New Member
To our fellow human beings in Haiti, our best thoughts and prayers go out to you. I am super poor and made a small contribution.
Why do conservative assholes like Rush need to make this a political event. To quote from an article:
"It seems no loss of life is great enough to stop some people.
The Conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh, so often seen as the unofficial leader of the Republican Party, saw it as a chance to knock President Barack Obama.
Limbaugh said the disaster in Americas neighbour gave the president a made to order opportunity to burnish his credibility with both light-skinned and black-skinned African Americans."
Why are some people such assholes?

Why do conservative assholes like Rush need to make this a political event. To quote from an article:
"It seems no loss of life is great enough to stop some people.
The Conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh, so often seen as the unofficial leader of the Republican Party, saw it as a chance to knock President Barack Obama.
Limbaugh said the disaster in Americas neighbour gave the president a made to order opportunity to burnish his credibility with both light-skinned and black-skinned African Americans."
Why are some people such assholes?