young marijuana not growing, dying, withering and turning yellow PLEASE HELP!!


i was wondering what 4, 60 watt energy savers- (11w 230-240v 50-50hz) is like compared to like a 125 or 250 cfl from a hortriculure shop? do you think thats enough to grow a couple of plants? xxxx


Well-Known Member
never used small cfls so couldnt say mate,, but my bud grew some under 2 125w cfls and only yielded 9 grams average per plant,,,


Well-Known Member
it is thats wat i was gunna say lol, reallly it depends on how big u want ya plant to grow, with my indicas i veg untill about 12" or so and i end up with about 2 oz and a 3 ft plant.


it is thats wat i was gunna say lol, reallly it depends on how big u want ya plant to grow, with my indicas i veg untill about 12" or so and i end up with about 2 oz and a 3 ft plant.
well my veggy is about 16 inches atm, gotta wait on a red cfl that im ordering so its late to flower, white pistils are already forming so its def. ready for flowering, hoping that the other small ones will grow enough to force early flowering but not to small for it to be pointless, am i right in saying that i will only determine their gender when i put the plants on 12/12? getting 300w blue and 300w red cfl, hoping that will be enough, ive found that the hid is way to risky and cant be left for more than 12 hours without watering, the plants dry up 2 quick and the leaves all droop and the room temp is about 35 which is way to hot, light peers thru the cupboard with hid aswell so cfl is for me :). when i get my cfl's do i use them together or only the blue in veg and red in flower? for some reason the two plants i topped are growing strangely, ill upload the pics soon as, looking for some nice autoflowing lowriders if you have any ideas, take in mind i'm living in england for shipping. apart from that, all is going well- in a couple of months when ive harvested ill get to start fresh with a new forum and a new grow (looking foward to that more than the bud from this grow, i like a project more than anything) xx


Well-Known Member
bang the red and blue in together m8, shame about the hps, i found that cfls were q hot as well m8 maybe 2 300w will be too hot ,, have u tried them in there?

also u r at a gd size for flowering u will end up with quite tall plants, maybe u should start lst now m8,, im worried that ya lights wont penetrate far enough for a big plant!! unless u can drop a few down in there


atm the homemade cfl hangs about 3 inches above the big plant and about 4 from the smaller ones, the plants still grow, if slowly. the light in the room is really well reflected down to the plants and none escapes, the room temp with the cfl's on is about 22, the heat the lightbox produces isn't enough to heat the room up too much, however i have no idea about the 300w cfl's as i dont have them yet but ill post readings when i get them and im more than sure it should be fine. time will tell and ill make sure to tell you everything, your such a help! i will flower as soon as i get em lights- i heard somewhere that females tend to grow smaller than males, and if this is the case, i think i can tell which one is female, not 100% sure tho, its just the only different one with much smaller spaces between stems. do you think 300w is too risky? should i go lower to like 200w? im starting to worry now :s you grow with cfl's? x


Well-Known Member
dont let me spook u m8, u go for it ,, if ya room is big enough for the 300w then its big enuff to be cooled, also if ya room temps is 22 with the smaller cfl then u can gt at least a gd 5.c hotter in there before being too hot, i am using a 125w blue at the mo, for seedlings... i did have 1000w cfl set up in one hood 4 x 250w lol it was huge... the bulbs are 250mm long and about 6" girth :) it whacked out as much heat as my 400w hps though and was harder too cool as i needed it closer to th eplants.. also i gotta ask cos u keep giving me xxx are u a girl... cos if nt stop giving me xxxx lol


i single 300blue and a 300w red wont make as much heat as a 400w hid will it? it cant do! i hope not, otherwise ive just spent more money. heading to amsterdam on friday, gonna check out some nice strains of draw an get some seeds. whats the diff. between HID and hps then? high pressure sodium, whats HID stand for, or am i just being stupid and shud be sayin Hps instead? gonna have to leave my plants from friday till tuesday and i dont have water irrigation, i was thinking of alternatives like putting them in a tray half filled with water or something? the only people who kno about my grow are riu, and my girlfriend, and were both off in amsterdam. sorry about the kisses, im a guy, jus with a load of love!

x :p


1000W cfl setup, i guess you grow for more than personal consumption then, or jus one heavy smoker! my boss has 2 600w hps at work and grows about 8 plants- personal consumption! i wanna expand my grow, fed up of having to use a cupboard behind my pc desk! need to get my own place. later on dude


Well-Known Member
lol no worries hid is basically hps and/or mh its shrt for high intensity diode i believe. have agd time in amsterdam,, my m8s bin raving about lsd since the last cup. u lucky man,,,, i aint heard the word draw since i left wales, and ganger lol wicked m8 take it easy


lol no worries hid is basically hps and/or mh its shrt for high intensity diode i believe. have agd time in amsterdam,, my m8s bin raving about lsd since the last cup. u lucky man,,,, i aint heard the word draw since i left wales, and ganger lol wicked m8 take it easy

put the cfl in last week, its a 300w 2700k red flowering cfl. been on 12/12 for two days, but still no sign of gender on the little plants, giving them topmax npk 0.1 - 0.01 - 0.1 bloom stimualtor and bioheaven energy booster nutrition. how do i upload images like everyone else in those black boxes? mine always take forever and then come cropped when i attatch. amsterdam was awsome- learnt about alot of good strains out their and eger for my next grow. how have you been stoner?


Well-Known Member
that topmax is the sugar additive isnt it? no npk to speak of, i am using it this grow but only during watering without nutes and i think ill dose her up during final flush. glad u had a gd time in the dam, wat was ya fav smoke, did u try the hashes as well? chalice is awesome and royal morrocan mmmmmm man i wanna go i wanna go lol
so wat is the biobooster? a flowering nute or a catalyst? i would still give veg nutes till u see hairs mate add a ml per litre of bloom if u want to,, but most veg nutes carry enuff p and k to start off flowering process without depriving her of goodness..


favorite draw was either the chocolope or the ny diesel. fav. hash was the ice o later and the top sahara moroccan goodness. added 3 tiny 65 wat cfl energy savers in the room today jus for a bit of extra light to the lower parts of the plants. is giving it bloom stimulator a bad idea then for the littler ones then? i dont see the point of it then? found out i have a minor case of scarid flys, whats the best thing to use to flush these out for soil? i found this gnat off stuff but it looks like its for hydroponics and im not sure it will work with me? next grow im going to plant as many autoflowering plants into the room and see how that works out, some off them say they grow from seed to harvest in as little as 60 days (70 give or take, more likely) u have any experience with auto's? gonna try grow some auto's outside come late march/early april. hairs are getting bigga on the plant good node formation on the bigger, gender still unclear on the lil one's but im sure ill find out soon enough. time for some boring east end weed and some late night gaming, peace sweetsmoker