Rush Limbaugh is a Fat, Disgusting, Rotten Human Being


Well-Known Member

A man full of warm, speculative benevolence may wish his society otherwise constituted than he finds it, but a good patriot and a true politician always considers how he shall make the most of the existing materials of his country. A disposition to preserve and an ability to improve, taken together, would be my standard of a statesman. Everything else is vulgar in the conception, perilous in the execution.


Well-Known Member
:finger:i've grown quite tired of this sort of crap, as if there is some virtue in being a part of a corrupt process. in the decades since i was first eligible to vote i have refused to engage in the lie of the ballot box. government's only means of action is force and i have refused to be a part of that violence. while you may choose to go about indulging your need to impose your own ideals on others, many of us prefer change the world by example instead of force. our charity is our own, a personal choice instead of state induced theft. our justice is a matter of morality, not the vengeance of the indignant mob. our security is our own responsibility, not dependent on the illusion of safety fed to those too indolent to care for themselves. our fates are in our own hands, we rely on no half-assed social programs or government hand-outs to ease us through our inevitable failures.

we remember that the enemy is not the banker or the industrialist, the enemy is created when the state conspires with such people to cheat the people out of their birthright. we remember that the fight was always against being forced to conform and only the state has the power to force conformity through its use of violence. we remember that it was never about money, it was always about liberty and that sort of freedom can never be attained by justifying the abuses of government with a meaningless ballot and chaining yourself to the state.
There IS virtue in trying to change the process, none in being purely a critic.

A truth that you may not like to hear, is that the more conservative/Red a state is, the more money it takes from the government.

Also, the conservative ideal state that you describe could also describe most of the third world countries (and almost none of the 'First world' countries... ignoring the ridiculous hyperbole that is).

The rest I won't comment on because it's hyperbole, an emotional rant with no valid points made. How's the view from up there BTW.

Also maybe someone can explain to us weed smokers, since Republican/conservatives are so into 'liberty'... why this fact...

"Thirty percent of conservatives and 32 percent of Republicans favor legalization, compared with 49 percent of independents, 53 percent of Democrats and more than half of moderates and liberals alike (53 and 63 percent, respectively)."

Even less conservatives than Republicans favor legalization... so maybe they just don't understand what liberty means??


Well-Known Member
"Thirty percent of conservatives and 32 percent of Republicans favor legalization, compared with 49 percent of independents, 53 percent of Democrats and more than half of moderates and liberals alike (53 and 63 percent, respectively)."

Classic!:bigjoint: No specifics on the breakdown of the number of individuals represented in each group, except, "African Americans", yes! How irrelevant (maybe), yet, "POLITICALLY correct".

"METHODOLOGY – This ABC News/Washington Post poll was conducted by telephone Jan. 12-15, 2010, among a random national sample of 1,083 adults, including landline and cell-phone-only respondents, with an oversample of African Americans (weighted to their correct share of the population) for a total of 153 black respondents. Results for the full sample have a 3.5-point error margin. Click here for a detailed description of sampling error. Sampling, data collection and tabulation by TNS of Horsham, PA"

The last sentence if you click here...

(ABC News polls at times will oversample small populations to increase their sample size to a level we consider reliably reportable.)


Well-Known Member
Classic!:bigjoint: No specifics on the breakdown of the number of individuals represented in each group, except, "African Americans", yes! How irrelevant (maybe), yet, "POLITICALLY correct".

"METHODOLOGY – This ABC News/Washington Post poll was conducted by telephone Jan. 12-15, 2010, among a random national sample of 1,083 adults, including landline and cell-phone-only respondents, with an oversample of African Americans (weighted to their correct share of the population) for a total of 153 black respondents. Results for the full sample have a 3.5-point error margin. Click here for a detailed description of sampling error. Sampling, data collection and tabulation by TNS of Horsham, PA"
No specifics on the background?
Do you know what random national sampling means? Did you read what you quoted?

(I guess you already know about the conspiracy between liberals and statistics.)

So, I see what you quoted... do you mind describing your problem with the method?
Take the full margin of error if you want... do you really doubt the results???
(If I must, I'll find some other surveys and get back to you)

Edit... Just saw your link to sampling errors... so here...


Well-Known Member
No specifics on the background?
Do you know what random national sampling means? Did you read what you quoted?

(I guess you already know about the conspiracy between liberals and statistics.)

So, I see what you quoted... do you mind describing your problem with the method?
Take the full margin of error if you want... do you really doubt the results???
(If I must, I'll find some other surveys and get back to you)
Did they manage to find three conservatives stupid enough to pick up an unlisted/unrecognizable phone number and 2 of the three dupes said they were against it?

Can you "reliably report" to me that that is not the case?

And how about the oldsters? Are they generally freedom hating bigots, as you, in extrapolating the results of your poll as you have, suggest?


Well-Known Member
Check out Table 14-6....

Basically, the more liberal you are, the more you support legalization and visa-versa.

73% of extreme liberals support legalization.
49% of liberals support legalization.
33% of moderates support legalization.
25% of conservatives support legalization.
16% of extreme conservatives support legalization.


Well-Known Member
Check out Table 14-6....

Basically, the more liberal you are, the more you support legalization and visa-versa.

73% of extreme liberals support legalization.
49% of liberals support legalization.
33% of moderates support legalization.
25% of conservatives support legalization.
16% of extreme conservatives support legalization.
Or, the more liberal you are the more likely you are to answer a call from a unknown/unlisted phone number. Jives with the liberal peeps I know. Always on the phone, always waiting for a call, from someone, ANYONE...:lol:


Well-Known Member
Or, the more liberal you are the more likely you are to answer a call from a unknown/unlisted phone number. Jives with the liberal peeps I know. Always on the phone, always waiting for a call, from someone, ANYONE...:lol:
:) funny!

Have any stats that state the opposite...
Didn't think so...

Seriously... what is with the cognitive dissonance of conservative weed smokers? Could some of you conservatives bring this up at your next meeting... you guys are really bringing the cause down!


Well-Known Member
Did they manage to find three conservatives stupid enough to pick up an unlisted/unrecognizable phone number and 2 of the three dupes said they were against it?

Can you "reliably report" to me that that is not the case?

And how about the oldsters? Are they generally freedom hating bigots, as you, in extrapolating the results of your poll as you have, suggest?
I mean, I knew conservative were paranoid, just not to that extent.

... in case you didn't see my edit...


Well-Known Member
I mean, I knew conservative were paranoid, just not to that extent.

... in case you didn't see my edit...
Another phone poll...:lol:

ring ring, ring ring, ring r...

conservative- unknown number. fuck that. (presses silence)

ring ri...

liberal- Hello?

pollster- Can you take 20 minutes to answer some questions I have?

liberal- I was just baking a cake, but, I don't have to be to my appointmenet until 3, so if I just put this stuff away...hmmm...

pollster- So you have 20 minutes?

liberal- You bet! I like sharing my input, so, anyway I can help...ohhh, it's gonna be such a nice cake. Do you like chocolate cake?

pollster- Yeah. It's one of my favorites.

liberal- (squeals) Me too!


Active Member
To quote Senator Al Franken, "Rush Limbaugh is a big fat idiot". I think this sums it up. No need for further explanation.
actualy it was a book called "rush limbough is a big fat liar" and a great read it was, illegal should give it a read


Well-Known Member
actualy it was a book called "rush limbough is a big fat liar" and a great read it was, illegal should give it a read
It could not have been that memorable if you can't remember the title.

You have it confused with another Smalley book.


jeff f

New Member
:) funny!

Seriously... what is with the cognitive dissonance of conservative weed smokers? Could some of you conservatives bring this up at your next meeting... you guys are really bringing the cause down!
every chance i get. member of several social/voluntary organizatgions. i preach conservatism and weed all the time.

right now helping the former president of a local fire company who at 80 years old has cancer and is in kemo. smokin a nice afghan. just givin it to him, free, no profit, nothin. gave him a pipe and all. what did you do today you condescending bunghole?

so basically, you are wrong again. feel free to fuck off at any time......

typical lib who sits at home spankin his monkey and doesnt have a clue outside his little "i love the govt and all they provide" box. dick

oh, and you can shove your fancy words....i couldnt resist :-P:-P:-P:-P:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
:) funny!

Have any stats that state the opposite...
Didn't think so...

Seriously... what is with the cognitive dissonance of conservative weed smokers? Could some of you conservatives bring this up at your next meeting... you guys are really bringing the cause down!
It's very similar to the cognitive dissonance to which Democratic smokers cling, only less intense. You see, Conservative smokers foster no illusion regarding any chances the Republican Party plans to re-legalize cannabis.

I should also remind you that Ron Paul is a Republican. Isn't it ironic?

But for some reason, Progressive smokers seem to believe Democrats are an ally in the re-legalization struggle. Nothing could be farther from the truth. When Bill Clinton said he did not inhale, that was the sound of him throwing smokers under the bus. Little has changed since.

I realize that Obama halted DEA raids in MMJ states. Fantastic. Stopping raids which should not have ever happened in the first place.

But it's also true that Obama is on record saying that re-legalization is off the table as a means of reviving the economy. I'm sure that will change once the 2012 primary campaign revs up. He'll throw out enough ambiguous signals to convince smokers like yourself that he is on your side. He'll dummy up after the convention, and if re-elected you will hear him say something akin to, "Let me be clear. I've always maintained that re-legalization is off the table."

Jim Webb said everything should be on the table. Dennis Kucinich has come out in favor of re-legalization. But those two are in the minority in your party.

There are only a handful of political parties which include re-legalization as part of their platforms, and the Democratic Party ain't one of them.

The Democrats are using you.

A Progressive who supports re-legalization would find a more suitable home in the Green Party. Just as a Conservative favoring re-legalization would be more comfortable in the Libertarian Party.

Illegal Smile

Sorry but marijuana laws are nowhere near to being an issue worthy of basing a vote on. I'd much rather have the economy sound, the borders secure and the terrorists on the run than to have pot legal.


Active Member
A lot of what you say is true, but when marijuana gets legalized it sure as hell won't be under a republican's watch, can we agree on that at least?

In the coakley vs. brown, you had a lady who lobbied against question 2 (ballot initiative that decriminalized pot in mass last year, passed by 65%) and an asshole who used his state senate seat to push for harsher fines for potheads. The third guy was actually for legalization but he's also batshit crazy....

So where does that leave me as a voter? Obviously I care about pot law reform, but it isn't the only or even the main issue on my mind when i go into the booth, so when push comes to shove I will vote for someone who supports marijuana prohibition over someone who doesn't if I agree with most of their politics. I'm sure many conservatives feel the same way. That said though, there is a discernible difference in the approach to drugs in general between conservatives and liberals, which is that conservatives seem to favor a law and order approach of arresting as many potheads and dealers as possible to deter others, while liberals generally seem to look at it more as a public health or harm reduction issue. I can tell you which one I prefer.

Obama is on record saying that he favors decriminalization. How much of a difference that will make in policy remains to be seen (stopping the dea raids is a good start, imo...), but how do you think a republican would do in a primary if he came out and said that. My guess is he would get ron pauled.

Oh and yes, rush limbaugh is basically a caricature of everything that's wrong with america.