Call another dispensary or get a hold of someone on craigslist. Thats crap. A state card is OPTIONAL. The dr rec is all you need to be legal.

You dont have to have the red card to be legal but you do need your Dr. rec and proof of mailing. This is NOT like Cali where you only need a Dr. Rec.. CO requires you to submit to the state registry. Directly from the state of CO website its currently taking 3-4 months to issue red cards. I am in the same boat. Start of Nov. I submitted my application still no red card. Hoping it shows up in Feb. sometime but not holding my breath. Basically per the state of Colorado if you have not received a rejection letter after 35 days after applying you are going to be getting a red card.

state site:

pdf link to the where's my card faq: my card.pdf

Read and know our local laws. Get informed about the current legislation being worked on so you know your rights.

Checking in from noco...

Got my dr rec yesterday and sent the paperwork in this morning. Now I need to pick up some patients to be able to legally grow the amount of plants I've got going.
Checking in from noco...

Got my dr rec yesterday and sent the paperwork in this morning. Now I need to pick up some patients to be able to legally grow the amount of plants I've got going.

If you contact New Millenium you can get a Dr.'s recommendation to grow up to 40 plants. You can find their ad on Craigslist.

I've been told that the "cowboy cops" that harass growers usually go after those caregivers with a lot of patients signed up.

Not sure if that's true, but in case it is, the Dr's reommendation might be safer.
If you contact New Millenium you can get a Dr.'s recommendation to grow up to 40 plants. You can find their ad on Craigslist.

I've been told that the "cowboy cops" that harass growers usually go after those caregivers with a lot of patients signed up.

Not sure if that's true, but in case it is, the Dr's reommendation might be safer.

Wow, good info. I'll look into that a little further. That would easily cover the space I've got to work with. I don't expect even half that many plants.
i am in noco also, i heard last week they changed the law here.
larimer county specific.
i "heard" that in a single home in a residential area you can only have 6 plants.
3 in veg and only 3 can flower at a time.
even if your S.O. or if your a caregiver or have rights to grow for others you are now only allowed 6 plants per home in a residential area.
has anyone else around here heard this?
thanks for any additional info.

you can call the registery (colo health dept) leave a message and they will call you back and let you know estimated date you will get your card.
if i get mine when they say (two weeks from now) it will have taken 3 months.
does anyone have a pic of what the colorado card (or paper) looks like?
i have never seen one yet but cant wait to get mine.
would love to see a pic of one now though..........anyone?
you can call the registery (colo health dept) leave a message and they will call you back and let you know estimated date you will get your card.
if i get mine when they say (two weeks from now) it will have taken 3 months.
does anyone have a pic of what the colorado card (or paper) looks like?
i have never seen one yet but cant wait to get mine.
would love to see a pic of one now though..........anyone?

It looks kinda like a car title with state logo's and such but its not as tall. Has red ink and its more of a certificate then a card per say. It has a area for your address and your caregivers address and if you dont have a caregiver that area is blank.
i am in noco also, i heard last week they changed the law here.
larimer county specific.
i "heard" that in a single home in a residential area you can only have 6 plants.
3 in veg and only 3 can flower at a time.
even if your S.O. or if your a caregiver or have rights to grow for others you are now only allowed 6 plants per home in a residential area.
has anyone else around here heard this?
thanks for any additional info.


They lifted the dispensary moroatorium. Thats it. The county can't enforce plant # limitations like that.

Please be aware that the CO red card is optional. There are several precedent cases to support this. Check out . The state would have you believe otherwise but the judges have been clear.
When you get your recommendation signed tell the dr. you prefer edibles and you will be able to get a 34 plant limit.
Wow, good info. I'll look into that a little further. That would easily cover the space I've got to work with. I don't expect even half that many plants.

I got a recomendation for 20 plants myself (I requested it & got it) to be on the safe side & stay under the"radar".

I figure if the wrong parties ever get a hole of that info somehow, they'll go after those with the 40 plant licenses first. So if there's ever a "witch hunt" I'll see it coming. (hopefully. lol)
I have 1000 watt HPS. My home made cool tube still giving me heat problems. Then repotted plants all night.

If you're using huricane glass, then it's probably the fan. If you get a stronger one it will more than likely help.

You can also pull air from the outside if you're not already. The colder air will definately help. Just remember to put some kind of screen on it. Stockings will work if you can't get a better filter, like a thrip screen.

I just transferred my plants to bigger containers the night before last. I feel your pain, didn't sleep that night either.

I lost cable TV when I switched from Comcast to Qwest (there's an obstruction to the S that I can't get around so direct TV isn't an option) so I'm watching Battle Star Galactica season 4.5. The Admiral & Prsident are smoking a blunt in the hospital. lol I'm really starting to like this show now.
Right now I am taking it from the duct coming out of the filter to the chimney and attaching it to the outdoor air and it is getting sucked in through the tube then fan and up the chimney.

Thanks for the idea DannyGreenEyes.

I just posted on craiglist Denver Plants and Clones and it got flagged for removal as soon as I checked it an hour later. Ever hear of this?

Got 3 hours of sleep, feeling a soft crash ahead.