Laceygirls Grow


Well-Known Member
so how ya girls doing laceygirl?
Morning Princess, (its 9 am in Oz lol)

They are doing great... They are finally starting to "grow legs" and they are on the final stretch for home... Gonna PK 13-14 at 49 days and then just sit back till I flush, then the curing starts... They are definately slower but starting to kick...

How's your babies, I see you at 12/12 now... Good stuff...:lol:


Well-Known Member
looking good girl. looks like your having or had a bit with heat. hows things going
The heads that are the closest to the light are suffering a bit, I didn't think they would get as tall as they did.:bigjoint:. But otherwise its a really healthy set of plants.. I have an air conditoner in there so I'm pretty much climate controlled so my temp never gets above 28 degrees celcius.. (I don't know the conversion to farenheit)

Its a heavy sativa strain, that's why it looks so ugly.. ;-)


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone, just posting some more pictures of the big tent... I want to show people how a slow strain develops over time, so they will know what to expect if they have a slower growing strain like mine... It could be used as a good reference point...:lol:

Still in two minds about the whole PK 13-14 thing... I reckon I will buckle and probably do it next Monday or Tuesday...

Should see some wicked results that week, if I get the bud explosion window right....:dunce:



Well-Known Member
Well the humidity crib has been opened for a few days now and it seems I have great survivability from my ten and even the 5 bought seeds, though a couple of those look so worse for wear... My bred seeds on the other hand are looking bloody brilliant.. I am using 4ml of Canna's Rhizotonic per 1 litre of water and I reckon its why they are kicking on so well....:-) I have lightly drenched the cubes with it and I foliar feed six times a day...

That's all for now, more on the big tent later...;-)



Well-Known Member
G'day all, I've just had one of those holy shit moments... I've been posting photos of my girls on the White Widow thread and I'm really glad I did.... Things that I wouldn't have normally picked up myself have been shown to me by other caring widow growers...;-) How cool is that? Online advice 24/7...:lol:

Apparantely I am over fertilizing a little so tonight I have to flush the entire system for a day, then seal all the FUCKING light leaks that I didn't know were there.:dunce:.. My extension chord has a light in the bottom indicating its "on-ness" that is not helping, my air conditioning duct is FUCKING WHITE, vented straight to the outside near the window in my shed, light gets in there, the zippers on the tent are not FUCKING light proof... Man:cuss: :cuss:
This is shit that I should have been on top of Friggin weeks ago... Could kick my own arse....:fire: Will post more pics in a week... I am too ashamed...:sad:



Well-Known Member
hey don't be ashamed girl, shit happens. but i am glad that you did find out theses things. your girls are still beautiful.
my air conditioner is near a street light, but there wasn't shit i could do about light getting in on my last grow, but i did redo my set-up for my next grow,, but i still may have problems with light leaks. light leaks can delay the harvest date by weeks. i think thats why my indica dominant plant took so long to finish. i had it in 12/12 for 12 weeks. and i didn't have any amber trichs. they were some clear with mostly milky. some1 told me that it could have been an indica plant with sativa buding scedule. but that shit is some fire smoke, and tastes really good.


Well-Known Member
Well my hubby and I spent a couple of hours in the tent last night, trying to seal up the light leaks that I didn't even know about... Well I just checked them this morning and I think I have succeeded. :lol: Still I am going to buy some reflective plumbers tape as the duct tape will react to the heat, it was just a quick fix...;-)

I also completely drained the reservoir and replaced it with good, clean, low pH water, and 40 mls of Rhizotonic just to help the plants repair. I was told I may have been over fertilizing..:wall:

I think I will use PK 13-14 tonight, I've slowed them down enough with my lighting issue so I really need to kick them along. I will make the final decision when I look at them tonight...:-( Maybe I will wait a couple more days, just not to stress the plants too much..:leaf:

Not a happy camper...:-(


Well-Known Member
Just like to say a quick thank you to everyone for all your help and advice, its been invaluable...:lol: This website should win awards...;-)

I have decided to let them have one more day of just plain, low pH water with Rhizotonic... I am going to flush the entire system tomorrow night and start with PK 13-14. I am going to drop the nutrients to 900 ppm which slightly lower than recommended.... Will keep up with the Rhizotonic as its only 0.5ml per litre... Its a nice little boost...Great for root health, essential when using DWC and top feeders..

Will take more pics in the coming days...
Feeling a little better about it today....;-)



Well-Known Member
Always good to see another Canna grower... They really are the best products as far as I am concerned... I don't like Cannaboost with White Widow but I am willing to give it another go with a different strain... I also love PK 13-14..

I too am interested in Advanced Nutrients... I've seen some great results from other growers on YouTube using these nutes, so I might try it one day... But right now, its Canna all the way for me... Thanks for the post...:bigjoint:
Just an update on Advanced Nutrients... I went to my hydro guy whose been the business for 15 years here in town, and he told me that the Australian arm of Advanced Nutrients have gone out of business... They no longer ship to Oz....That really doesn't fill me with too much confidence about that particular company....:-(


Active Member
Personally I am very happy with Advanced Nutrients as I am a first time grower and am having fantastic results. Very potent I only use at 1/3 strength in soil and had some burn when they were small(noob mistake). I use micro, grow, bloom, and carbo load.


Well-Known Member
G'day all, Laceygirl here, just a quick update on the seedlings...

Well they have all survived bar one White Widow, but it had no hope poor thing, just did nothing....Everything else is thriving....;-)

Canna Rhizotonic is all I am using on them at full strength - 4ml per litre, and they love it.... They all have roots and now and all I am waiting:sleep: for is my my new tent, so for now I can let them get a little bigger under the flouro and then I can sex them....:lol:

I also took a cutting from a really nice looking plant a friend owns, that we have no idea of its origins, all we know is that it was a wicked smoke... So its in the humidity crib with the seedlings now, I used Clonex gel so here's hoping in a few more days I will have roots on her too!!!!!:-P

Will post pics of the big tent tonight...


