See How The Government Is Spending Our Money

Anyone who feels Obama is not the problem and has caused more harm in his short term so far....well you're all idiots.

Anyone who thinks Obama can fix everything Bush 1.0 and 2.0 screwed up....well you're just as dumb.

If you don't get the jist of my is because you don't know the issues, and you prefer to bandwagon with many of the mobs who roll on with holy thunder.

It didn't matter who won the election....they're only in for 4 years to try and work out the problems left behind by the last president. IF they are re-elected, they get a shot at fine tuning their own policies but generally still spend more time "moping up" the last policies that were intended to correct problems we're facing now.

Slam whomever you voted them in.... If you didn't vote, shoot youself in the head we don't have to listen to you complain. IF you voted, did you encourage your friends/acquaintances to vote as well?

Did I vote for Obama? Doesn't really matter...he's president now. Do I feel Obama is doing his job well? Not really, but he had a lot of problems to correct....just seems to be missing the point on addressing them.

What I do feel is expectations are much higher on him since he is black. BUT....he campaigned to make us all have high expectations of him....when voters had those expectations...well...I think everyone knows the rest.
I will say whatever I want about our govt. They suck, have for quite some time. The only people who are idiots are the ones who can't add up all the spending that has happened in the last few years. If you think everything is a-ok. You need to take a look at spending vs. paying. A fucking 10th grader in a basic accounting class can tell you its wrong. People should be going to jail over this. troll on
its not our government that sucks its the politicians in charge that suck.. we got a great structure for a government but they politicians that are in charge and running it intoo the ground like a freight train smacking a deer.. its the politicans that suck because people dont get politically involved and learn why the founding fathers set up this style of government.. they knew this would happen because they seen it in there own governments before they came over here

I will say whatever I want about our govt. They suck, have for quite some time. The only people who are idiots are the ones who can't add up all the spending that has happened in the last few years. If you think everything is a-ok. You need to take a look at spending vs. paying. A fucking 10th grader in a basic accounting class can tell you its wrong. People should be going to jail over this. troll on
its not our government that sucks its the politicians in charge that suck.. we got a great structure for a government but they politicians that are in charge and running it intoo the ground like a freight train smacking a deer.. its the politicans that suck because people dont get politically involved and learn why the founding fathers set up this style of government.. they knew this would happen because they seen it in there own governments before they came over here

thats why I said "they". ;)
I live in the green triangle of the east coast it covers part of 3 states wv ky and tenn it was just in the news that about 35 to 40 % of the US high grade marijuana (term the news used) comes from here they also said that if they taxed what was grown here each state or all 3 could make a up to a trillion dollars in tax money in 8 years but they keep wasting money burning crops
California came out and said they can make around 14 billion in taxing marijuana :D i dont doubt you have high quailty marijuana but i bet its closer to 50 billion in 8 years

I live in the green triangle of the east coast it covers part of 3 states wv ky and tenn it was just in the news that about 35 to 40 % of the US high grade marijuana (term the news used) comes from here they also said that if they taxed what was grown here each state or all 3 could make a up to a trillion dollars in tax money in 8 years but they keep wasting money burning crops
Cali is flat broke and will say anything threatening to the feds to get a BAILOUT!

Please tell me how you jumped from 14 to 50?
Cali clamed it can get 14 billion in taxes per year and they are around the 7th or 9th largest economy in the world. So up in the new england states the economy isnt as great so i figured they can get maybe half as much .. around 6 billion a year and i took that times 8 years which equals 48 billion in 8 years total... the guy i was responding to said he heard that all of his states can get nearly a trillion dollars in 8 year in taxes... which i dont beelieve for one moment.. i think its closer to 50 billion in taxes for 8 years

Cali is flat broke and will say anything threatening to the feds to get a BAILOUT!

Please tell me how you jumped from 14 to 50?
New England aside, Cali is in a financial meltdown. Mexico may just completely legalize weed, which would create a complication on both sides of the issue.

While pointing out the positive money aspects is nice, the hearts and minds of America must be won for a lasting change. Money helps, no doubt, but on its own is easily defeated. We're a large ship, and turns take time ... but I do think we are turning.
i couldn't read all 51 pages but wanted to add legalising would stop alot of unrecorded crime too, i know a few passifists who got tied up, robbed and stabbed because someone leaked their location. really sad two cool intelligent guys have now cut there ties with my area and cultivating forever and had no way of getting justice. Governments are back scratching, egotistical, inbred cavemen only thinking about how to impress their equally jaded peers. us voteing = illusion of choice.
think i need a doob!
That's a good point....

Let's be clear ... thieves are the lowest form of human beings.

Yes...just above the color wearing, car thieving, extorting, kidnapping for ransom gangsters who wear blue or khaki...and are too busy/afraid to fight real crime while chasing curfew breakers and expired vehicle tags...petty revenuers.:spew:

Damn...I sure wish there was justice for scum like those who rob, or worse, peaceful gardeners...can't wait till my pup is born!

murderers steal life, rapists steal personal integrity and security. All thieves and cut from the same INFERIOR cloth.

Lawyers?.... it's a profession. I've known some real stand up lawyers in my day...they are not all thieves.. they aren't criminals...they take ur money and return a service.
he he he thought I got away with that, lawyers yea a kinda joke?, agreed, I have a friend who a thief he has stolen from me many times but if I caught him in the act I would hurt him bad