Storing seeds


Active Member
I'm getting some WW seeds soon and I need a safe way to store them as I'm waiting for it to warm up and still studying growing techniques.

Any ideas? I absolutely can't afford to lose them cause I got no more money for dr00gz atm and really want to start this grow :-P


Active Member i dont think il;l ever go from seed
Aren't you special.

I love starting from seeds, aside from bad male to female ratios, it's feels almost spiritual, natural. As mother nature intended. lol.
Clones pooie lol. A bit more disease and bug prone. Cool tho if you know where they're coming from.

Storing seeds is simple. Cool dry place, preferbly a zip bag. Just put them in an empty jar and shove them in ur garage or another cold place!
Hope I helped =]
Seeds keep for a long time. I've germinated 13 year old seeds successfully....cats killed it tho ='[


Active Member
Clones aka cuttings. It's a part of the plant that's been cut off and rooted back into the ground using hormones and the such. Creating a exact copy of the plant.


Active Member
So storing in the fridge isn't necessary?

I probably won't be starting till 3 months from now cause apparently it needs to be pretty warm.


New Member
yea man, what I do I store them in a film container and put them in the fridge, they're good for supposidly 5 or so years.............


Well-Known Member
Aren't you special.

I love starting from seeds, aside from bad male to female ratios, it's feels almost spiritual, natural. As mother nature intended. lol.
Clones pooie lol. A bit more disease and bug prone. Cool tho if you know where they're coming from.

Storing seeds is simple. Cool dry place, preferbly a zip bag. Just put them in an empty jar and shove them in ur garage or another cold place!
Hope I helped =]
Seeds keep for a long time. I've germinated 13 year old seeds successfully....cats killed it tho ='[
DUDE. i love your avatar that shits hilarious!
plus thanks for sharing the info, thats always nice too - i definitely agree with the random positivity of starting from seed - so, per say, au naturale