Rush Limbaugh is a Fat, Disgusting, Rotten Human Being


New Member
To our fellow human beings in Haiti, our best thoughts and prayers go out to you. I am super poor and made a small contribution.

Why do conservative assholes like Rush need to make this a political event. To quote from an article:

"It seems no loss of life is great enough to stop some people.
The Conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh, so often seen as the unofficial leader of the Republican Party, saw it as a chance to knock President Barack Obama.
Limbaugh said the disaster in America’s neighbour gave the president a “made to order” opportunity to “burnish his credibility with both light-skinned and black-skinned African Americans”."

Why are some people such assholes? :cuss::cuss:
And yet we all know the entire whitehouse staff was thinking the same thing.
these talking heads like rush limbo, courick, cronkite, whatever. these people don't matter. who the hell are they to make statements/accusations like their opinion is so much more important than our own. like we need them to tell us what to think...... PLEASE LOUISE, THE PRESS BLOWS!!!
Conservatism is a disease. Seriously and they have figured out what causes it, they can't process oxytocin (the hormone that is released during breast feeding). So basically conservatives lack of empathy is because they were not breast feed long enough which seems to make them greedy evil pigs.
Conservatism is a disease. Seriously and they have figured out what causes it, they can't process oxytocin (the hormone that is released during breast feeding). So basically conservatives lack of empathy is because they were not breast feed long enough which seems to make them greedy evil pigs.

That's amusing since years ago Rush said liberalism was a disease and liberals weren't potty trained right.
Rush is a hypocrite fat bastard. He slams drugs while taking drugs. It is sad that we live in a country where so many people actually take advice from a complete idiot. Rush can choke on a bag of dicks.
May I suggest a foolproof way to avoid Limbaugh...change the station.
I do not think anyone is forced to listen to something they don't like.
At least not yet!:bigjoint:
May I suggest a foolproof way to avoid Limbaugh...change the station.
I do not think anyone is forced to listen to something they don't like.
At least not yet!:bigjoint:


"I'm not going to listen to Rush and I'm not going to watch Palin on Fox. I'm not! Do you hear me! I'm not going to do it..notnotnotnotnotnot!!! I won't do it you can't make me! And I'm not afraid of either one of them. ARGH&^%$$$^&***(***!!!!!!"

"I'm not going to listen to Rush and I'm not going to watch Palin on Fox. I'm not! Do you hear me! I'm not going to do it..notnotnotnotnotnot!!! I won't do it you can't make me! And I'm not afraid of either one of them. ARGH&^%$$$^&***(***!!!!!!"

There is some truth in your post.
I do not understand these radio or TV "accidents"
I suspect censorship is the true intent of these unfortunate shocked listeners!:leaf:
i'm not worried about ME listening to Rush.
it's all the dipshits who believe the shit he spews from his neck.
I'll smoke a fat one when he dies of the innevitable massive corronary, then
I will spend the rest of my life not missing him.
In fact, I'll smile a little every time I think of him no longer breathing my fucking air.
Again: it isn't rush limbaugh that's the problem, it's the shit-heads who listen to him.
To our fellow human beings in Haiti, our best thoughts and prayers go out to you. I am super poor and made a small contribution.

Why do conservative assholes like Rush need to make this a political event. To quote from an article:

"It seems no loss of life is great enough to stop some people.
The Conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh, so often seen as the unofficial leader of the Republican Party, saw it as a chance to knock President Barack Obama.
Limbaugh said the disaster in America’s neighbour gave the president a “made to order” opportunity to “burnish his credibility with both light-skinned and black-skinned African Americans”."

Why are some people such assholes? :cuss::cuss:

Rush is not the leader of anything. Rush simply does an opinion / satire show.

One thing I have noticed, aside from those on the left having no way of making their case save for insults and aspersions, is that just about every time a commentator like Rush is quoted, his words are taken out of context.

Can you provide the exact quote and the context in which it was uttered. Were you listening to the show at the time? Do you have a sound clip or transcript of the show? I am interested to hear what he said in its full context.
To our fellow human beings in Haiti, our best thoughts and prayers go out to you. I am super poor and made a small contribution.

Why do conservative assholes like Rush need to make this a political event. To quote from an article:

"It seems no loss of life is great enough to stop some people.
The Conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh, so often seen as the unofficial leader of the Republican Party, saw it as a chance to knock President Barack Obama.
Limbaugh said the disaster in America’s neighbour gave the president a “made to order” opportunity to “burnish his credibility with both light-skinned and black-skinned African Americans”."

Why are some people such assholes? :cuss::cuss:

hey mr no sense of humor guy, it was a play on harry reid you dipshit. or have you forgot, "he is a light skinned withno negro dialect".

that was your guy. funny i didnt hear you bitchin about harry though, really funny.
Rush is not the leader of anything. Rush simply does an opinion / satire show.

One thing I have noticed, aside from those on the left having no way of making their case save for insults and aspersions, is that just about every time a commentator like Rush is quoted, his words are taken out of context.

Can you provide the exact quote and the context in which it was uttered. Were you listening to the show at the time? Do you have a sound clip or transcript of the show? I am interested to hear what he said in its full context.

Bite me Neocon :finger:
To our fellow human beings in Haiti, our best thoughts and prayers go out to you. I am super poor and made a small contribution.

Why do conservative assholes like Rush need to make this a political event. To quote from an article:

"It seems no loss of life is great enough to stop some people.
The Conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh, so often seen as the unofficial leader of the Republican Party, saw it as a chance to knock President Barack Obama.
Limbaugh said the disaster in America’s neighbour gave the president a “made to order” opportunity to “burnish his credibility with both light-skinned and black-skinned African Americans”."

Why are some people such assholes? :cuss::cuss:
Question: Did you actually hear Limbaugh say this or did someone spoon-feed this information to you?
May I suggest a foolproof way to avoid Limbaugh...change the station.
I do not think anyone is forced to listen to something they don't like.
At least not yet!:bigjoint:
The funny thing is that a great many people who tee off on Limbaugh don't listen to him at all. What they get is hearsay or sound bites taken out of context. Yet they know.

I don't listen to Limbaugh myself, so I need a little more evidence. A link to his website with the offending statement. Maybe a recording of the entire segment, not an edited version.

It is hilarious that Progressives get their panties in twist over Limbaugh. He's a commentator. He's not elected. He's just a radio personality.

And he does not encourage voters to cheat. I'm looking in Ed Shultz's direction.
It is hilarious that Progressives get their panties in twist over Limbaugh. He's a commentator. He's not elected. He's just a radio personality.
admitting that limbaugh is nothing more than a well informed entertainer like dennis miller, bill maher or al franken (oops, i forgot. that joker's a senator now, isn't he.:rolleyes:) would defuse the liberal angst that has carried the democratic party to its present position of power. his only power is that his message strikes a chord with an audience that has tired of all the whining and hand wringing and still has some faith in the power of the individual. though i tend to disagree with quite a bit of his rabid conservatism and unblinking partisanship, i'm certainly not going to damn him for playing a part that is true to his ideology.