headshop employment!


Active Member
Hey guys:bigjoint:
Im freshly 18 basically and I have known in the back of my head that I need to get a job (especially to support my hobby:leaf:)for a long time... but I haven't really been serious when saying "I'm lookin" or "I can't find one, times are rough"

BUT NOW THINGS CHANGE. I'm kicking myself in the ass, I decided its time for a job. Let's see, pot is obviously a huge interest of mine, and I love art. Headshops are full of art.
My area has 3 headshops that I know of, and they are all within 1 or 2 blocks of eachother. The city is awesome, I have met the most unique people there. The buildings, the nights, the lights, ahhhhh HMMMMMMMM I LOVE IT

Everytime I set foot in that city it's like "I'm home"

Problem is, I am worried they wont hire me being 18 and all... or will they? I would love for anyone who could give me their job description or (a) job description.

Like, what do you do on your shift, how often are people hired, how large is the average staff size... (just trying to fig out my chances of being hired)

Thanks for ya help fellow stoners.;-)
The best way really is to just be friendly with the people who work there. i asked around the shops where i live and they said the best way is if you are friends with someone who work there. id say head shops are the furthest from a traditionally run business. i'd say just go in there and tell em what you are looking for, a job you LOVE.
The best way really is to just be friendly with the people who work there. i asked around the shops where i live and they said the best way is if you are friends with someone who work there. id say head shops are the furthest from a traditionally run business. i'd say just go in there and tell em what you are looking for, a job you LOVE.


I mean how do you think they came to work there? You HAVE to LOVE herb to deal with the tools and devices used to consume it, and your dealing with POTHEADS all fucking day so you MUST have a passion.

I'd love to work at a headshop, I helping people out with their passion, and for most people coming into a headshop to pick up a $80 + piece you must spend a good amount of time toking it up

I'd just be forward with it, tell them your situation, how old do you look? I'm sure it would hurt a smoke shops image if some kid that looks like hes 15 is trying to sell people pipes, you know? Most people look down on the young tokers because it's mostly those young tokers that give herb a bad rep (Potheads, lazy trouble making teenagers etc.)

As I mentioned in a previous thread, I look 4-5 years younger than I actually am, which will really only pay off when im about 30 but these days people are utterly shocked when I tell them how old I am... It sucks but it's life.
Man i got some homies that own a shop out here, your best bet is to go to the shop alot for the next year, get tight with them, buy glass, show them your intrest and maybe at that point you will get a job there. But honestly those kind of jobs are usually kept for homies, so if you want it you got start chillin there and become homies with them.
Man i got some homies that own a shop out here, your best bet is to go to the shop alot for the next year, get tight with them, buy glass, show them your intrest and maybe at that point you will get a job there. But honestly those kind of jobs are usually kept for homies, so if you want it you got start chillin there and become homies with them.

This is a little off topic but it's been bothering me, at rollitup, everytime it comes to headshops and glass deals / finding herb connects and now its about working there, people instruct you to go to the shop and "hang out" to get tight with the people

Heres the problem I have with this, your using them. Right? Like any logical person would understand that if you went into a headshop, start a conversation, don't really come in there for buisness but start chattin it up your looking to use their friendship for your personal gain? I mean the shops here its a 4 foot glass counter all the way around the shop, the nice glass is behind the counter up high, pipes are inside the displays, and the people working behind the case are 5 feet from you and are allways buisy with helping people out or whatever. Not really a place your supposed to chill out in.

Like the people who work at headshops have never wanted anything to do with me, I'm a customer, they're hoping I can take some shit off their hands for some cash, they don't want to talk to me about anything but that and I would seem HELLA fake if I walked in there like, "This is a nice piece, I like this and this, what about you? Okay see you later. Peace - - - next day same shit " by the third day I'm sure they'd be like, "Look, your nice and everything, but I'm working right now, if your not going to buy anything get the fuck out, your wasting my time, I don't need any new friends especially with someone I just met, and it's more profitable for you to be friends with me than not so I feel uncomfortable making connections at my place of work"
This is a little off topic but it's been bothering me, at rollitup, everytime it comes to headshops and glass deals / finding herb connects and now its about working there, people instruct you to go to the shop and "hang out" to get tight with the people

Heres the problem I have with this, your using them. Right? Like any logical person would understand that if you went into a headshop, start a conversation, don't really come in there for buisness but start chattin it up your looking to use their friendship for your personal gain? I mean the shops here its a 4 foot glass counter all the way around the shop, the nice glass is behind the counter up high, pipes are inside the displays, and the people working behind the case are 5 feet from you and are allways buisy with helping people out or whatever. Not really a place your supposed to chill out in.

Like the people who work at headshops have never wanted anything to do with me, I'm a customer, they're hoping I can take some shit off their hands for some cash, they don't want to talk to me about anything but that and I would seem HELLA fake if I walked in there like, "This is a nice piece, I like this and this, what about you? Okay see you later. Peace - - - next day same shit " by the third day I'm sure they'd be like, "Look, your nice and everything, but I'm working right now, if your not going to buy anything get the fuck out, your wasting my time, I don't need any new friends especially with someone I just met, and it's more profitable for you to be friends with me than not so I feel uncomfortable making connections at my place of work"

I def agree you are using them, but im saying if he ever wants to get a job with them he is going to have to get to know them. They arnt going to hire someone they dont know when they have 10 homies just waiting for a job there.

I did say in my previous post to buy glass, of course if you arnt ever buying anything they are going to tell you to stop bothering them. They key is though if he buys glass from them and establishes a good relationship he has a better chance.

The way i got homies with these guys is buy going to there shop, granted i have bought alot of glass from there shop over the past few years, either way though now im homies with them and kick it with them outside the shop all the time, i go into the shop to just bullshit and look all the time, talk about conspiracy and shit. I didnt become friends with these guys in hopes of getting a job, infact working at a head shop would be fun but its never had to much of an intrest for me.

All im saying is the only chance this kid has of getting a job at a shop is A) either one of his friends opens a shop. Or B) he somehow befriends someone who owns/works for a shop.
All the advice I've heard so far has been laughable. I know you're 18 but come on, what kind of serious money do you think is going to be headed your way working in a head shop? And please, no disrespect to anyone that does. All I'm sayin' is that is most likely, you're going to be offered minimum wage, and even though it might beat some jobs out there, you'll probably end up bored of it at some point. If this sort of thing is what truly floats your boat, then make sure to stress that part of it in your interview.
Be a pot dealer? Most rewarding job for your interests...

Dealing pot sucks! I absolutely hated it back in the day, always have to be at everyones beck and call, just have people stopping by randomly, not to mention it only takes one stupid fuck to get caught with a bag and to fuck you over.

Now days all a cop has to do is pull out the kids phone, look through the texts, if there is anything saying hey man can i get a bag, or got green, etc. your fucked.
Dealing pot sucks! I absolutely hated it back in the day, always have to be at everyones beck and call, just have people stopping by randomly, not to mention it only takes one stupid fuck to get caught with a bag and to fuck you over.

Now days all a cop has to do is pull out the kids phone, look through the texts, if there is anything saying hey man can i get a bag, or got green, etc. your fucked.

yeah fuck dealing. in my town cops really dont like dealers. well, new dealers...they want you to buy from the dudes who pay them to keep it cool. Dude just got locked up last night actually. shits not good