what is the best non-violent form of revenge

Some of these ideas are great, others are severely fucked up!!!

For starters, I don't give a fuck what he did --- his family, pets, etc are TOTALLY OFF-LIMITS!!!! You're problem is with him, NOT them!!!! (I know anyone that fucks with any of my pets will die a hideously slow and painful death, one body part at a time).

5 Lbs???? That is way more than enough to justify killing him (That's worth over $20,000 in my area, and that's just if its schwag!!!). I have absolutely no problem with revenge killing, but it must be done smartly - otherwise YOU will be the one in prison for life or riding the lightning! Revenge must be served cold, but it also must be done intelligently.

IF you are dead-set on no violence (which I personally don't understand) then the best thing to do is eliminate ALL traces of you ever growing (including getting rid of ALL equipment) THEN set his ass up and get him busted with enough to send him away for at least 5-10 years actual time served, not sentenced (He'll need at least a 25 year sentence to actually serve 10 in most states).

Now if you are like me and have no problem with violence, then I have LOTS of ideas, most of which I would never post on a forum!!! One I will post though is this: Bake up some fake crack or ice (easy to do and instructions are on the web) heavily laced with cyanide or strychnine and put it in his truck or otherwise arrange for him to "find" it. One good hit off the ol' crack pipe and the bastard's worm food. If you want some REALLY devious ideas I suggest you buy a copy of "The Black Book of Revenge" by John Jackson (Barricade books, inc. in new Jersey). It has revenge ideas that run the full spectrum, although the author has a definite affinity for home-made car bombs and incindiary devices. You can find the book on the web for under $15 from several sources. I thought about actually posting some of it here but I am horribly slow typing and it would take me hours to enter just a few of them.

Also, if you know his regular travel routes and/or where he works (IF he actually has a job) that opens up LOTS of other ideas. Having his truck disabled and shot to pieces while he's in it (without ever hitting him or any other occupants -- which is very easy to do, hehe) from several hundred yards away has a profound effect on people. Just be sure to use a disposable weapon (or I prefer just install a different barrel and firing pin for your work, then switch it all back afterwards and destroy the parts that were used. And use a shell-catcher!! Picking up brass afterward or leaving any on the ground could be very damaging to your freedom!!!

If I didn't actually kill him I would make damned sure that he is so scared for his life that he will go FAR away and never come back to your area again. Personally, a .300winmag round only costs about $0.50 and I KNOW I can put one through someones cranium from over 400 yards away!!!! A crackhead with a cheap .38 doesn't cost much around here either, and most of them would gladly cap some punk for an 8-ball.

Now that everyone here thinks I'm a totally sick motherfucker, I'm gonna sign off before I tell on myself and prove just how right they are (LOL). Just remember that most forms of revenge WILL involve you placing yourself at risk as well --- so be thorough and patient. Time is on YOUR side, so don't rush. The good hunter is both meticulous and patient. Good luck!!!
...give'em an upperdecker! Go to his house and shit in the back of the toliet! When he flushes it, shit water will flush into his toliet! LOL
dont do anything you did something to deserve this and agreed on a soul level, plant more seeds and move on, life is short, you may die on your way to plot on him, either way you will die someday and all that pot you woulda smoked wouldnt of mattered, but its your life you shouldnt put up with it, so move on and not put up with it, that is non violence, ghandi said - an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind, the earth has plenty of space plant seeds

Ghandi was a fucking idiot and now he's dead!! And there is NO such thing as Kharma.

What kind of moron is going to say that if you got robbed it is because of something that you did previously???? That is the most mindless shit I have ever heard!!!! Following that logic then, I suppose you believe that every time a woman gets raped she deserves it because it's due to something she did in her past?!?!?!?!? Or if a child gets cancer and dies at 6 years old they deserve it because it's due to something they did?????????? Same train of logic!!!!! That's just fucked up. I truly feel sorry for you if you honestly think that way. Of course I guess it absolves you from any form of personal responsibility because anything that happens is just due to kharma or some other eastern philosophy bullshit. How truly sad.:-(
dont do anything you did something to deserve this and agreed on a soul level, plant more seeds and move on, life is short, you may die on your way to plot on him, either way you will die someday and all that pot you woulda smoked wouldnt of mattered, but its your life you shouldnt put up with it, so move on and not put up with it, that is non violence, ghandi said - an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind, the earth has plenty of space plant seeds

these where all non-profit personel grows,
i grow gor myself and my 2 brothers and the old man,
I don't like to be fucked with and when someone chooses to go to war with me I go big!! you have to fuck this guy everyway possible!!!!!!! car, home, job, cops, fuck yeah i'd take everything in this guys life away and then I would try to take his mind!! seriously!! think about having 10 tabs of micro dot acid (pill form) crushed up... the thing with acid is it fucks with your head bad!! you can do E and shit like that and have total control of your brain but on acid you won't have control if its good acid and you take enough if it!! ok so you have 10 tabs of acid.. you crush them up... go to the grocery store or meat market and get some cows guts or anytype of guts and blood.. you get a pump action shotgun that holds atleast 3 shells... you take 3 shells open them at the top an drain all the BB's out!! fill it back up with the guts and blood and reclose the top!! you have an all black suit with ski mask... you find this little cunt at a bar or party and find a sly way to slip the powdered LSD into his drink or beer... 30 minutes to 45 minutes later this kid is gonna be so fucked up and he's not gonna know whats wrong with him and he will get really scared!! he;s doing 1 of 3 things at this point.. he's either going home, going to the hospital, or he's gonna try an walk it off.... if he goes home you shove on your black suit and mask, kick in his door and fire them 3 shots off at his chest, make sure he hears that first cock of the gun (the Pump Action sound is some scary shit)!! he will be so fucked from the acid and after being shot at 3 times and feeling the presure of the guts and blood hitting his chest that hard he's gonna look down and see nothing but blood and guts... beacuse of teh acid it will go right over his head and he will never be the same again!!!!! lol I just made that up so don't think i've ever done anythign like that... but you do have to get even man... and he can not know that you have gotten even... don't ever try and rub it in his face or tell anybody else about it(NOBODY ELSE) ... shit if other people find out you done something to this little cunt you might end up with your house on fire or your car with sugar in the gas tank ...
1. Host a chili cook-off that will feature a live performance by his favorite band. (Radiohead)
2. Post fliers on his truck and in his mailbox.
3. Kill his parents and mix their remains with some chili.
4. After he has eaten the chili let him know his murdered parents were the main ingredient.
5. As he starts to cry signal for Radiohead to come near the tasting table.
6. Watch his favorite band make fun of him for being a crying pussy.
7. Profit.
what non violent punishment would be justifiable for someone stealing your plants for the second time after being let off the hook the first time

because the first time he was a troubled 17 year old and i was a 21 year old who once was where he was so i let him go even tho he had stolen my 4 plant ( 2 lbs for sure ),,
then 5 years later and in a different location this litle fellah decides to do the unthinkable and steal twice that much this time,,, so i really really really wanted to settle this mano E mano
but i know this punk will call the cops and i wont risk my liberty for such a perisite( although i wouuuld fucking love to put my hands on him)

so i know theres some twisted devious fuckers here that can help me plot a non-violent revenge lol well no physichal violence ,,lol
here is a list of things i thougt of
toilet paper or sand in gas tank ( he has a 4x4 truck heis really proud of)
burning his truck... ( what?? its not physichal violence lol )

if you think this is too bad you wouldnt like my first idea, afterall this dirtbag has stolen arround 5-6 lbs from me , i think they sold it all or traded for crack:sad: remember no physical violence
take him to the top of a building then have a rope that is long enough to hit the ground tie a brick to one end to a brick have him tie the oyher end to his dick. then drop the brick over the edge. he will be in a panic till the brick hits the ground.then tell him next time it won't be as long.
p.s. make him keep his hands on the top of his head.
This is mostly your fault. Why does a 17 year old kid know you're growing, not once, but twice?

Now, for 7lb of dank, worth about 15K around here, well, people have been killed for less. Hell, it'd be 10K (wholesale) easy, even up in Canada

If he lives in a house, I'd burn it down.

Not an option? Put a long rag in his gas tank and use a wire leader to force it down. This should be followed by running.

Does he have any beloved pets? Fill in the blanks on this one.

Brake fluid will strip the paint off a car like it's going out of style.

You could also show up to his door and calmy tell his parents that their son owes you $15,000. You can also tell them that the "people" you "represent" will be very unhappy if you return empty handed or if the police become involved. Explain that their son stole something from a very powerful, unforgiving organization. It doesn't have to be true.

People like this need to realize that their actions have very serious consequences.

Best post so far.
People have been killed for less.
Hire is probably the best option.Broken bones.Then warned of worst to come if no money.
1. Host a chili cook-off that will feature a live performance by his favorite band. (Radiohead)
2. Post fliers on his truck and in his mailbox.
3. Kill his parents and mix their remains with some chili.
4. After he has eaten the chili let him know his murdered parents were the main ingredient.
5. As he starts to cry signal for Radiohead to come near the tasting table.
6. Watch his favorite band make fun of him for being a crying pussy.
7. Profit.

thats fucked!! no offense but it is :-P
I saw some1 mention craigslist. Put an add sayin that u are moving states and everything in the house is free. Ppl will come and gut the house like take the sink and light fixtures. I saw this on tv. The ppl came home and the place was trashed!
My favorite: If you know he is doing something illegal at some point in time at his house. Like having a bunch of illegal pot. Make an anonymous phone call to the police about an intruder at his address. They will go into his home and violate all his rights and that's before they find the drugs. Feel me?
i like the whole framing him for some crime idea,,,, what would get him in the slammer quicker " childporn" or cocain
oh,, and did i mention the local cops HATE this guy with a passion ,, he vandilised a cops property with a 4wheeler and got cought when he was like 16,, they hate his guts so that might help a litle