Some Photos I Took : )


Well-Known Member
I'm about to order up some organic heirloom Italian and New Jersey (USA) tomato seeds for an early planting.

If I can keep the rabbits, deer,raccoons, Tortoises, insects, and my frikkin dogs from eating them all, I'll have plenty to make some wonderful sauces.

New Jersey, believe it or not, produces some of the best tasting tomatoes I've ever eaten! It is called the "garden state" for good reason. Mild weather and great soil....
lol.. i'm from jersey(AC) and i never even wondered why it was the garden state. u think all those italian shoppes buy locally ?


Well-Known Member
For Don,

Well I guess I can post this as it is a picture, kind off. First is the front cover of the recipe book my wife designed (and we co-wrote) She does all the graphical work (her job area) I do all the cooking, comes with being a joint muncher:bigjoint: We created this for her Dads retirement. Trying to encourage him to cook...other than Braai's.:lol:

I have basterdised Antonios recipe (yes that is his real name) and his family are from outside Rome. This sauce is easily made with meatballs as well (just use them as the stock - instead of the sausages) You literally only need a teaspoon or so of the sauce with each helping as it goes concentrated (and that's the way the Italians eat it, not with 3 gallons of sauce and 2 bits of spag like us brits ;-)) I also splash som ewine in and add fresh herbs if I have any from the garden...

And today I spoke to the Garden Centre, and my new Greenhouse should be in place by March!!!! Just deciding on normal or safety glass (safety is 150 euro more, but if it breaks it won't fall down and chop you in half) Fresh toms for us!!!!



New Member
lol.. i'm from jersey(AC) and i never even wondered why it was the garden state. u think all those italian shoppes buy locally ?
If they are good ones, yes they do. Some may even grow their own produce.... Look for "ramapo" tomatoes online. jersey heirlooms and a wonderful taste for a sauce.


Well-Known Member
dst i was about to have a heart attack when u said u stole Antonio's recipe..seeing my name is awkward is all..

and super congrats on the greenhouse

im thinking of moving back into my house(i own) and move out of this house i i should be growing soon, i just missd my genetics so much.. any suggestions?

i guess ill contribute a pic of a plant or somethin from out front.. brb gotta snap one

now i kno its dead but its been pretty cold recently, even tho its a lovely 58 right now. its usually a bright pink and they are just starting to show up




Well-Known Member
lol.. im wearing a tank top and gym shorts.. and this is cold to people where i live.. they always ask "aren't you cold" i just say "im from jersey" .. its not the coldest in the world but its frigid compared to the SE


New Member
My wife and I are opposites with the weather. I prefer the cold and she the heat.

Guess where we live? :lol: Floriduh..... Where's my pants?


New Member
it's the fekkin humidity.... if it was dry, it would be so much easier, but it's what makes Florida ... Florida.

I submit to nature ... and my wife ... :lol: :wink:


Well-Known Member
lol.. looks more like a post op moher nature..

u ever took a look @ http:// www . pickyourown. org/ ?

nice pickin in my area.. dunno bout FL, but im pretty sure. fresh or frozen is always better than can imo.