minifridge grow w/ pics cfl 12/12 grow


Well-Known Member
hey man not two bad looking plants. i myself am not sure about your leafs .when u started from seed when did u start your blooming nutes? i would like to try 12 12 from seed myself. how much u think itll be dry. you should cure it too. yeah man check out my thread tell me what y think.
if you go 12-12 from seed dont use flower nutes till it starts to flower.


Well-Known Member
del66666 is right on the money there mine started to flower around weeks 3-5 depending on diffrent plants exc... so thats when i started to feed


Well-Known Member
:bigjoint:wooot! im so happy plants are looking great, im on day 75 and purple is looking good about 70% red hairs/ naot really seeing any amber trichs, My Other Girl is at about 50% red hairs/ no amber still alot of clear. im thinkin of giving purple about a week and my other girl maybe another 2, what do you all think im not really sure so help me out.:leaf:



Well-Known Member
damn man there still beautiful and when you harvest depends on you and the high you want you can harvest with milky trichomes and get that uplifting cheery high or couch lock with the amber. so its up to you man but they look amazing


Well-Known Member
so man i need to know can i start 12 12 on my plant. please go take a look and tell me what u think. i think i should for my space. and how much you think you will get on total dry?


Well-Known Member
so man i need to know can i start 12 12 on my plant. please go take a look and tell me what u think. i think i should for my space. and how much you think you will get on total dry?
tryed to anser best i could on your thread hope it helps:leaf:


Well-Known Member
you can switch to 12/12 wheneva u want..depends on when u want them to bloom and space is always an say if your not workig with a lot of space , the sooner u switch the better..i grow in a pc case so space is always an issue but i have seen nothin wrong with goin 12/12 from seed..i grow for personal so im all about quality not quantity...just my 2 cent homie..hope it helps!


Well-Known Member
Ok its day 79, the girls are doin great! Budman thanx for the intrest in MY plants (im glad everyone wants to help ganjacrazy but he has his own thread so post your advice there, i wold apreciate it:bigjoint:), could only snap one pick but i will put up some really good shots tomarrow, maybe even some trich shots if i can. so untill then hope this holds you over:leaf:



Well-Known Member
lol i know its awsome lol my friends and i joke about it alot, im just growin 1 nug at a time lol. thanx for the comment


Well-Known Member
Wow great grow. I appreciate you posting the what day it is through the grow. I am currently doing an autoflowering grow, but I may have to switch to 12/12 from seed just to give it a shot! Great grow!


Well-Known Member
daaaammmmnnnnnn it just gets more and more beautiful every picture. i cant wait to see your harvest


Well-Known Member
:bigjoint:ok so day 80 and i just did some trimming, all my big fan leaves were pritty dead lol, so they look a littlt naked lol. Trichs on purple are still cloudy w/ a couple of amber heads here and there, my other girl is mostly cloudy now w/ no amber yet. (its ganna take forever lol) but they look good enugh to eat and smell great.

first 2 pics are my other girl and the las 2 pics is purple hope you injoy



Well-Known Member
Wow great grow. I appreciate you posting the what day it is through the grow. I am currently doing an autoflowering grow, but I may have to switch to 12/12 from seed just to give it a shot! Great grow!
thanx a bunch, i read through a bunch of 12 12 jurnals that didnt have the day up and i didnt like it at all so i put the days up for that reason. i wanna try an auto flowering strain cuz i hear you get mor yeald but i was planin on just getting some femed seeds and vegging for a couple weeks with some lst


Well-Known Member
im just waitin for the trichs to amber up a bit and the hairs to receed a little than i'll chop um down, hopefully in a couple days but thats what i keep sayin so truth be told i have no idea lol. on a diff note though i decided that the fridge will be retiered after this grow,(need more space for plants) im settng up a really nice cab that i put together for really cheap, when these girls are done ill start a jurnal for that grow, as always comments are apreciated.


Well-Known Member
you just want them as good as they can get lol. damn i wish i was around you to get that mini fridge im still dyin to do that. but hey when you start that next cab grow let me know the name of it ill follow that one too. from what it seems like your a great grower +rep


Well-Known Member
you just want them as good as they can get lol. damn i wish i was around you to get that mini fridge im still dyin to do that. but hey when you start that next cab grow let me know the name of it ill follow that one too. from what it seems like your a great grower +rep
thanx for the +rep! you seem to be the only person following this journal anymore, lol i will deff put up a link on this thread to my next grow, its ganna be the shit:-P. i did feel kinda bad about gitting rid of the fridge becouse all the people i now that wanted it but it will be usless after im done, im takin out all the fans for my cab and a couple of the sokets too.


Well-Known Member
i have a mini fridge that i could use but idk the best way to get the fans and lights in! neways lovin ur buds homie he aint the only one followin ;-)