aeroponics cloner no timer what can i do>>>


Well-Known Member
i have a 18 site homemade aeroponics cloner but i dont have a timer can i leave this unit on for a few hours at a tim or what other options do i have any help would be helpful!!!!!i took cuts and put in it last night and now realize i dont have a F'ing timer


Well-Known Member
For cloning I believe its best to leave the pump running 24/7 on a 18/6 or 24/0 light schedule... If your plants are mature, I would say a pump schedule of 15 minutes on, 45 minutes off would be ideal. Thats the time schedule I use for my modified dwc aeroponic bucket grow. Im getting superior results :) Good luck :)


Well-Known Member
i bought a cloner and just love it, i was useing a dome for clones 85 - 90 % sucsess rate, got the cloner not one wilted, love it . turn it on 24/7 while clones are in it.


Well-Known Member
i put cloning solution in my water, and use cloning jel as well, it took about a week and roots were hanging


Well-Known Member
i put the right dosage of cloning sloution in the cloner on the day i took the cuts do i need to change it already