Shit i gotta hit the bong


Active Member
Oh for sure I'll hold my shit in while rolling a joint just so I can start my day off right.
yea sumtimes ill have to take a shit and ill hold it so i can pack the bowl,

then take a hit, take a shit, then finish my bowl

lol its relaxing and a good way to start off the day LOL your corrrect:bigjoint:

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
Great thread, i wondered how many others hold it in while packing it, or in my case, filling up a bag with vapor. Plus, i think the smell of herb is way better than the smell of shit. Its like an air freshener. Its inconsiderate to the next bathroom user if you dont smoke a bowl, i think.


Active Member
Great thread, i wondered how many others hold it in while packing it, or in my case, filling up a bag with vapor. Plus, i think the smell of herb is way better than the smell of shit. Its like an air freshener. Its inconsiderate to the next bathroom user if you dont smoke a bowl, i think.
haha yea i dont no about that last part but i agree with smelling the smoke smell than your own shit lol :leaf:


Well-Known Member
when I just started smokeing, I used to get a shit as soon as ilit up a spliff... just seems to relax all inside.


Active Member
just tried it. took to a hit that was too fat and started coughing and splattered liquidy chunks all over while i coughed. didnt go as planned but ill give it another shot tomorrow


Active Member
Update: If you read my post from yesterday then you know that my first attempt at pooping whilst smoking went totally haywire, most likely due to lack of fiber (hence the watery feces) and accidentally taking a hit that was to large for this particular scenario (resulting in a simultaneous coughing fit/diahrea esque splatter on my porcelin). But alas, i have vowed to try again as quitters never win and winners never quit and what good is a man if he is not a man of his word. I'm very pleased to report to you all that attempt #2 was a dazzling success. It began as i awoke early this morning, determined to spawn a large, hearty poop. The kind of poop that requires time and patience. After waking I devoured two english muffins, a bowl of cereal with added fruit and almonds, 2 poptarts, a pillsbury toaster stroodle, and a nice beef tamale. I was completely full and i was eager to believe that a massive brown stinky dump was on its way to conception. It should be mentioned that in between breakfast and lunch i had a slight bout with gas but my sphincter did not give in as i was committed to let the fecal beast grow until it would be born later in the afternoon. Also, it should be mentioned that i did not smoke at all until the event as i wanted to maximize the ambiance of the smoking/birthing process. As for lunch, a chipotle burritto was eaten with haste along with chips and guacomole. Yes, guacomole. Now it was time for the waiting game. And the wait was unbearable but not too long in retrospect. Roughly two and a half hours later i could hold in my wretched conglomerate of brown matter no longer and it was go time. do or die. This was it. I had a bowl of some freshly ground Green Crack with kief on it filled to the brim waiting anxiously for me next to the toilet. I plopped down and felt as if the whole world was watching me, even though i was home alone... The feeling might be described as sitting on the 50 yard line of a football stadium perched on a toilet with no one in the stands. As i sparked the bowl, i squeezed with trememdous effort. Actually, i began excreting a few seconds before i started inhaling so the shitting and smoking experience could peak simultaneously in elegance. And let me tell you this is exactly what happened. To those of you who have yet to try this so. and do so with pride! for it is an experience not soon to be forgotten.


Active Member
Update: If you read my post from yesterday then you know that my first attempt at pooping whilst smoking went totally haywire, most likely due to lack of fiber (hence the watery feces) and accidentally taking a hit that was to large for this particular scenario (resulting in a simultaneous coughing fit/diahrea esque splatter on my porcelin). But alas, i have vowed to try again as quitters never win and winners never quit and what good is a man if he is not a man of his word. I'm very pleased to report to you all that attempt #2 was a dazzling success. It began as i awoke early this morning, determined to spawn a large, hearty poop. The kind of poop that requires time and patience. After waking I devoured two english muffins, a bowl of cereal with added fruit and almonds, 2 poptarts, a pillsbury toaster stroodle, and a nice beef tamale. I was completely full and i was eager to believe that a massive brown stinky dump was on its way to conception. It should be mentioned that in between breakfast and lunch i had a slight bout with gas but my sphincter did not give in as i was committed to let the fecal beast grow until it would be born later in the afternoon. Also, it should be mentioned that i did not smoke at all until the event as i wanted to maximize the ambiance of the smoking/birthing process. As for lunch, a chipotle burritto was eaten with haste along with chips and guacomole. Yes, guacomole. Now it was time for the waiting game. And the wait was unbearable but not too long in retrospect. Roughly two and a half hours later i could hold in my wretched conglomerate of brown matter no longer and it was go time. do or die. This was it. I had a bowl of some freshly ground Green Crack with kief on it filled to the brim waiting anxiously for me next to the toilet. I plopped down and felt as if the whole world was watching me, even though i was home alone... The feeling might be described as sitting on the 50 yard line of a football stadium perched on a toilet with no one in the stands. As i sparked the bowl, i squeezed with trememdous effort. Actually, i began excreting a few seconds before i started inhaling so the shitting and smoking experience could peak simultaneously in elegance. And let me tell you this is exactly what happened. To those of you who have yet to try this so. and do so with pride! for it is an experience not soon to be forgotten.
wow man lol this is funny


Well-Known Member
lol. this is hilarious. Nah I haven't tried that yet but ill have to... thatd be nice and relaxing