Trimming your plants during flowering good or bad?


Well-Known Member
As an experiment, on my last plant, I cut fan leaves off during veg and during flowering when I noticed that they were shading parts of the plant... I didn't use nutes, only soil, water, and cfls. Everything still happened the way it should have. I was suprised that it still turned out to be female, and then never hermied. I was sure the stress of lots of leaves being removed would hermie it, but it didn't. Anyway, the plant survived just fine, and looked/smoked great. One problem was that the dry weight of the buds from the whole plant was less than an ounce. It could have had something to do with not using nutes the whole grow, and growing with CFLs, but I was happy with what I got from the experiment.

So, it is possible to do it, and still produce good buds, but cutting will def. stunt growth, reduce the size of the buds, and could cause it to hermie. The leaves are the powerhouse of the plant. Whether growing HPS or not, if a leaf if shading a part of the plant you need light to, just add a cfl there to help out. Not a bad idea, but it is just one idea...

Sir Psycho Sexy

Well-Known Member
direct light to nugs makes them bigger.. undeniable. But yes trimming fan leaves does take away energy from the plant as a whole which is why i trim once during early flower and after that only tie back leaves that are directly blocking light to buds
As an experiment, on my last plant, I cut fan leaves off during veg and during flowering when I noticed that they were shading parts of the plant... I didn't use nutes, only soil, water, and cfls. Everything still happened the way it should have. I was suprised that it still turned out to be female, and then never hermied. I was sure the stress of lots of leaves being removed would hermie it, but it didn't. Anyway, the plant survived just fine, and looked/smoked great. One problem was that the dry weight of the buds from the whole plant was less than an ounce. It could have had something to do with not using nutes the whole grow, and growing with CFLs, but I was happy with what I got from the experiment.

So, it is possible to do it, and still produce good buds, but cutting will def. stunt growth, reduce the size of the buds, and could cause it to hermie. The leaves are the powerhouse of the plant. Whether growing HPS or not, if a leaf if shading a part of the plant you need light to, just add a cfl there to help out. Not a bad idea, but it is just one idea...
Nice idea don't trim just add a CFL!!:bigjoint: Keep it in mind...


Well-Known Member
I previosly took all my fan leaves and alot of other because they where burnt and im still seeing growth and the past few days shes been swelling so :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
dont ever chop em, ed rosenthal isnt god guys, just cuz he wrote something doesnt make it true. tuck your fan leaves down if you really feel it will help, the reason the 2nd layer of the canopy doesnt get as big is cuz it doesnt get as much light, add side lighting, problem solved.


Well-Known Member
thanx DD, i HATE having to say that all the time, no one thinks it real talk neither! :lol: they will learn. i did. they r the engine to ur plants, can ur car cruize with no engine???
My friend trims some of his leafs, it's just the way he learned it and won't change it. He grows some crazy chronic to but just to set in his ways.. What ever floats your boat i guess. Some don't learn to they try it first hand.. Thanks again...