g-h. nute question


Well-Known Member
i put my clones in rockwool 6'' blocks 4 days ago using g-h flora series nutes plants look perky & reaching toward light but getting a hint of yellowing on leaves[lt.green-yellow] due to flood again in 3 days used seedling feeding schedule on g-h. chart plants 8'' tall should i advance to mild growth schedule on next feeding??? they look hungry :leaf:


Active Member
i have found with gh to use half the recomended dose or else you will burn them up if you do want to use full strenght work them up to it


Well-Known Member
the rate for normal growth is12.5-ml.=gro 7.5-ml.=micro2.5ml.=bloom per gal. of water mild growth ratio somewhat less & aggressive growth is a little more gonna use the mild growth rate it seems that the rockwool blocks dry out slow kinda like soil hydroton dries out a lot faster

tea tree

Well-Known Member
if you look on the gh nute home page you can find their nute calculator which is user freindly and spot on. I use it just like it says and I am amazed. Just plug in your numbers. presto. it is the "shit". I would post a link but I am having some comp prob with copy and if yu google it yu can find it readly


Active Member
I find that .30 for what it calls for in the literature works well on young ones. I don't amp up to 100% until over half way at bloom. Other boosters in there too but try to keep the ppm regulated with the growth and not over doin it.


Active Member
I have tried a number of GH feeding schedules, and learned a lot about growing just from doing this. It is pretty easy to burn your plants with their chart on the label. You should read about Lucas formula. It's 1 part Micro to 2 parts Bloom. I don't use this exactly myself, but it is a pretty bulletproof feeding regimen that will keep your plants alive from start to finish. You can add any of the 3 to change the NPK to suit your liking from there. 1.5ml micro and 3ml bloom in a gallon is usually what i feed my cuttings.
ive never had a problem going by the GH chart. It goes straight in with walmart distilled water and I never even check the ph anymore, I haven't ph tested in the last 2 full grows. I do mix it a little weak though, i usually throw in a extra gallon of water for every 5 gallons of nutes I mix. Better safe then sorry....or im just cheap and trying to stretch my nutes all the time, lol.


Well-Known Member
i used the gh. chart to finish off my bubbleponic grow & 5 days into this one my cuttings are 11/2 mos old & as of today 9'' tall theyve grown alittle over 1'' in 5 days since i put the rapid rooters into the 6'' rockwool blocks i also mix 5 gal. batch & add 1 gal water for a total of 6 gal. total[my bubbleponic used 6 gal. of nutes every res. change] it's worked just fine


Well-Known Member
start off with 9ml of bloom and 6ml of micro(the recipe), then if needed move up to 16ml bloom and 8ml of micro(lucas formula)
remember when they are talking about plant size for your feeding they are probably talking about from seeds which takes time to mature, clone are as mature as the mother so once they have some nice roots dont be afraid to feed them.


Well-Known Member
using the 6'' rockwool blocks i dont recirculate my nutes so i guess the keep it simple drain to waste program would apply here which compared to the recirculating has a slightly lower level of nutes i have a tds meter that is junk [came with water filter] so thats my next investment the rockwool holds a lot of liquid when i feed there is little leftover using flora series & i'm not wanting to get ''high-tech'' i tend to be my own worse enemy ! i am wondering if i should use a rockwool matt under my blocks ???

tea tree

Well-Known Member
I love rockwool. I love rockwool with gh. I use the hardwater micro with straight tapwater and I dont rinse the rockwool and I am having great results so far. I dont use the Lucas or the bottles recipe I use the calculator on their website which is supreme. I never burn and I run the aggressive formula with recirculating hardwater.

If yu have not been to the website do it now. It is perfect. I checked ph. 5.8. I run the ppms like they suggest. No ph adjust needed thanks to gh.

For rockwool I was using 4x4x4 cubes stacked on each other and for the next round I am using 6x6x6 blocks and have them stacked on each other. I would use a mat but I got a deal on blocks and I like to rotate my plants.

It seems like gh was made for rockwool. It buffers perfect. I shit you not. For the first time I had no burns at all!

The only porb is to be on spot with top offs. I mean make sure to keep adding water or else the ppms will in fact burn. Use yer ppm meter.

Lucas is a good thread tho. I was using it but I got some premature green in flower so I just do what gh suggest on the website. It is better than the bottles for me.

I am not an expert but it looks good to me. I am getting better. I also add h202 and liquid karma which is like two gh products in one. THe diamond nectar and the other one whos name I forget. Lq is awesome.


Well-Known Member
hey tea tree i visited gh. site last night & youre right it is the shit still using drain to waste program flooded yesterday ''mild growth program'' plants near 1ft. & nice deep green color runt plant caught up to others [i have 9] everything is ''programming'' i'm not advanced enough to try a bunch of fancy shit that i just might screw up gonna roll with tried & true stuff i do however like the stacking the blocks idea & im gonna bo either that or put down a mat by the next time i flood theyre growing fast


Well-Known Member
hey tea tree my tapwater has ppm. of 70&ph. is 6.7-7.1 & stays pretty consistant was considering hardwater micro but didnt think i needed it


Well-Known Member
I would advise using their product Diamond Nectar, especially during vegetative phase. The fulvic acid will help break down the elements into a more absorbable form. This will help your plants uptake what it is they need and make them hardier. Don't overthink it. Plants are relatively simple. If they're showing signs of nutrient deficiency it will be obvious. If too much nutrient, also very easy to spot. Make sure your pH is between 5.5-5.8 for rockwool, keep the ppm's where they should be and you'll be fine.


i put my clones in rockwool 6'' blocks 4 days ago using g-h flora series nutes plants look perky & reaching toward light but getting a hint of yellowing on leaves[lt.green-yellow] due to flood again in 3 days used seedling feeding schedule on g-h. chart plants 8'' tall should i advance to mild growth schedule on next feeding??? they look hungry :leaf:
When my plants were small i started with the flora and at first i was a little high with the nutes but once they got bigger i couldn't give them enough, for aggresive grow it called for 1440 ppm and i was getting nute deff I'm up to 1600ppm now and all look good, btw Im dwc.....Just go to the website and click on the calculator :weed:Makepeace