In desperate need for help


My plant is starting to die. Is it possible I'm giving it too much nitrogen(bat guano)? And if someone could give me there email so I can send them pics. I can't upload


Well-Known Member
you need to post a pic if u want help with something like that

also a bit more information would help us, help u, as well:

whats your grow medium?
how old is the plant?
seed or clone?
whats your lighting?
what other nutes are u using?
whats the ph of your water?
how often do u water?


Well-Known Member
My plant is starting to die. Is it possible I'm giving it too much nitrogen(bat guano)? And if someone could give me there email so I can send them pics. I can't upload
if i could give you a word of advice....dont request or accept someones u realize there are people here that dont want to help you? you give the wrong person your email and you are screwed.....think about it


Well-Known Member
just noticed u said u cant upload.. yea dont ask for an email, u wont get one, and dont give out yours.
gotta find a way to get a pic up if u cant describe the problem in more detail.


Lrite I just started 12/12 due to the problem
the plant is about 2 and a half months old
from a seed
I don't kbow the ph and I'm using scotts premium potting soil
I water every 3 days with bottled water and a pinch of bat guano


Well-Known Member
you should flush the plant with ph6.5 water if its in soild 5.9 in hydro. get a cheap 10 buch ph test kit cause you could have locked out some nutes with a ph in balance but im thinking that there was too much nitrogen by the sounds of ur explanation.

btw there are cops that cruise these forums there are posts that dudes got busted after the cops saw his forums posts and pics. if you dont have a medical license then dont post pics etc and never say how many plants how much yield etc. this type of freedom is for license owners like myself. the cops can come here and look at my license all they want.

I took some pictures. The problem is really only affecting the big fan leaves. Idk if that means anything