I will say whatever I want about our govt. They suck, have for quite some time. The only people who are idiots are the ones who can't add up all the spending that has happened in the last few years. If you think everything is a-ok. You need to take a look at spending vs. paying. A fucking 10th grader in a basic accounting class can tell you its wrong. People should be going to jail over this. troll on
its not our government that sucks its the politicians in charge that suck.. we got a great structure for a government but they politicians that are in charge and running it intoo the ground like a freight train smacking a deer.. its the politicans that suck because people dont get politically involved and learn why the founding fathers set up this style of government.. they knew this would happen because they seen it in there own governments before they came over here
I live in the green triangle of the east coast it covers part of 3 states wv ky and tenn it was just in the news that about 35 to 40 % of the US high grade marijuana (term the news used) comes from here they also said that if they taxed what was grown here each state or all 3 could make a up to a trillion dollars in tax money in 8 years but they keep wasting money burning crops
Cali is flat broke and will say anything threatening to the feds to get a BAILOUT!
Please tell me how you jumped from 14 to 50?
That's a good point....
Let's be clear ... thieves are the lowest form of human beings.
That's a good point....
Let's be clear ... thieves are the lowest form of human beings.