Issues 1 month into flowering.


Active Member
Light: 360 watt hps conversion bulb (12' from the canopy)
PH: 6.5-7 (Run off is around 6)
Medium: Soil, Fox farm ocean floor
Nuts & feeding: Ripe CNS17 80ml to 4l water (alternate nuts and plain water every 4 days)
Temp: 65 at night to 75-80 mid day

I am at day 69 and im having issues with only 2 of the 3. The burn/deficiency is located at the top 3 fan leaves and its turing brittle and doing mad discoloration and curling. My guess is i was super stoned and spilled some of my bloom mix on her...but new ones keep showing up so im lost.....any help would be perfect.


strain stalker

New Member
...I don't think your ph will be a problem if it's as you say. I'd flush my soil with ph balanced (6.5 for soil) until your runoff becomes 6.5, this usually takes 3 gallons of water per 1 gallon of medium. water it in slowly, real slowly... water....then come back in a hour an water. Make sure your getting a good flush. I'd then feed after the flush with cal./mag. MJ is a cal./mag. hog.
...let the plants dry out before you water again. Good luck.


Active Member
...I don't think your ph will be a problem if it's as you say. I'd flush my soil with ph balanced (6.5 for soil) until your runoff becomes 6.5, this usually takes 3 gallons of water per 1 gallon of medium. water it in slowly, real slowly... water....then come back in a hour an water. Make sure your getting a good flush. I'd then feed after the flush with cal./mag. MJ is a cal./mag. hog.
...let the plants dry out before you water again. Good luck.
any clue on why this might of happened or how to avoid it?

strain stalker

New Member
...sure, MJ eats an ass load of cal./mag., this is a normal experience for us growers....we're sooooo focused on NPK that we neglect to notice the needs for such elements. MJ just eats alot of it did nothing wrong. You'll need to keep a bottle of Cal./Mag. around.

strain stalker

New Member
...If your curious why your ph in maybe a little out of range, it's probably due to adding chemicals to your FFOF. Soil/soiless growers usually learn to go organic due to the medimum being such a good buffer for salts. The salts build up and usually lower your ph...this is why soil/soilless growers that use chemicals are forced to flush sooooooo much. I'd suggest that you use organic fertz with soil such as FFOF. You can simply get you some bat guano, seabird guano, kelp or liquid seaweed, and maybe some molesses mix these together and make a tea. It's really hard to overfeed organiclly and you'll get superior results without ever worrie about salt buildups. Ohhhhh yeah, you'd also need some Cal./Mag. ....LOL


Active Member
I am confused too. In a cal/meg it starts with the older leaves first. This is all happening at the top. 2ed i am baffled on this particular plant. It was bit by my cat when it was a week old and it split into 2. The left side is fine but the right side is not. How can it be a lock up issues if the same roots are doing ok for the other side?



Active Member
...sure, MJ eats an ass load of cal./mag., this is a normal experience for us growers....we're sooooo focused on NPK that we neglect to notice the needs for such elements. MJ just eats alot of it did nothing wrong. You'll need to keep a bottle of Cal./Mag. around.
i must of missed this one...thanks for the help man....that makes the most sense.

strain stalker

New Member
...actually yes. Tap water. Tap water has some cal./mag. in it. If your already using tap water and still seeing this...then you have clean water , or a low ppm (parts per million)count. (Reverse Osmosis filtered water has a 0 ppm count) . Most tap water has a ppm from 100 - 300....alot of the elements that make up this ppm in tap water are actually good for plants. Cal./Mag. being included.

Some fertlizer companies even consider this when they make their products and purposely lower the cal./mag. in their products to prevent an overload.
...are you using tap water?


Active Member
...actually yes. Tap water. Tap water has some cal./mag. in it. If your already using tap water and still seeing this...then you have clean water , or a low ppm (parts per million)count. (Reverse Osmosis filtered water has a 0 ppm count) . Most tap water has a ppm from 100 - 300....alot of the elements that make up this ppm in tap water are actually good for plants. Cal./Mag. being included.

Some fertlizer companies even consider this when they make their products and purposely lower the cal./mag. in their products to prevent an overload.
...are you using tap water?
Well i do use the tap water but i always give it a day or 2 so the chlorine clears. I broken down and got some cal/mag from the shop but now i guess i need help on how to give it to them. I have no ppm meter so i have no idea if there is already iron or a high amount of nitrogen in there. Issue is i just fed um a bloom nut 3 days ago and im afraid ill burn um.


Well-Known Member
Dam the cal/meg up nut at my local shop is 20$ and im fucken broke...any low budget ideas? Or will they be ok till i get paid this weekend?

2 bucks go to the pharmacy and get a little carton of epsom salts, teaspoon in about a quart of water and do a foilar feeding in the morning.