The effects of heroine, losing a friend


Active Member
I had an extremely shitty day today. my girlfriend and I were woken up at 8am to her brother telling us his and her best friend overdosed on heroine last night. It was such a shock to us, we knew he had a problem but he had been clean for 3 weeks. he goes out for drinks last night and lost control. when someone stops doing heroine and starts again their heart is weak and can't handle the drug... I've only known him 7 months, my girlfriend and her brother knew him for almost 13 years. He was so talented and had so many good qualities.

I cant understand how weed can be illeagal when it has so many positive uses. then you compare it to heroine, that drug causes so much pain and sadness. I can only think of the heartless dealer profiting from my friends death, and how many other peoples lives he's destroyed... How come so much money, time, and effort is wasted on locking up people who have or sell pot when things like this are out there killing people, destroying lives and families. it makes me so frustrated, we now have to live with this void in our lives


Well-Known Member
i am so sorry to hear about your loss :( *hugs*

death is one of the hardest parts of life i think, be strong and try to smile


That's fuckin sad. I'm sorry to hear that. To answer your question though, weed is illegal so the rich can get richer off of the drug laws. Sad isnt it.


Active Member
Dude i kno wat you're going thru. 2 of my buddys are fucked up on h man. one ODed on new years and almost died. he still uses h. and now my other friend is in detox and goin to jail for maybe 10 years for drug charges.

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
Sorry for your loss. Truly. I've lost a friend to Heroin too. Almost lost myself to it a time or two. Some people choose that road, and its painful to watch. Heroin addiction is something few people get over, trust me, its hard to quit.

Weed laws have absolutely NOTHING to do with whats right.


New Member
I had an extremely shitty day today. my girlfriend and I were woken up at 8am to her brother telling us his and her best friend overdosed on heroine last night. It was such a shock to us, we knew he had a problem but he had been clean for 3 weeks. he goes out for drinks last night and lost control. when someone stops doing heroine and starts again their heart is weak and can't handle the drug... I've only known him 7 months, my girlfriend and her brother knew him for almost 13 years. He was so talented and had so many good qualities.

I cant understand how weed can be illeagal when it has so many positive uses. then you compare it to heroine, that drug causes so much pain and sadness. I can only think of the heartless dealer profiting from my friends death, and how many other peoples lives he's destroyed... How come so much money, time, and effort is wasted on locking up people who have or sell pot when things like this are out there killing people, destroying lives and families. it makes me so frustrated, we now have to live with this void in our lives

Have No Doubt He Passed On.


Have No Doubt Why Ganja Is no longer Good, eh?

Shut Up And Vote



Active Member
Dude i kno wat you're going thru. 2 of my buddys are fucked up on h man. one ODed on new years and almost died. he still uses h. and now my other friend is in detox and goin to jail for maybe 10 years for drug charges.
im sorry to hear that.. the pain this has caused everyone we know is unmeasurable... my girlfriend hasnt stopped crying since yesterday morning its horrible. there is nothing you can do when a persons hooked like that, they have to choose themselves and have the will to overcome it. do everything you can to help the people you love, because loosing someone to this is rediculous..


Active Member
im sorry to hear that.. the pain this has caused everyone we know is unmeasurable... my girlfriend hasnt stopped crying since yesterday morning its horrible. there is nothing you can do when a persons hooked like that, they have to choose themselves and have the will to overcome it. do everything you can to help the people you love, because loosing someone to this is rediculous..
yea 6 months ago i ODed on X two days in a row. and on the second time waking up in the hospital i knew i had to do something and i went to treatment 2 weeks later and complete a month and half inpatient and havent done any hard drugs since! i feel free now its amazing!