Rust, yellow and brown spots (PICS)


Well-Known Member
I have had a couple of fan leaves on one plant that looked this was since about week 3 veg. Now its begin to spread. There are a dozen of so fan leaves which have this on them. The leaves and the plant as a whole are otherwise healthy looking. I'm at the end of 4 weeks of 12/12. My biggest concern it that it appears to be spreading to a another plant.
I have a 1kw hps for flowering. It is an air cooled light with a 6” exhausts fan which currently pulls air from inside the room in to my house through a closet with a odor sock carbon filter. It is on a thermostat that comes on at about 83° and off around 75°. This helps heat my house. I’m using a liquid filled plug in heater during lights out in the flower room. Lows are about 68°-69°.
I'm growing in soil added bat blood meal, bone meal worm castings at start. Top fed molasses tea at 3 weeks veg and molasses, bat guano and worm casting tea last week. feed each 1 quart of water with epson salt at 1 tsp per gallon to each plant 2 days ago.
no other nutrients have been added.
I'm in 3 gallon pots and water every 3-4 days when pot is light before wilt from lack of water.
I have been told it is magnesium deficiency and looked at rust mold i'm not confident of either.
If you would like more info you can look at my grow journal.
I have included 1 overall picture of the plant and 3 macros of leaves.
thanks for your help,



Active Member
have the same thing on one of my plants

it was PH problem for me check your PH make sure its 6.0 6.5


Active Member
If you don't add all that stuff.Just use a good soil that holds ph.That's what I use week 4 this sat.Same basic set up.No leaf problems.But smart pots help to.Hope this helps oregon024


Active Member
PH runoff is 6.5. I bought a meter but its a piece of crap.
well then since you all ready tryed epson salt and that didn't work

then it is a def go to your hydro store or garden store and get some cal-mag should fix it


Well-Known Member
water w/ 2 tsp of epson salt per gallon of water. for fast results spray foilage with 2 percent solution of epson salt. greening starts at top of plant and moves downward. add same dose until symptoms disappear. or apply amgnesion sulfate monnohydrate. add fine dolomite lime when planting to ensure a supple of calcium and Mg.

keep root zone and nutrient solution 70 - 75 degrees F. keep ambieent air temmpat 75 day 65 night . keep soil above 6.5 hydroponic 5.5 and lower EC for a week.

toxiticy is rAre and difficult to discern with the naken eye. if extremely toxic, Mg conflicts most often with calcium, especially in hydro.

sorry i couldnt post solution/problem/treatment pic


Well-Known Member
water w/ 2 tsp of epson salt per gallon of water. for fast results spray foilage with 2 percent solution of epson salt. greening starts at top of plant and moves downward. add same dose until symptoms disappear. or apply amgnesion sulfate monnohydrate. add fine dolomite lime when planting to ensure a supple of calcium and Mg.

keep root zone and nutrient solution 70 - 75 degrees F. keep ambieent air temmpat 75 day 65 night . keep soil above 6.5 hydroponic 5.5 and lower EC for a week.

toxiticy is rAre and difficult to discern with the naken eye. if extremely toxic, Mg conflicts most often with calcium, especially in hydro.

sorry i couldnt post solution/problem/treatment pic
Thanks for the info.