The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
im kinda thinkin bout 2 in coco 2 in soil 2 in hydro just to do a full comparison, ive only used soil but i think it mite make a good grow journal and learning experience, also not puttin all my eggs in one basket means if it fucks up the chances are i'll still have sumthin to show at the end.


Well-Known Member
I cant seem to do right well in soil. I have done a couple of decent coco but i seem to have excelled in dwc, the result are amazing. To say i made it myself for 20 notes, it will pay for it self on the first eigth sold.


Well-Known Member
im kinda thinkin bout 2 in coco 2 in soil 2 in hydro just to do a full comparison, ive only used soil but i think it mite make a good grow journal and learning experience, also not puttin all my eggs in one basket means if it fucks up the chances are i'll still have sumthin to show at the end.
This is what i dream of everyday!! lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye ive had good results in soil better in coco but the next step up does seem to be hydro ive been lookin at dwc for a while.

craig have you found it cuts your flower time? ive heard it finishes plants up faster but dont know anyone that grows in dwc

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I cant seem to do right well in soil. I have done a couple of decent coco but i seem to have excelled in dwc, the result are amazing. To say i made it myself for 20 notes, it will pay for it self on the first eigth sold.
i did it all totally wrong and spent over £150 on a failed setup that now needs more money thrown at it :lol:

my next grow will most likely be 2 in coco and 2 in dwc, in fact it most certainly will be. means i still have 2 safety plants while i piss around with bubbles. either way i end up with plants then :)


Well-Known Member
ive been reading loads bout hydro recently and really wana giv it a go, am gonna go with a deep ebb n flow system, why dus everyone seem to like the DWC system tho?

im pretty new to growing and have only used soil so fair and id have to say i find it pretty simple, good soil,good temp/humidity/good nutes,good light so far has = good weed.

i wana switch to hydro to grow great weed and also for the yields, although ive never got less than 4 n half oz a plant from soil. But like i said im pretty new to growing and maybe its just begginers luck.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
thats it man i'm a fan of the KISS technique tho im tweaking my grow all the time. my only worry about going hydro is the ph and EC and ppm side of things in soil n coco you dont really have to worry too much about testing your shit every day etc but if you fuck that up in hydro your shits toast in like 48 hours

guess its probably just a case of find your feet and get on with it tho


Active Member
My first grow was with hydro, fucked up the DIY flood & drain system (not the most hands on person ever!!) so watering by hand until i get some more ££ together to buy a sixteen pot flood & drain table from basement lighting, also wholesale wise whats the going rate on WW? I have been told about 160 ish....

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
you could charge what you want if it's genuine WW. down the southwest, they'll hcarge £200 regardless of what the strain is.

but as ever, my motto is that you shouldn't give a damn what strain it is, and sell cheap!


Well-Known Member
you could charge what you want if it's genuine WW. down the southwest, they'll hcarge £200 regardless of what the strain is.

but as ever, my motto is that you shouldn't give a damn what strain it is, and sell cheap!
sell cheap? how come? so the next man can go sell it .8 for a tenner n make like 300 an oz???

in the southeast and also london prices are CRAZY right now, proper WW where i am (southeast) is 180-200 people here would buy WW for 180s till theres none left cause like i said they go sell it .8 a tens etc

In the parts of london i no well (east) the prices are even higher 200 minimum for WW or other highgrade, ive known people pay 240s for top weed in e london.

im not saying the prices ive quoted are the same for every1 but im covering 2 pretty large areas and have been smoking over 15years n have seen/brought at the prices ive quoted.

im only 27 but even i can remember getting high-grade weed all day long at 120s bout 5-6 yrs ago what happend?

oh and are people still seeing Sprayed weed around? i got offered a cheap box last month 4400 didnt no till i checked it that it was sprayed/dipped sent that shit straight back!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
haha, i'm just being an idealist. as you say, probably wouldn't matter if the grower tries to pull prices down, the dealers are the greedy dicks who couldn't care less

so yeah, i'd think that selling to a dealer, 160 sounds like a fine price. i know my dealer is paying £160 on anything.


Well-Known Member
160 sounds good to me if your gonna be selling bulk but personally i wouldnt sell singles at 160 but then it aint my weed and your welcome to sell ya green at whatever price you like lol


Well-Known Member
what i dont get aswel is how come nearly every drug has gone down in price over the years but not weed??? theres obviously more drugs getting into the country for the £££ to lower. So whats happening with weed? Surely other growers/smokers remember getting good skunk for 120s a few years ago???

what happend???


Well-Known Member
aye ive had good results in soil better in coco but the next step up does seem to be hydro ive been lookin at dwc for a while.

craig have you found it cuts your flower time? ive heard it finishes plants up faster but dont know anyone that grows in dwc
Ye man could have put them in to flower at 2 and half week but didn't and left it till 4 week and now they are too big really for my little tent.

Will stick some picks up, its three white widow and its go in for the flush week next week.

Its so easy to do dwc, its unreall how fast they grow, i had a little bush at the end of the first established week.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
craig my man, i wil most definately be hitting you up for some questions in a month or so once i start my DWC. i'm planning on taking a couple of clones from my cheese in coco and setting up a small cloner to get to grips with how it all works and such. you'rs are looking amazing.