That is not cool no police involve in the underworld SNITCH!!!find out where he parks his truck.
put a dozen clones (make sure they are in seperate pots) in the bed, with some cheap soil and mebbe some miracle grow.
make an 'anonymous tip'
I say one dastardly deed deserves another... and why not play the system in the process? that way it will cost him time, freedom, and money.
Valve grinding compound in his tank will work...SUGAR IN THE GAS TANK DOES NOTHING!
at least that's what mythbusters said like 2 years ago
go to walmart and get what is called airplane remover it is the most powerful stripper you can buy then get some paper towels and soak them good and lay then on the dicks truck and drizzle more on. The longer it sits the more it eats away it should take it down to bare metal, then go to Michael's and get glass etching paste. and put it into a squeeze bottle and write things like cheater, home wrecker.. on every piece of glass even the mirrors make it sound like a woman scorned did it if he has a wife/girlfriend she will become suspicious. and slash his tires remember go for the sidewalls with a poking motion.
i also like calling the cops after stashing some stuff in or on his car, but i would use meth as that will get his ass sent to prison for sure.
also you could call child protective services. some one did that to my aunt once she spent an hour trying to prove that she DIDNT have kids let alone abuse them.
you could have port-a-potties delivered to his house they tend not to like to leave with out getting paid.
Steal his license plat and replace it with another one. big trouble for having stolen tags and really who looks at them would you notice if your plate changed numbers. Also if you can bust a tail light or pull out a bulb if you can access it easily. cop pulls him over for a bad light then he gets busted for a stolen tag.
if you can get laboratory grade ethanol you can siphon out his gas tank and fill it up completely with ethanol that runs the chance of burning out the engine you say he has a 4x4 you can remove the drain plugs on his front and rear differentials and they will go bad costing him thousands to replace(maybe even 10's of thousands)
if they have an unsecured wireless network you can down load tons of kiddie porn or if you can break in you can download it directly to his computer. this would aslo work in conjunction with the child protective services. also you could buy a cheap net book fill it with kiddie porn stash it on his property and call child protective services. Try to use i have never seen that before excuse see if it will work.
you could get fire ants and put in his car or bees.
call his place of business and say he sold drugs to your kids and they should randomly drug test him.
I hate to say it but a ball bat to the knees speaks volumes.
if you can barrow/rent a car similar to his print up a fake license plate with his numbers and drive through several red light cameras dont forget the disguise or have a friend do it.
post online classified adds so weird lonely women/men call him at weird hours.
take out credit cards in his name and spend spend spend, then walk away.
toilet paper or sand in gas tank ( he has a 4x4 truck heis really proud of)
burning his truck... ( what?? its not physichal violence lol )
i like the hatchet in the door idea, minimal effort, maximum effect. also if can get his personal details and fck about with life on paper then thts a gd way to fck im up, as he wont even know it till he trys to register somewhere for credit, or wants to gt married- have kids etc.... go to the registry office with his documents and change his name without him knowing, shit like that, he wil never know it is u but that will only add to the satisfaction
Main Entry: vi·o·lent
Pronunciation: \-lənt\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin violentus; akin to Latin vis strength more at vim
Date: 14th century
1 : Marked by extreme force or sudden intense activity <a violent attack>
2 a : notably furious or vehement <a violent denunciation> b : extreme, intense <violent pain> <violent colors>
3 : caused by force: not natural <a violent death>
4 a : emotionally agitated to the point of loss of self-control <became violent after an insult> b : prone to commit acts of violence <violent prison inmates>
He has a vehicle you say? Well when it comes to thieves you should treat em in kind. Remember its not stealing if you pick his keys up off a table or something(sounds F'd up but its true) I was told by the cops for it to be theft you have to break into something/someplace to get the keys. Just take his ride and ditch it somewhere far away like in a lake or ocean
nt trying 2 piss u off either but how is changin someones papers violent? also puttin a hatchet into the dr wen hes nt in it is not violent either in my book, however it does send a message.
i like the hatchet in the door idea
Marked by extreme force or sudden intense activity and caused by force: not natural