eureka.... got it!!!
k, first off, repvip... i wasnt talking about putting a pump in each res, just 1 pump in one of the reses... and it would pump to the next one... and thus the next res would get fuller, and water would get higher than the level of the third res, so water would start to spill to the third res... then the 4th res... until it ends up back at the res that the pump is in.
each of these res's are tubs with plants in them...
now... i was wanting to do something like fatman is talking about and has talked about in the past where the excess runoff from the sprayers is drained to waste... and not recycled.
well... here might be the perfect setup for me and what im trying to do, so hopefully you guys follow.
There is a main res. All water and nutes in this res are fresh, there is no waste water that returns to this main res.
The only pump attached to this main res is the pump for the sprayers.
Sprayers spray once in a while.
Then we have the 5 or more tubs.
These tubs are all daisy chained together by holes and tubes that are all equal in height, about 2 inches up from the bottom of the tubs.
In one of these tubs, or in between 2 of these tubs... is a high volume pump.
it simply keeps the water going in a circle as described in my first paragraph to repvip about how gravity will cause the water to cascade from one tub to another once one gets fuller than another...
Each tub has an air stone in it.
1 of the tubs... or if you wanted to get ambitious, several of the tubs... have a WASTE DRAIN PORT.
This port is up higher than the other ports that allow the water to circulate from tub to tub.
This waste port... is an overflow port... so that as runoff from sprayers adds itself to the circulating nute water below...
it can overflow to waste.
cooler yet... the high volume circulating pump... its feed line to the next tub in the chain... has a T on it. Whenever you want to drain all the tubs completely, and start over... you open a valve,a nd your circulating pump is T'd off so that instead of the fluid in that tub going to the next tub... it just goes to waste... it might T into the waste line itself.
The waste line can go to a sump pump in a basement... so the waste line can run along the ground, and it will gravity feed to the sump pump hole, and the tubs can sit on the groun, and their waste drain port might be 4 inches high, so you wouldnt have any backfeed problems.
anyway, what i was getting at... when you want to do a complete flush of all the tubs old waters... you flip a valve... water from the high volume now gets expelled to waste...
you start with the first tub that the pump otherwise would pump to... you lift up one end of it so it cumps the majority of its water to the next tub due to water levels rising and tub tilting.
then you go to the next tub and do the same thing... eventually, all the fluid ends up back at the tub that has the pump in it... and all nutes get expelled to waste... so you can start over.
Then you just keep your main res HIGHER than all your tubs with plants in them.
You can then just put the sprayers on constant until the tubs fill back up again... or you can have a gravity line with a valve on it, and just open that valve, and REFILL all the tubs with the already pre mixed and tested nute water in the main res.
Once the tubs are all full enough again to where it almos comes out the drain waste drain port (which is a couple inches above all the otehr ports that attach each of the plant tubs together)...
then its back to business as usual... you close the valve that spills from the main res down to the plant tubs...
and now the only way that water gets to the plant tubs is through the sprayers every few minutes.
SO to recap, you have 1 high volume pump down in the plant tubs that keeps pushing water from one tub to the next.
you have 1 MP or HP srapyer pump attached to a main res that has no recycled nutes in it.
you have bubble stones in each tub attached to a compressor.
So, if power goes out, all youd need is the bubblers going.. and if you wanted to take it one step further, you sprayer pump on battery backup as well.
Everything else would be fine with the power out even if the high volume pump shut off for a few days.
booyah bitches