Two Obamas?


Well-Known Member
the problem with the "no they wouldnt" thinking is, we are talking logically about illogical people.

seriously, the guy sat and looked larry king in the eye and said "we dont have any homosexuals in my country". and he damn sure wasnt kidding. he actually believes it. that is insane. he doesnt think in linear thought. he is a fucking nutjob.

and i dont think isreal is ready to live with someone who says his whole goal is to blow them to smithereens. they have already been to that concert and it didnt turn out to good. now jews have the power to take care of the problem and i believe they fully intend to excercise it.

my biggest fear is if/when isreal pulls the trigger, what will bamster do? i am not so sure he would be on the right side, with isreal. that is a fucking scary proposition.

scary times indeed.

is this what you mean? he didnt say "we dont have any homosexuals in my country" in this interview. actually what he said was alot worse . hell yeah theres human rights problems over there. theres human rights violations EVERYWHERE and on a grander scale than iran's homosexual population. smoke and mirrors.


Active Member
the problem with the "no they wouldnt" thinking is, we are talking logically about illogical people.

seriously, the guy sat and looked larry king in the eye and said "we dont have any homosexuals in my country". and he damn sure wasnt kidding. he actually believes it. that is insane. he doesnt think in linear thought. he is a fucking nutjob.

and i dont think isreal is ready to live with someone who says his whole goal is to blow them to smithereens. they have already been to that concert and it didnt turn out to good. now jews have the power to take care of the problem and i believe they fully intend to excercise it.

my biggest fear is if/when isreal pulls the trigger, what will bamster do? i am not so sure he would be on the right side, with isreal. that is a fucking scary proposition.

scary times indeed.
They're quite rational actually. And speaking of irrationality, invading iraq wasn't the most rational thing to do and not just in retrospect, but whatever....that's old news.

And he's right, they don't have any open homosexuals in iran...because they hang them from cranes. I'm sure a lot of conservatives over here are envious.

Israel has lived surrounded by people who want to blow them to smithereens for 60 years. They're called arabs. As long as we keep the money and the weapons pumping through the pipeline, Israel can handle itself just fine. So far, their cost-benefit analysis for attacking Iran doesn't seem to be favoring an attack just yet... and until iran can miniaturize it's nukes (which they don't even have yet...) to put them on missiles and build better missiles to be able to deliver them, that isn't going to change.

I know you guys want yourselves a new war since the ones we're currently in are starting to get a bit boring, but attacking iran isn't the way to go. Trust me on this one....


the problem with the "no they wouldnt" thinking is, we are talking logically about illogical people.
What do you base this on? You don't know the man personally. Are you just going off of what you've heard?

And again, don't take this personally, and that goes for anyone it may include, but I'd personally consider an illogical person to be someone with any religious faith. The point is, we all have different opinions of illogical, and while you and I might believe a lot of the shit he, or indeed almost any political figure, says is insane, there are plenty who don't, which is why he's where he is now. Not to mention the rigged elections in today's world where it doesn't even matter if everyone did believe he was actually insane.

seriously, the guy sat and looked larry king in the eye and said "we dont have any homosexuals in my country". and he damn sure wasnt kidding. he actually believes it. that is insane. he doesnt think in linear thought. he is a fucking nutjob.
I could go get a dozen different clips right now of American politicians making some of the stupidest claims ever.

Obama's "57th state" remark...

Palins statements about fruit fly research and how God is on America's side in the war on terror...

McCains "bomb bomb bomb Iran" comment...

Reid's racist comments...

all of them say stupid shit. A lot of it has to be taken in the right context, a lot of it is simply retarded shit that sounds absolutely insane...

and i dont think isreal is ready to live with someone who says his whole goal is to blow them to smithereens. they have already been to that concert and it didnt turn out to good. now jews have the power to take care of the problem and i believe they fully intend to excercise it.

my biggest fear is if/when isreal pulls the trigger, what will bamster do? i am not so sure he would be on the right side, with isreal. that is a fucking scary proposition.

scary times indeed.
Dude, you must be joking. If Israel launched any kind of aggressive attack against Iran, the US would be on the side of Israel. There is absolutely no doubt about that at all, in anyone's mind.

jeff f

New Member
What do you base this on? You don't know the man personally. Are you just going off of what you've heard?

And again, don't take this personally, and that goes for anyone it may include, but I'd personally consider an illogical person to be someone with any religious faith. The point is, we all have different opinions of illogical, and while you and I might believe a lot of the shit he, or indeed almost any political figure, says is insane, there are plenty who don't, which is why he's where he is now. Not to mention the rigged elections in today's world where it doesn't even matter if everyone did believe he was actually insane.

I could go get a dozen different clips right now of American politicians making some of the stupidest claims ever.

Obama's "57th state" remark...

Palins statements about fruit fly research and how God is on America's side in the war on terror...

McCains "bomb bomb bomb Iran" comment...

Reid's racist comments...

all of them say stupid shit. A lot of it has to be taken in the right context, a lot of it is simply retarded shit that sounds absolutely insane...

Dude, you must be joking. If Israel launched any kind of aggressive attack against Iran, the US would be on the side of Israel. There is absolutely no doubt about that at all, in anyone's mind.
yes. you are right. iran is just kidding. good luck with that.:dunce:

talk to the students that are getting their faces kicked in by the army. yep nothin to see there.......


yes. you are right. iran is just kidding. good luck with that.:dunce:

talk to the students that are getting their faces kicked in by the army. yep nothin to see there.......

The real question is;

At the current moment, do you feel there is enough evidence to justify a preemptive aggressive attack against Iran from either Israel or the United States? (via the Bush Doctrine)

Yes or no?

After that, the next question would be;

How would an act of aggression from Israel or the United States benefit the civilians of Iran or the American people?

Take your time.

Illegal Smile

Had there been enough evidence in the eyes of the Bush admin they would have done it. I am concerned that even with overwhelming evidence, shouldthat come to pass which as I say I doubt, this admin would still not act. And THAT may make the problem worse not better.

My hopeful scenario of the mullahs crumbling and Iran becoming a security pillar, happens with the very real threat of force hanging over their heads. To the extent that threat is removed by those who think they are for peace, the real chance of peace declines.