oh its not dead till its gone. The dirt will be fine , just let it dry up real good. i think u are in flower right now and that will be very bad on the yield, but it will recover. i keep forgetting that u are growing auto's and those are completely different. if it was not an auto , i would say to put it back in 24 or 18 hours of light till its recovered. i dont like to have any probs in flower as it will fuck with the yield bigtime. the other bitch is a beauty! her lower half is a lil droopy , but all an all she is very healthy. i have not looked at your shedule yet, but i would stick to 50% for now. food is a very hard thing to get right, you have to know what your plant wants in your enviroment. the ONLY way to do that is test yourself.
if that dirt is not dry in a week then dont freak out , just leave it until it is dry. if it is that wet (mud) then it might get alot worse before it gets better.........not sure.
i know it sucks to always see them cause you never get to "see" much growth but the more time u give them the better!
them fuckers love being talked to. (and it wont hurt to puff one with um every now and then
