blah hahahahahahahahahahaha. your fucking hilarious...... you have been bamboozled into thinking libs are there for your benefit.
i'm sorry but california has that dubious distinction and i'm afraid we won't be rid of the pesky little bugger until we are bankrupt and everyone with two nickles to rub together has fled in disgust.
Lolol!!!...blah hahahahahahahahahahaha. your fucking hilarious.
hey dude, note to self, the citizenry has awakened. they are throwing your statists buddies out. the biggest lib state ever in the history of lib is now taking back their freedoms and tossing the tyrants. you can thank the conservatives once you figure it out....sort of like your fake global warming nonsense..... you have been bamboozled into thinking libs are there for your benefit.
get off the puppet bus before it goes off the cliff with the rest of the lemmings.
on second thought, if you are too stupid to realize that the country has been taken over by marxist, stay on the bus. best thing for the gene pool. the rest of us will do the heavy lifting in your absence.
You - JEFF - have been bamboozled into thinking that any fucking politician exists for your benefit. Grow up! Your naivete reeks of immature thought.
The thing is, one senator change does not a revolution make. If the "teabaggers" really think they have jacked a mandate with this election, I feel they will be sorely dissappointed. Me personally, I really don't see any positive results from this medical bill for me and mine. May even be a negative. So I personally don't care if Brown jacks the bill. The sad part is, 30 million uninsured will remain uninsured and the insurance moguls have won. Actually, they would have won either way. It was a giant giveaway to them, no bill, same old ripoffs, get bill, 30+ million new customers with no price controls. My question is: where were the representatives for the people? Oh that's right, they were bought and paid for, from the top, sorry dumbass. not gonna listen to your logic and quit. not in my nature. i will participate and will vote everytime i can. and i will vote for the best candidate in the race, the one that favors freedom. thats my guy/gal.
you keep sitting around bitching about losing freedom by "the man". and i will continue to take part and get rid of "the man". good luck to you bro..
and God bless all the freedom loving citizens of massachusetts!! God bless you. this will go down in history, not tomorrow but 100 years from now, as the second tea party. and to happen in the same state surrounding same curcumstances, outa control govt spending/taxing, devine province demonstrable.....pretty cool shit.
Yeah, I can just see John Kerry rollin in his pick-up truck, playin Backwoods hilbilly rock on his 8 track, smokin a fatty and guzzlin cheap beer. Yeah, Boston rednecks rule.Boston the shyt irep for my town not big massachuseetts haves alot of rednecks not more then florida
To paraphrase Michelle Obama: This is the first time in my life I've been proud of Massachusetts.
The TEA Party Rocks! The Independents in Massachusetts came through big time.
Now look at the arrogance of the Progressives: They are actually blaming the loss in the Democrat candidate instead of a total rejection of their fascist/marxist agenda.