Terrorizer's Organic Grow


Well-Known Member
Yea, I mean it's been working fine for me why change something that works, right?

I would still like a good write up or explanation to as of why it's not necassary.


Well-Known Member
On the left I have a purple extreme cut it's a cross between purple urkel and xxx Skunk, middle Skunk #1, Right G-13, and the pot with nothing is a germinated mango seed i'm experimenting with i'm waiting on it to sprout :bigjoint:

i cant wait to c how purple turn it out


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I think with our line of nutes Terror, that checking the solution is not needed. I don't mess with the pH anymore and my plants are just loving it.

I can tell you WHY pH IS important. Sure you already know that roots cant uptake certain nutes if pH is all out of whack. Which is why UncleBen said that unless the water you are using has a funky pH...you should be fine. He's right. Seen many people not worry about pH and come out with wonderful plants. Then when they did start to play with pH, their plants got better.

Then again, the first place I start looking when a plant has problems is the pH...as well as most people. Almost every time I have some kind of def issue pop up...its due to pH.


Well-Known Member
what happend to the updates???
Yeah! WTF?! :?:

By the way, when it comes to that hut you wanna buy... I honestly think you could build a better one (out of some framing and panda film) for cheaper. I saw a REALLY good thread on a DIY tent a few days ago. I have been trying to find it again ever since.

If/when I do I will shoot you the link. The thing was bad ass to be totally honest. Looked completely professional, and he was able to customize it to his needs.

I think in total he spent less than $100 to build it. Frame, film, zippers, Velcro, and some kind of plastic air vent for intake...done. Not exactly sure what it was (the vent).


Well-Known Member
Yeah! WTF?! :?:

By the way, when it comes to that hut you wanna buy... I honestly think you could build a better one (out of some framing and panda film) for cheaper. I saw a REALLY good thread on a DIY tent a few days ago. I have been trying to find it again ever since.

If/when I do I will shoot you the link. The thing was bad ass to be totally honest. Looked completely professional, and he was able to customize it to his needs.

I think in total he spent less than $100 to build it. Frame, film, zippers, Velcro, and some kind of plastic air vent for intake...done. Not exactly sure what it was (the vent).
u better find that link quick, cuz hes fixin to buy a tent from ebay in less than a week


Well-Known Member
I know man, I know. I would hate to see him buy the one he is talking about. Cheaper tents like that usually have light leak issues etc.


Well-Known Member
What up, yo the auction is actually about to end in 20 mins so i'm going to buy it and see how it is I guess i'll be the guinea pig since Geff is considering the same tent.

Hey statik i'm still stuck on what I should do for ventilation.
I'm thinking I want to try a 4" inline and see how it goes, but then i'm thinking I might aswell buy a 6"
I'm confused at how this setup will work as this will be my first tent.


Well-Known Member
Try the 4", if it isnt enough then sell it/keep it and upgrade to a 6". That's what I would do. Have someone zip you up in the tent when you get it and look for light leaks. Then fix them (if any) accordingly..duct tape fixes everything!

Terror, temp thread jack..just updated my thread. believe I am 9 day behind you. Let me know what you think.

Off to :joint: and then dye my wifes hair..kinda gay I know...but I'll make her pay for it. :idea:


Active Member
Yeah, I think with our line of nutes Terror, that checking the solution is not needed. I don't mess with the pH anymore and my plants are just loving it.

I can tell you WHY pH IS important. Sure you already know that roots cant uptake certain nutes if pH is all out of whack. Which is why UncleBen said that unless the water you are using has a funky pH...you should be fine. He's right. Seen many people not worry about pH and come out with wonderful plants. Then when they did start to play with pH, their plants got better.

Then again, the first place I start looking when a plant has problems is the pH...as well as most people. Almost every time I have some kind of def issue pop up...its due to pH.
Hey STatik and Terror, Did you guys every figure the PH out? I just got a set of the GO line and I spoke with a GH rep and he told me not to adjust the PH because the plant does it in the root zone. I was also told to water with nutes every other watering even though right now im using advanced nutrients and feeding every watering and have always had great results. Are you doing any of that or what? Im about to switch into GO and am curious, dont want to ruin my plants.


Active Member
What up, yo the auction is actually about to end in 20 mins so i'm going to buy it and see how it is I guess i'll be the guinea pig since Geff is considering the same tent.

Hey statik i'm still stuck on what I should do for ventilation.
I'm thinking I want to try a 4" inline and see how it goes, but then i'm thinking I might aswell buy a 6"
I'm confused at how this setup will work as this will be my first tent.
4" Inline, ive always used them...Tried a 6 and it was just 2 loud.


Well-Known Member
Hey Anbesol,

I also called GH and they told me to adjust the PH of the nute solution i'm very confused about this because some say adjust and some say there is no need to adjust. I did run into a few issues with a couple of my plants yellowing due to lack of Nitrogen.. When I added a shot of N they got nute burn. This is my first time using the GO line so I think I got it figuered out for my next run. I'm still not sure wether it's necessary to adjust the PH or not.


Well-Known Member
Hey Anbesol,

I also called GH and they told me to adjust the PH of the nute solution i'm very confused about this because some say adjust and some say there is no need to adjust. I did run into a few issues with a couple of my plants yellowing due to lack of Nitrogen.. When I added a shot of N they got nute burn. This is my first time using the GO line so I think I got it figuered out for my next run. I'm still not sure wether it's necessary to adjust the PH or not.
Whats crak'n Terrorizer ? ive been here check'n you out and cant be more impressed, look here when you say you give your girls a shot of nitrogen what is it you are giving them?is it simply giving them a shot of grow nutes or something else?


Active Member
Hey Anbesol,

I also called GH and they told me to adjust the PH of the nute solution i'm very confused about this because some say adjust and some say there is no need to adjust. I did run into a few issues with a couple of my plants yellowing due to lack of Nitrogen.. When I added a shot of N they got nute burn. This is my first time using the GO line so I think I got it figuered out for my next run. I'm still not sure wether it's necessary to adjust the PH or not.

Sup Terror? I would Ph as much as possible before adding the nutes. I always have stablized low ph'd water and a stablized higher ph'd water that I blend to try and get the 6.8 for the organic soil im useing. I guess if the plant ph's in the soil, it would make since to me to ph as much as possible before adding the liquid to the media so the root zone wouldnt have to ork as hard to get the "butter Range" of 6.8-7 for soil. IDK though, Im baked.