WTF Medical Marijuana

Change The Debate

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Active Member
whinning yes he is a very good canidate for med. pot but there is one thing if he lives in the u.s there is a catch 22 with state does he/she lives in ,cal yep but you have to watch out for big bro.the 11 states that says yes big bro still say no.fucked up isnt it . i do med pot for my problems, so what he needs to do is check his law and see if he needs to go and grow on a hush,hush plan ...............panhead


New Member
I understand where you are coming from BUT there really are some people that benefit in a huge way from mm.
I am certainly one of them. Last February I was hit by a double transport truck and was put on some really heavy duty pill killers with codine.:wall: Well these pain killers had so many side effects and they were totally weakening my immune system. I was gettting weaker and weaker all the time. Prescibed drugs always have side effects because they are man-made. Weed is a natural substance.
I had quit smoking for about 3 years but decided to quit the pain meds instead. Within days I felt so much better. Since then my whole body physically, mentally and spiritually has improved.
I also suffer from manic depression :oand smoking is a total life saver for me. Of course I take meds for this BUT smoking is what keeps me grounded.
For years I used to feel guilty about smoking because there is such a sigma attached to people who smoke dope BUT I am eventually getting over it. This site is helping a lot with that aspect of it.There really are a lot of bright, intelligent, sensible people who frequent this site and it is most comforting to know.
Sure I agree with you that MOST people just like to get stoned BUT there really are benefits to smoking for people with serious illnesses.:hug:
I am a medical marijuana patient. I didn't make anything up to get my mm card. By using mm I was able to quit taking Fiornal (that contained codine) for my migraines. The marijuana also was a huge help in controling my stress. I suffer from OCD. There is no cure but it helps me manage. My doctor agreed that this would be helpful.

While at the Alternative Medicine Outreach Program I have met many people who have quit taking perscription drugs far more addictive then my codine and with horrible side effects. Some of these people have quit everything cold turkey and simply rely on medical marijuana to help them make it through the day . So don't say that this is just a bunch of people who want to get high. To some this has been a real lifesaver!


Active Member
marijuana is very good for medicinal purposes. i have the cold right now and everytime i smoke from the 4 footer i feel a hell of alot better but thats minor compared to cancer or aids or something but its proof that weed should be legal and we shouldn't have restraints i agree with skunk about governments having no right to say what we can smoke or drink its our lives we should be able to do what we want but u cant just sit there and say that every1 smokes weed just to get high its unrealistic different ppl smoke for different reason.
i had a emo friend who smoked cuz he felt like no1 even noticed him (parents and girls) a while back

i smoke bcuz i get like skunk, i get agressive and a lil unbalanced without it


Active Member
Marijuana is one of the most powerful drugs in the world.

It increases appetite, even if your not hungry, food tastes better, things smell better, music sounds better, sex feels better and people are more easily aroused, conversation is more interesting and comedy is funnier, stomach ailments are almost always calmed, stress headaches are relieved, boring and mundane tasks become interesting and fun, sleeping is much easier when high and angry tempers are calmed, marijuana can even lessen the side affects of many other drugs including alcohol, and there's even evidence that THC in marijuana causes aging cells to die off (those that typically become cancerous) and can even reduce your risk of cancer.

No man made drug can even come close to providing these kind of benefits with very little side effects (red eyes?) I know that you all know these things....... it's common sense!!!


Well-Known Member
i didnt read the whole 9 pages here, but here's my take:
some people legitimately benefit from medicinal aspect. however i think that out of 100 people only 15-25 who claim its for medical reason are legit. too many people who just want to get high are jumping on the "medicine" bandwagon. case in point: my friend commonly refers to is as "medicine" and doesnt have a damn thing wrong with him.


Too many brownies
Marijuana is one of the most powerful drugs in the world.

It increases appetite, even if your not hungry, food tastes better, things smell better, music sounds better, sex feels better and people are more easily aroused, conversation is more interesting and comedy is funnier, stomach ailments are almost always calmed, stress headaches are relieved, boring and mundane tasks become interesting and fun, sleeping is much easier when high and angry tempers are calmed, marijuana can even lessen the side affects of many other drugs including alcohol, and there's even evidence that THC in marijuana causes aging cells to die off (those that typically become cancerous) and can even reduce your risk of cancer.

No man made drug can even come close to providing these kind of benefits with very little side effects (red eyes?) I know that you all know these things....... it's common sense!!!
I am glad you mentioned stress headaches because I get nasty headaches and migranes and marijuana really does help 100%. It works faster and more effectively than ibuprofen or anything else ive taken. :peace:

I will admit most of the time I like to get high, but when I get a nasty headache, Ill take a few hits and feel much better almost immediately.

Now you may say "hey, even though you feel better it didnt really fix anything and it has side effects," the same is true for man made painkillers, right?

Various man made drugs work yes, but they put alot of stress on your kidneys, liver, etc. They dont talk about this much though.

why might you ask?

It is because pharmaceutical companies along with the many politicions and ceo's want the products they help fund and have a share in to do well on the market. Why would any of them promote a drug that could potentially harm their investments. They would obviously do the complete opposite and that is whats happening all over.

Dont be so naive.

All the government does is point out the negative effects of marijuana rarely the postive...and even the postive effects are put down and masked behind lies....

Not only that but look at the influental power the government has compared to a bunch of "Pot Smokers", of course ignorant people will believe the government and various other entities in power without taking even a second to question them or themselves.

There is no denying the medical benefits of marijuana when used to treat certain ailments.

as a matter of fact im going to post this in my own thread....


Well-Known Member
Look, you are wrong and how dare you EVER believe that this is a big joke to patients.

You have no friggen idea about anything you are talking about. There are people out here who cannot take codein, cannot take oxcodone, cannot name it, we can't have it because we are so sick that we can't have it anymore.

I VERY RARELY ever drank alcohol all of my life, I'm intelligent and very well read. I don't smoke and never needed any type of artificial help to have fun. Life was fun, just living was fun.

Now I sit here and wish to have just 1 hour of no pain so I can have fun with my family again. My teeth grind every second and I can't sit still, sleepings just a joke now and quite frankly its almost impossible to bear the pain.

I fought for so many years, rarely taking meds because I was so afraid of what they would do next to my body. My husband would force me to take my meds, just because I didn't want to get "high". It was taking its toll on my family and myself. Then a doctor suggested that I might try MMJ. I was so embarressed, but at the same time desperate. That was 3 years ago.

I sincerely believe with every single beat of my heart that this herb is a medical wonder. It was known for centuries and then buried.

Also, just to let you know........I would trade all my "highs" for just one day without pain. To get up and walk to the bathroom, take my mourning shower and then walk down a flight of stairs to see my family. Then I would take a walk at sunrise around my neighborhood just to smell the morning air.

So the next time you "bait" a patient to speak out against your obvious lack of knowledge, remember I could be your sister or maybe your Mom. Are you one of those really lucky people who have really felt pain?? You know short term acute pain, but I also would bet you don't cry either, in fact, you are so bitter you are impossible to be around. Or maybe that you are just a bully that no one likes. I'll go with the latter.

By the way, they found 6 more tumors in my legs three days ago. Which part of those would you like me to get "high" for fun????


Who believes that the medical aspect of the marijuana debate is a load of bollocks? Well let's face it the medical aspect IS the debate.

Fair enough, I'll admit that it does have some psychological benefits and maybe a few physical ones too. In all honesty though I truly believe that people just like to get stoned... we come from all walks of life whether ill or not, rich or poor... Come on, let's change the debate... Let's tell the fucking truth!


Too many brownies
Look, you are wrong and how dare you EVER believe that this is a big joke to patients.

You have no friggen idea about anything you are talking about. There are people out here who cannot take codein, cannot take oxcodone, cannot name it, we can't have it because we are so sick that we can't have it anymore.

I VERY RARELY ever drank alcohol all of my life, I'm intelligent and very well read. I don't smoke and never needed any type of artificial help to have fun. Life was fun, just living was fun.

Now I sit here and wish to have just 1 hour of no pain so I can have fun with my family again. My teeth grind every second and I can't sit still, sleepings just a joke now and quite frankly its almost impossible to bear the pain.

I fought for so many years, rarely taking meds because I was so afraid of what they would do next to my body. My husband would force me to take my meds, just because I didn't want to get "high". It was taking its toll on my family and myself. Then a doctor suggested that I might try MMJ. I was so embarressed, but at the same time desperate. That was 3 years ago.

I sincerely believe with every single beat of my heart that this herb is a medical wonder. It was known for centuries and then buried.

Also, just to let you know........I would trade all my "highs" for just one day without pain. To get up and walk to the bathroom, take my mourning shower and then walk down a flight of stairs to see my family. Then I would take a walk at sunrise around my neighborhood just to smell the morning air.

So the next time you "bait" a patient to speak out against your obvious lack of knowledge, remember I could be your sister or maybe your Mom. Are you one of those really lucky people who have really felt pain?? You know short term acute pain, but I also would bet you don't cry either, in fact, you are so bitter you are impossible to be around. Or maybe that you are just a bully that no one likes. I'll go with the latter.

By the way, they found 6 more tumors in my legs three days ago. Which part of those would you like me to get "high" for fun????


I hear ya man, its terrible anyone has to go through what you are dealing with.

I honestly cant even imagine at all what its like.

Like many of us including myself I just dont think skunkkushybird truly understands, I mean there is no way we really can.


After years you build up a tolerance to certain medications and have to increase the dosage...this just increases the risks and damage.

Im sure you are no longer embarassed because marijuana truly can help people.


Too many brownies
Thank you for your kind words. No, I'm not embarressed anymore, but I was for a long time.
Your welcome and I truly wish you the best. :peace:

Well im glad your not theres obviously no reason to be embarrassed because you use mmj...others should be embarrassed of thier ignorance, but then again there is nothing wrong with ignorance as long as you try to understand.


New Member
ditto! :-|
skunk, I have always valued your opinion, but on this, you do not know what you are talking about. To be honest, you sound like a narrow-minded DEA Agent. how can you sit there and say what every canna-person is thinking? That is mind boggaling! Without a doubt, people smoke to get high like myself, but not all people are like me. some actually have different priorities. I cannot sit here and tell you what a cancer patient is going through. I don't know? same thing with an AIDS patient, never been put in that boat either. if it makes thier life happier and possibly more enjoyable, cuz lets face it the prognosis is not promising, let them do it without harrassment from you, me, and dupree (sry had to throw that in there just watched). I would rather see someone tokin a fat-hog-leg than popping hydromorphone like its candy. PEACE!


New Member
Ditto to this one also.
I also agree that this poll is just not clear. Tell the truth or keep lying?

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, BUT you are bringing up a very touchy subject Skunk. I mean I love to smoke BUT I also feel I need my mm. I'm not going to get into a debate about it with anyone.:?

Your poll isn't clear to me, so I'm not voting. I will say that there are definitely people that benefit from the use of Marijuana, such as HIV patients, cancer patients, those with glaucoma, etc. My wife has a friend with HIV that tokes to induce hunger and to generally take the edge off. I see nothing wrong with that.

The flip side to the argument: if we start throwing bombs that infer medicinal users are full of crap and get legislation headed back the other way, where will we be? I'd much rather see liberalization towards use in general, if not just for medicinal purposes.


New Member
I said I wasn't going to get into a debate BUT.....:-|:confused:
Skunk. Not everyone wants to take prescription drugs. :? MM is pale compared to presription drugs!!!! Well perhaps but so are the side effects.
If I took all the prescription drugs my doctor wanted my to take I would be a total friggin' zombie. Seriously!
He gets a cut from every prescription and since we have a plan he takes full advantage of it, like most doctors do.:roll:

Another point to consider besides the side effects are the cost. I have a drug plan but not everyone has one. If someone can grow their own organic weed to lessen their symptoms, why wouldn't they? They'd be silly not to.

I also think you are right out to lunch with the claiming that science is now discovering the truth about weed and its disclaimers. I think it is the complete opposite!!!
I think they are now really finding the advantages to taking mm instead of other more serious drugs. Oh don't even go here with me skunk!!!:?

That's what I'm talking about. The medical benefits of marijuana are negligible compared to the buzz. So if I want to smoke I've got to go to a doctor and make up some bullshit to make it okay? Compared to modern medicine marijuana is very pale, no competition whatsoever. Your wife's friend may well induce his appetite by smoking but not as well as he could by taking a prescribed medicine. People like to get stoned, even people with HIV. The medical qualities of marijuana are not going to make it legal for us all to smoke. I don't even believe that it's a start. We drink because it gives us a buzz, well some of us prefer to smoke, wtf's wrong with that?

They have no right to tell us we can't grow and smoke weed, no right at all.

I know that these medicinal claimers are full of shit and science is even right now declaring this to be the case. We will always lose the debate because we don't tell the truth.


New Member
Oh skunk dude!!! Are you on acid or something?

Weed did nothing for your tonsilitus??? Ok now that one I have to agree that weed would probably be one of the worse things you could take IF you are gonna smoke it!!!!!!!:dunce::wall: Thats just common sense skunk. You could have made a strong tea with honey, you could have baked some in some cookies or muffins.
You could have used a vapourizer. I mean...come on now.:?

Sure we like to get stoned but what you are writing is non-sense.:-|

MM is an excellent pain reducer. That is what got me toking again this year.
I was hit in my vehicle by a transport truck passing 5 cars on a 2 car road on a solid line. i was turning left to take my dogs to the park for a walk.
The impact was forceful and left me in a lot of pain. my doctor was MORE than happy to prescribe pain relief drugs called tramacet. They are VERY effective BUT they were also very addictive and messed with my bi-polar disorder severely. It got to the point where i was becoming addicted to them so I decided to go back to toking after 3 years quitting. It works great for physcial pain and is awesome for may psychological ones also. In fact there is where the medical estblishment and science are far behind but its getting better.

It makes most of us happier when we are smoking. That's why we do it. I do it because it keeps my head straight and stops me feeling aggressive; so in that sense I too am using marijuana for medical purposes.

Marijuana is a very psychological drug, and I simply do not rate it as a pain reliever. It did nothing for my tonsilitus (the worst I've ever suffered from the affliction), yet a soluble tablet from the pharmacist worked wonders.

We all like to get stoned, just as many of us appear to like getting drunk. I just don't see why we need to rely on the medical aspect. I may not know exactly how a cancer patient or AIDs victim is feeling, but I've suffered with the flu, colds and tonsilitus (severe). Smoking marijuana did nothing to alleviate my distress during any of these periods, if anything it made my symptoms worse. I suppose where smoking marijuana comes in is that it gets you that stoned you simply push your symptoms to the side. They are still there, you just echo them out... the power of the mind and all that...

I just want to see marijuana legalised for the right reasons...

oh and mogie, I agree marijuana is good for getting people off other drugs. I've got an addictive personality, i just can't say no... so after many years I've finally settled with the drug I began with.

I really can see us losing this debate if we just stick with the medical aspects of marijuana. We need to stand up and be counted... so fucking what if we like to get stoned, wtf's wrong with that?


New Member
Very very well written. :clap::clap:

The issue I take with your way of thinking is, you don't have the perspective of a cancer or HIV/AIDS patient, you have the perspective of someone that likes to get stoned for the sake of it. Now, I don't disagree with your motive or your freedom to do so, but I can't see where you assume that everyone that lights up is strictly in it for the high and not because it alleviates pain or helps them eat a meal.

I do want it legalized for everyone to use, but perhaps for different reasons. Yeah, the high is nice. Yeah, it's a cultural / social thing. More than that, it needs to be legalized because it's no different than alcohol or tobacco use (that kill tens of thousands a year) and those are deemed socially acceptable and are currently legal. Secondly, the 'war on drugs' is BULLSHIT and needs to stop. The revenue that is not only spent on Marijuana 'crime prevention', but the revenue that could be taken in by it's legal sale, could be put to so much better use. Third, America was built on libertarian values, thus the 'war on drugs' ain't American (I understand you're not from the US, but it is a valid point in my case).


New Member
No sh*t!:?:hump:
Skunk, I'd say you just put a whole shoe store into your mouth. It's obvious that you haven't had any contact or experience with a medical marijuana patient. And just like most everyone else, once you do your tune will change.


New Member
I believe my point was missed by most, although I'm sure I remember (as this thread was quite a while ago) a couple of people getting it.

Telling the truth is very important to me, and although I do agree that cannabis does give pain/mental relief... I don't think this should be the entire debate. Has in fact been losing the debate for a number of years, if you take the world as a whole. Canada seem to be winning, and California... but this isn't enough... believe it or not the Netherlands are losing more and more as new stricter regulations come in and the coffee shops are being put out of business. Banks are withdrawing their internet processing services for the sale of seeds... paypal won't even allow the sale of bongs or pipes, even in countries where they are legal. You think we're winning?

Millions of people smoke/consume cannabis for many different reasons and if we are to enter into a new age of truth and honesty, I don't think the medical aspect is where we should concentrate our efforts... I think it should be legal because we want it to be. The complete truth, why settle for half?

Why should it be up to a doctor or the government to tell us what we can do? Are we harming anybody? No. People get less jail time for noncing little kids...

Don't get me started on how fucked-up our little society is... but this is the point.

For me the complete legalisation of cannabis will be the catalyst to an age of truth and honesty. Complete... not some doctor or government official having to tell me its ok. I see an end to mental illness, to criminality. This is what will become from this new age... I want it NOW.
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