The hard shit


Well-Known Member
Some of the meds you listed are opiates, the same as heroin. And not much safer.

Opium comes from a plant. So does coke.
Even meth has been reported in a acacia variety in west Texas.

90% of hard drug users are not addicts. That info is wrong.

Also marijuana doesn't have its own receptors, as there are many chemical agonists of the cannabinoid receptors cB1 and CB2
i dont take any of those hard i have taken them, and they were prescribed to me.. only used them as prescribed..maybe a lil more. i kno opiates and antidepressants are bad, which is why i dont go in for scrips anymore i just smoke.. but since i ain growin no more and my pain is chronic i need somethin


New Member
I quit smoking cigarettes twenty years ago and still get the urge after a groovy meal

and when I roll my window down in the summer time.


sir rance alot

Active Member
cigarettes?.......well thats a whole other ball game.....I would literally give my right arm to not want and crave cigarettes....I have been smoking 3 packs of Marlboro Reds for over 30 years now... I havent been to see a movie in a theatre for 20 years because I cant go more than 30 minutes without one... The sad thing is.....I would choose cigarettes over my family, friends, and my job if it came to that... I was able to quit smoking crack and ice, I was able to quit the coke and the ecstasy.... But cigarettes have me by the short hairs....There are many ways to quit, but no way to stop craving them....I would gladly give all i have to stop that part....Its a fucking nightmare i cant wake up from...


Well-Known Member
Good job Philip own both the Government and, that sucks
u ever think u hold on to cigs cuz ur scared to u might go back to the other stuff?

congrats on beatin that other shit though.. i only smoke 7 years.. i cant imagin how u feel not smoking .. its like routin probably by now