Leaves curling under really bad, and blacking on edges +rep is givin


Well-Known Member
Well I have a plant around umm i have no idea maby two months or so, and the leaves are really curling under the edges are turning black Can anyone help diagnost this problem? My humidity s between 16%-26% im trying to get it up but can afford a humidifier. My temp is between 72-78.


Man o' the green

Active Member
Well I have a plant around umm i have no idea maby two months or so, and the leaves are really curling under the edges are turning black Can anyone help diagnost this problem? My humidity s between 16%-26% im trying to get it up but can afford a humidifier. My temp is between 72-78.
Just a guess, but it looks like a vascular problem, perhaps waterlogged roots, or some root damage. Low humidity and reasonable temperatures should not be a problem.
I'd hesitate to give you a solution, I must admit I'm no expert on soil.


Well-Known Member
i can countol my temps just not my humidity im looking for ba cheap humifiier tho, i read that thread ut all it said was to increase the hunmidiy and im trying would this greatly effect my yeild?


Well-Known Member
i can countol my temps just not my humidity im looking for ba cheap humifiier tho, i read that thread ut all it said was to increase the hunmidiy and im trying would this greatly effect my yeild?
yield should be the least of your worries, you need to get that plant healthy or there will be no yield

a solid good grow is the sum of ALL the parts and humidity is one of the parts