I've got my new bulb. raft/hijack journal


Mr I Can Do That For Half
I got mites last round for second time ever. They laughed at neem oil and organic bug spray.I am ready to clean my room and its gonna get a sweep , a hepa vacume, a bleach water wash down and then 3 days of bug bombs then a wipe down.I hoipe this cleans any left overs the room has been empty and dark for 2 weeks now temps around 40 degrees in there.I will then use pyrethyum bombs 1 a week to just try and prevent them from coming back. Id use insecticidal soap again too but it didnt help much last 2 times I used it.


Well-Known Member
Oh no!!! do you think spider mites are mutating aand are becoming amune to our neem oil of doom??? how long have they bin there? its bin more than a month right?
I got that stuff that start with a P and its a hard word to spray and say, and its supost to put little bubbles on the plant... kind of like land mines. the spidermite bumps into the bubble, and the bubble spews toxic gas' all over the bug. and the bug says oh my god I cant believe I steped right on a land mine!
... If I ever had to talk to me... I think I would kill me... If I wan't me. but some dude talking to me... or somthing to that effect... affect? I always confuse thoes... I guess thats the price you pay, for having a lobotomy.


Well-Known Member
what 7??? I bought the same brand same amount and thoes bastards made me pay 18 dollars!!!!!!!!!!11 RARRRRR