Well-Known Member
so i was wondering how much does a tiny bit of light or glow from light affect ur plants when they r sleeping?
I partly agree with this, however i would still try and keep light to a minimal, the plant is a weed and weeds grow quite easily, however if you want a nice healthy plant where all its energy will be foccused on flowering a crack of light could stress it or worse still stunt its growth, you could fix this by having a green light bulb in a lamp next to the part were the light is getting in set on a timer to go on and off when your main grow light are on/off, plants cant recognise green light, thats why they are used for night gardening so if your green light is filtering in the light gap more so than the other leakage .. chances are your plants will pull through just fine hope this helps, or you could use draft strips to seal your setups doors/windows,... post some pics and ill be able to sort this prob for you - STELTHYHow much light is too much light? Think of the brightest full moon you've ever seen. Plants flower naturally in that light at night. Anything more than that may shock your plants back into veg, but there's more of a chance of them just growing light weight fluffy buds.
Obviously you want pitch black. Just do what it takes and that question goes right out the window.
No mate green light same colour as the plants or try and block light about red flourscent?