best places to take my cutting without fukkin up my plant


Well-Known Member
K so I have decided to keep this TGA 3D as a mom. I topped it early to get 4 main branches. Now do I cut off the mains and use them or the new shoots comin outta the lower nodes? If I cut the mains then that will induce more shoots but I have done this in the past and ended up wit a mangled mom. Any tips on keeping ur mom strong with plenty of cuttings?


unluss your intention is to top the plant man, i wouldn't cut the main colas, cut the newer branches that are clone worthy. dont be impatient and clone too early wither. just make sure they are atleast like 4 or 5 inches long


Well-Known Member
well people perfer to take the clone from the middle of the plant, thats where the ho-moans r the strongest.


New Member
they don't have to be that long I use anywhere from 3" to 6" cuttings, and yea cut the newest growth, the best place to get them for rooting is generally off the bottem of the plant, but cut above the "woody" parts, but you should have cloned the top, when you top'd it, they also are pretty quick to root.
hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
they don't have to be that long I use anywhere from 3" to 6" cuttings, and yea cut the newest growth, the best place to get them for rooting is generally off the bottem of the plant, but cut above the "woody" parts, but you should have cloned the top, when you top'd it, they also are pretty quick to root.
hope this helps.
ya i cloned it when i topped it... i only have 4 lower shoots that dont really look clone ready... im jus afraid if i take the lowers, new 1s wont take its place like when u cut it of the main stalk as it will induce more shoots(topping) but i dont wanna mangle my plant and end up with thin stems every where


Well-Known Member
You get a healthier clone taking it from the top.Bottom is wrong.Med growers me
thats what i was thinking but like i said, i did that to another mom and she ended up scragly... sure she has lots of shoots to cut from but none of them r thick and solid... all the thick and solid branches just harbour lil shoots that r thin and weak


Well-Known Member
you can take them from anywhere on the plant

i personally like to clone what i cut off when topping


Well-Known Member
k so heres a few pics of her... shes big enuff now eh??? now like i said, theres 4 tops and 4 lowers so which1s will be my best choice for my mother, not the clone as i know the tops r my best bet as far as the clones r concernered... my main objective is to keep a happy, healthy, strong mom

